[][src]Struct nrf52811_hal::pac::radio::RegisterBlock

#[repr(C)]pub struct RegisterBlock {
    pub tasks_txen: Reg<u32, _TASKS_TXEN>,
    pub tasks_rxen: Reg<u32, _TASKS_RXEN>,
    pub tasks_start: Reg<u32, _TASKS_START>,
    pub tasks_stop: Reg<u32, _TASKS_STOP>,
    pub tasks_disable: Reg<u32, _TASKS_DISABLE>,
    pub tasks_rssistart: Reg<u32, _TASKS_RSSISTART>,
    pub tasks_rssistop: Reg<u32, _TASKS_RSSISTOP>,
    pub tasks_bcstart: Reg<u32, _TASKS_BCSTART>,
    pub tasks_bcstop: Reg<u32, _TASKS_BCSTOP>,
    pub tasks_edstart: Reg<u32, _TASKS_EDSTART>,
    pub tasks_edstop: Reg<u32, _TASKS_EDSTOP>,
    pub tasks_ccastart: Reg<u32, _TASKS_CCASTART>,
    pub tasks_ccastop: Reg<u32, _TASKS_CCASTOP>,
    pub events_ready: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_READY>,
    pub events_address: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_ADDRESS>,
    pub events_payload: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_PAYLOAD>,
    pub events_end: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_END>,
    pub events_disabled: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_DISABLED>,
    pub events_devmatch: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_DEVMATCH>,
    pub events_devmiss: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_DEVMISS>,
    pub events_rssiend: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_RSSIEND>,
    pub events_bcmatch: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_BCMATCH>,
    pub events_crcok: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CRCOK>,
    pub events_crcerror: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CRCERROR>,
    pub events_framestart: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_FRAMESTART>,
    pub events_edend: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_EDEND>,
    pub events_edstopped: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_EDSTOPPED>,
    pub events_ccaidle: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CCAIDLE>,
    pub events_ccabusy: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CCABUSY>,
    pub events_ccastopped: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CCASTOPPED>,
    pub events_rateboost: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_RATEBOOST>,
    pub events_txready: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_TXREADY>,
    pub events_rxready: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_RXREADY>,
    pub events_mhrmatch: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_MHRMATCH>,
    pub events_phyend: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_PHYEND>,
    pub events_ctepresent: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CTEPRESENT>,
    pub shorts: Reg<u32, _SHORTS>,
    pub intenset: Reg<u32, _INTENSET>,
    pub intenclr: Reg<u32, _INTENCLR>,
    pub crcstatus: Reg<u32, _CRCSTATUS>,
    pub rxmatch: Reg<u32, _RXMATCH>,
    pub rxcrc: Reg<u32, _RXCRC>,
    pub dai: Reg<u32, _DAI>,
    pub pdustat: Reg<u32, _PDUSTAT>,
    pub ctestatus: Reg<u32, _CTESTATUS>,
    pub dfestatus: Reg<u32, _DFESTATUS>,
    pub packetptr: Reg<u32, _PACKETPTR>,
    pub frequency: Reg<u32, _FREQUENCY>,
    pub txpower: Reg<u32, _TXPOWER>,
    pub mode: Reg<u32, _MODE>,
    pub pcnf0: Reg<u32, _PCNF0>,
    pub pcnf1: Reg<u32, _PCNF1>,
    pub base0: Reg<u32, _BASE0>,
    pub base1: Reg<u32, _BASE1>,
    pub prefix0: Reg<u32, _PREFIX0>,
    pub prefix1: Reg<u32, _PREFIX1>,
    pub txaddress: Reg<u32, _TXADDRESS>,
    pub rxaddresses: Reg<u32, _RXADDRESSES>,
    pub crccnf: Reg<u32, _CRCCNF>,
    pub crcpoly: Reg<u32, _CRCPOLY>,
    pub crcinit: Reg<u32, _CRCINIT>,
    pub tifs: Reg<u32, _TIFS>,
    pub rssisample: Reg<u32, _RSSISAMPLE>,
    pub state: Reg<u32, _STATE>,
    pub datawhiteiv: Reg<u32, _DATAWHITEIV>,
    pub bcc: Reg<u32, _BCC>,
    pub dab: [Reg<u32, _DAB>; 8],
    pub dap: [Reg<u32, _DAP>; 8],
    pub dacnf: Reg<u32, _DACNF>,
    pub mhrmatchconf: Reg<u32, _MHRMATCHCONF>,
    pub mhrmatchmas: Reg<u32, _MHRMATCHMAS>,
    pub modecnf0: Reg<u32, _MODECNF0>,
    pub sfd: Reg<u32, _SFD>,
    pub edcnt: Reg<u32, _EDCNT>,
    pub edsample: Reg<u32, _EDSAMPLE>,
    pub ccactrl: Reg<u32, _CCACTRL>,
    pub dfemode: Reg<u32, _DFEMODE>,
    pub cteinlineconf: Reg<u32, _CTEINLINECONF>,
    pub dfectrl1: Reg<u32, _DFECTRL1>,
    pub dfectrl2: Reg<u32, _DFECTRL2>,
    pub switchpattern: Reg<u32, _SWITCHPATTERN>,
    pub clearpattern: Reg<u32, _CLEARPATTERN>,
    pub psel: PSEL,
    pub dfepacket: DFEPACKET,
    pub power: Reg<u32, _POWER>,
    // some fields omitted

