1.34.0[][src]Trait nom::lib::std::convert::TryFrom

pub trait TryFrom<T> {
    type Error;
    fn try_from(value: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;

Simple and safe type conversions that may fail in a controlled way under some circumstances. It is the reciprocal of TryInto.

This is useful when you are doing a type conversion that may trivially succeed but may also need special handling. For example, there is no way to convert an [i64] into an [i32] using the From trait, because an [i64] may contain a value that an [i32] cannot represent and so the conversion would lose data. This might be handled by truncating the [i64] to an [i32] (essentially giving the [i64]'s value modulo i32::MAX) or by simply returning i32::MAX, or by some other method. The From trait is intended for perfect conversions, so the TryFrom trait informs the programmer when a type conversion could go bad and lets them decide how to handle it.

Generic Implementations

  • TryFrom<T> for U implies TryInto<U> for T
  • try_from is reflexive, which means that TryFrom<T> for T is implemented and cannot fail -- the associated Error type for calling T::try_from() on a value of type T is Infallible. When the ! type is stabilized Infallible and ! will be equivalent.

TryFrom<T> can be implemented as follows:

use std::convert::TryFrom;

struct GreaterThanZero(i32);

impl TryFrom<i32> for GreaterThanZero {
    type Error = &'static str;

    fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        if value <= 0 {
            Err("GreaterThanZero only accepts value superior than zero!")
        } else {


As described, [i32] implements TryFrom<[i64]>:

use std::convert::TryFrom;

let big_number = 1_000_000_000_000i64;
// Silently truncates `big_number`, requires detecting
// and handling the truncation after the fact.
let smaller_number = big_number as i32;
assert_eq!(smaller_number, -727379968);

// Returns an error because `big_number` is too big to
// fit in an `i32`.
let try_smaller_number = i32::try_from(big_number);

// Returns `Ok(3)`.
let try_successful_smaller_number = i32::try_from(3);

Associated Types

type Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

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Required methods

fn try_from(value: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>

Performs the conversion.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl TryFrom<i64> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i64) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<usize> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: usize) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for u16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<u16, <u16 as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u32> for NonZeroU32[src]

Attempts to convert u32 to NonZeroU32.

impl TryFrom<u64> for NonZeroU64[src]

Attempts to convert u64 to NonZeroU64.

impl TryFrom<u128> for u16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<u16, <u16 as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i16> for u64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i16) -> Result<u64, <u64 as TryFrom<i16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u64> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u64) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<u64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<usize> for i64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: usize) -> Result<i64, <i64 as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i64> for u128[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i64) -> Result<u128, <u128 as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i16> for usize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i16) -> Result<usize, <usize as TryFrom<i16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u32> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u32) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<u32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u128> for i32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<i32, <i32 as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i64> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i64) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u128> for NonZeroU128[src]

Attempts to convert u128 to NonZeroU128.

impl TryFrom<i64> for u16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i64) -> Result<u16, <u16 as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i32> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i32) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<i32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u128> for i128[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<i128, <i128 as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for u32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<u32, <u32 as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u32> for isize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u32) -> Result<isize, <isize as TryFrom<u32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u128> for i64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<i64, <i64 as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for u32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: isize) -> Result<u32, <u32 as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i16> for NonZeroI16[src]

Attempts to convert i16 to NonZeroI16.

impl TryFrom<u64> for i64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u64) -> Result<i64, <i64 as TryFrom<u64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u32> for u16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u32) -> Result<u16, <u16 as TryFrom<u32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for i16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<i16, <i16 as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl<'a, T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&'a [T]> for &'a [T; N][src]

impl TryFrom<u32> for usize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: u32) -> Result<usize, <usize as TryFrom<u32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for u16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: isize) -> Result<u16, <u16 as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u16> for i16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u16) -> Result<i16, <i16 as TryFrom<u16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for i16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: isize) -> Result<i16, <i16 as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<usize> for i16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: usize) -> Result<i16, <i16 as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u32> for i16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u32) -> Result<i16, <i16 as TryFrom<u32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u16> for isize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: u16) -> Result<isize, <isize as TryFrom<u16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u8> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u8) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<u8>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for u128[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: isize) -> Result<u128, <u128 as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u64> for u32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u64) -> Result<u32, <u32 as TryFrom<u64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for NonZeroIsize[src]

Attempts to convert isize to NonZeroIsize.

impl TryFrom<usize> for NonZeroUsize[src]

Attempts to convert usize to NonZeroUsize.

impl TryFrom<i32> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i32) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<i32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u16> for NonZeroU16[src]

Attempts to convert u16 to NonZeroU16.

impl TryFrom<i64> for i16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i64) -> Result<i16, <i16 as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for i32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: isize) -> Result<i32, <i32 as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u64> for i32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u64) -> Result<i32, <i32 as TryFrom<u64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<usize> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: usize) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for i128[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: isize) -> Result<i128, <i128 as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u64> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u64) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<u64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i8> for u32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i8) -> Result<u32, <u32 as TryFrom<i8>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u64> for i16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u64) -> Result<i16, <i16 as TryFrom<u64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: isize) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u128> for u32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<u32, <u32 as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<usize> for i128[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: usize) -> Result<i128, <i128 as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u32> for char[src]

impl TryFrom<i8> for usize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i8) -> Result<usize, <usize as TryFrom<i8>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i16> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i16) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<i16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for u128[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<u128, <u128 as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u16> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u16) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<u16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u64> for u16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u64) -> Result<u16, <u16 as TryFrom<u64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i32> for u128[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i32) -> Result<u128, <u128 as TryFrom<i32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i64> for u64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i64) -> Result<u64, <u64 as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u64> for usize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u64) -> Result<usize, <usize as TryFrom<u64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<usize> for u128[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: usize) -> Result<u128, <u128 as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u128> for u64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<u64, <u64 as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i16> for u128[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i16) -> Result<u128, <u128 as TryFrom<i16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u32> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u32) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<u32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for NonZeroI128[src]