Register block


tasks_txen: Reg<u32, _TASKS_TXEN>

0x00 - Enable RADIO in TX mode

tasks_rxen: Reg<u32, _TASKS_RXEN>

0x04 - Enable RADIO in RX mode

tasks_start: Reg<u32, _TASKS_START>

0x08 - Start RADIO

tasks_stop: Reg<u32, _TASKS_STOP>

0x0c - Stop RADIO

tasks_disable: Reg<u32, _TASKS_DISABLE>

0x10 - Disable RADIO

tasks_rssistart: Reg<u32, _TASKS_RSSISTART>

0x14 - Start the RSSI and take one single sample of the receive signal strength

tasks_rssistop: Reg<u32, _TASKS_RSSISTOP>

0x18 - Stop the RSSI measurement

tasks_bcstart: Reg<u32, _TASKS_BCSTART>

0x1c - Start the bit counter

tasks_bcstop: Reg<u32, _TASKS_BCSTOP>

0x20 - Stop the bit counter

tasks_edstart: Reg<u32, _TASKS_EDSTART>

0x24 - Start the energy detect measurement used in IEEE 802.15.4 mode

tasks_edstop: Reg<u32, _TASKS_EDSTOP>

0x28 - Stop the energy detect measurement

tasks_ccastart: Reg<u32, _TASKS_CCASTART>

0x2c - Start the clear channel assessment used in IEEE 802.15.4 mode

tasks_ccastop: Reg<u32, _TASKS_CCASTOP>

0x30 - Stop the clear channel assessment

events_ready: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_READY>

0x100 - RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started

events_address: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_ADDRESS>

0x104 - Address sent or received

events_payload: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_PAYLOAD>

0x108 - Packet payload sent or received

events_end: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_END>

0x10c - Packet sent or received

events_disabled: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_DISABLED>

0x110 - RADIO has been disabled

events_devmatch: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_DEVMATCH>

0x114 - A device address match occurred on the last received packet

events_devmiss: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_DEVMISS>

0x118 - No device address match occurred on the last received packet

events_rssiend: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_RSSIEND>

0x11c - Sampling of receive signal strength complete

events_bcmatch: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_BCMATCH>

0x128 - Bit counter reached bit count value

events_crcok: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CRCOK>

0x130 - Packet received with CRC ok

events_crcerror: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CRCERROR>

0x134 - Packet received with CRC error

events_framestart: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_FRAMESTART>

0x138 - IEEE 802.15.4 length field received

events_edend: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_EDEND>

0x13c - Sampling of energy detection complete. A new ED sample is ready for readout from the RADIO.EDSAMPLE register

events_edstopped: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_EDSTOPPED>

0x140 - The sampling of energy detection has stopped

events_ccaidle: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CCAIDLE>

0x144 - Wireless medium in idle - clear to send

events_ccabusy: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CCABUSY>

0x148 - Wireless medium busy - do not send

events_ccastopped: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CCASTOPPED>

0x14c - The CCA has stopped

events_rateboost: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_RATEBOOST>

0x150 - Ble_LR CI field received, receive mode is changed from Ble_LR125Kbit to Ble_LR500Kbit.

events_txready: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_TXREADY>

0x154 - RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started TX path

events_rxready: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_RXREADY>

0x158 - RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started RX path

events_mhrmatch: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_MHRMATCH>

0x15c - MAC header match found

events_phyend: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_PHYEND>

0x16c - Generated when last bit is sent on air

events_ctepresent: Reg<u32, _EVENTS_CTEPRESENT>

0x170 - CTE is present (early warning right after receiving CTEInfo byte)

shorts: Reg<u32, _SHORTS>

0x200 - Shortcuts between local events and tasks

intenset: Reg<u32, _INTENSET>

0x304 - Enable interrupt

intenclr: Reg<u32, _INTENCLR>

0x308 - Disable interrupt

crcstatus: Reg<u32, _CRCSTATUS>

0x400 - CRC status

rxmatch: Reg<u32, _RXMATCH>

0x408 - Received address

rxcrc: Reg<u32, _RXCRC>

0x40c - CRC field of previously received packet

dai: Reg<u32, _DAI>

0x410 - Device address match index

pdustat: Reg<u32, _PDUSTAT>

0x414 - Payload status

ctestatus: Reg<u32, _CTESTATUS>

0x44c - CTEInfo parsed from received packet

dfestatus: Reg<u32, _DFESTATUS>

0x458 - DFE status information

packetptr: Reg<u32, _PACKETPTR>

0x504 - Packet pointer

frequency: Reg<u32, _FREQUENCY>

0x508 - Frequency

txpower: Reg<u32, _TXPOWER>

0x50c - Output power

mode: Reg<u32, _MODE>

0x510 - Data rate and modulation

pcnf0: Reg<u32, _PCNF0>

0x514 - Packet configuration register 0

pcnf1: Reg<u32, _PCNF1>

0x518 - Packet configuration register 1

base0: Reg<u32, _BASE0>

0x51c - Base address 0

base1: Reg<u32, _BASE1>

0x520 - Base address 1

prefix0: Reg<u32, _PREFIX0>

0x524 - Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 0-3

prefix1: Reg<u32, _PREFIX1>

0x528 - Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 4-7

txaddress: Reg<u32, _TXADDRESS>

0x52c - Transmit address select

rxaddresses: Reg<u32, _RXADDRESSES>

0x530 - Receive address select

crccnf: Reg<u32, _CRCCNF>

0x534 - CRC configuration

crcpoly: Reg<u32, _CRCPOLY>

0x538 - CRC polynomial

crcinit: Reg<u32, _CRCINIT>

0x53c - CRC initial value

tifs: Reg<u32, _TIFS>

0x544 - Interframe spacing in us

rssisample: Reg<u32, _RSSISAMPLE>

0x548 - RSSI sample

state: Reg<u32, _STATE>

0x550 - Current radio state

datawhiteiv: Reg<u32, _DATAWHITEIV>

0x554 - Data whitening initial value

bcc: Reg<u32, _BCC>

0x560 - Bit counter compare

dab: [Reg<u32, _DAB>; 8]

0x600 - Description collection: Device address base segment n

dap: [Reg<u32, _DAP>; 8]

0x620 - Description collection: Device address prefix n

dacnf: Reg<u32, _DACNF>

0x640 - Device address match configuration

mhrmatchconf: Reg<u32, _MHRMATCHCONF>

0x644 - Search pattern configuration

mhrmatchmas: Reg<u32, _MHRMATCHMAS>

0x648 - Pattern mask

modecnf0: Reg<u32, _MODECNF0>

0x650 - Radio mode configuration register 0

sfd: Reg<u32, _SFD>

0x660 - IEEE 802.15.4 start of frame delimiter

edcnt: Reg<u32, _EDCNT>

0x664 - IEEE 802.15.4 energy detect loop count

edsample: Reg<u32, _EDSAMPLE>

0x668 - IEEE 802.15.4 energy detect level

ccactrl: Reg<u32, _CCACTRL>

0x66c - IEEE 802.15.4 clear channel assessment control

dfemode: Reg<u32, _DFEMODE>

0x900 - Whether to use Angle-of-Arrival (AOA) or Angle-of-Departure (AOD)

cteinlineconf: Reg<u32, _CTEINLINECONF>

0x904 - Configuration for CTE inline mode

dfectrl1: Reg<u32, _DFECTRL1>

0x910 - Various configuration for Direction finding

dfectrl2: Reg<u32, _DFECTRL2>

0x914 - Start offset for Direction finding

switchpattern: Reg<u32, _SWITCHPATTERN>

0x928 - GPIO patterns to be used for each antenna

clearpattern: Reg<u32, _CLEARPATTERN>

0x92c - Clear the GPIO pattern array for antenna control

psel: PSEL

0x930 - Unspecified

dfepacket: DFEPACKET

0x950 - DFE packet EasyDMA channel

power: Reg<u32, _POWER>

0xffc - Peripheral power control

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<Src, Dst> LosslessTryInto<Dst> for Src where
    Dst: LosslessTryFrom<Src>, 

impl<Src, Dst> LossyInto<Dst> for Src where
    Dst: LossyFrom<Src>, 

impl<T> Same<T> for T

type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.