Attempts to convert i128 to NonZeroI128.

impl TryFrom<i32> for u32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i32) -> Result<u32, <u32 as TryFrom<i32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u128> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i8> for u16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i8) -> Result<u16, <u16 as TryFrom<i8>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl<'_, T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&'_ [T]> for [T; N] where
    T: Copy

impl TryFrom<u128> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i32> for NonZeroI32[src]

Attempts to convert i32 to NonZeroI32.

impl TryFrom<isize> for i8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: isize) -> Result<i8, <i8 as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i64> for i32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i64) -> Result<i32, <i32 as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl<'a, T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&'a mut [T]> for &'a mut [T; N][src]

impl TryFrom<i32> for i16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i32) -> Result<i16, <i16 as TryFrom<i32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for u64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: isize) -> Result<u64, <u64 as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u8> for NonZeroU8[src]

Attempts to convert u8 to NonZeroU8.

impl TryFrom<i32> for usize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i32) -> Result<usize, <usize as TryFrom<i32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i16> for u16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i16) -> Result<u16, <u16 as TryFrom<i16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u16> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u16) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<u16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u64> for isize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u64) -> Result<isize, <isize as TryFrom<u64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for isize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<isize, <isize as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i64> for NonZeroI64[src]

Attempts to convert i64 to NonZeroI64.

impl TryFrom<i32> for isize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result<isize, <isize as TryFrom<i32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for i64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<i64, <i64 as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i32> for u16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i32) -> Result<u16, <u16 as TryFrom<i32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for usize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: isize) -> Result<usize, <usize as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i16> for u32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i16) -> Result<u32, <u32 as TryFrom<i16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i64> for isize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i64) -> Result<isize, <isize as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for u64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<u64, <u64 as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u32> for i32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u32) -> Result<i32, <i32 as TryFrom<u32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<usize> for u16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: usize) -> Result<u16, <u16 as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i64> for u32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i64) -> Result<u32, <u32 as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i8> for u64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i8) -> Result<u64, <u64 as TryFrom<i8>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i64> for usize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i64) -> Result<usize, <usize as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<isize> for i64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: isize) -> Result<i64, <i64 as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<usize> for u32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: usize) -> Result<u32, <u32 as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u128> for i16[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<i16, <i16 as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<usize> for i32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: usize) -> Result<i32, <i32 as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<usize> for u64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(value: usize) -> Result<u64, <u64 as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i8> for NonZeroI8[src]

Attempts to convert i8 to NonZeroI8.

impl TryFrom<usize> for isize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: usize) -> Result<isize, <isize as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u128> for isize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<isize, <isize as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i8> for u128[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i8) -> Result<u128, <u128 as TryFrom<i8>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i32> for u64[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i32) -> Result<u64, <u64 as TryFrom<i32>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i8> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i8) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<i8>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for usize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<usize, <usize as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<u128> for usize[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: u128) -> Result<usize, <usize as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i128> for i32[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i128) -> Result<i32, <i32 as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl TryFrom<i16> for u8[src]

type Error = TryFromIntError

fn try_from(u: i16) -> Result<u8, <u8 as TryFrom<i16>>::Error>[src]

Try to create the target number type from a source number type. This returns an error if the source value is outside of the range of the target type.

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<Vec<T>> for [T; N][src]

type Error = Vec<T>

fn try_from(vec: Vec<T>) -> Result<[T; N], Vec<T>>[src]

Gets the entire contents of the Vec<T> as an array, if its size exactly matches that of the requested array.


use std::convert::TryInto;
assert_eq!(vec![1, 2, 3].try_into(), Ok([1, 2, 3]));
assert_eq!(<Vec<i32>>::new().try_into(), Ok([]));

If the length doesn't match, the input comes back in Err:

use std::convert::TryInto;
let r: Result<[i32; 4], _> = (0..10).collect::<Vec<_>>().try_into();
assert_eq!(r, Err(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]));

If you're fine with just getting a prefix of the Vec<T>, you can call .truncate(N) first.

use std::convert::TryInto;
let mut v = String::from("hello world").into_bytes();
let [a, b]: [_; 2] = v.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(a, b' ');
assert_eq!(b, b'd');

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<Rc<[T]>> for Rc<[T; N]>[src]

type Error = Rc<[T]>

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<Arc<[T]>> for Arc<[T; N]>[src]

type Error = Arc<[T]>

impl<'_, O1, O2, T, V> TryFrom<&'_ BitSlice<O2, T>> for BitArray<O1, V> where
    O1: BitOrder,
    O2: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore,
    V: BitView

type Error = TryFromBitSliceError

impl<'a, O, T> TryFrom<&'a [T]> for &'a BitSlice<O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore + BitRegister

type Error = &'a [T]

impl<O, T> TryFrom<Box<[T]>> for BitBox<O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

type Error = Box<[T]>

impl<'a, O, V> TryFrom<&'a BitSlice<O, <V as BitView>::Store>> for &'a BitArray<O, V> where
    O: BitOrder,
    V: BitView

type Error = TryFromBitSliceError

impl<O, T> TryFrom<Vec<T>> for BitVec<O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

type Error = Vec<T>

impl<'a, O, V> TryFrom<&'a mut BitSlice<O, <V as BitView>::Store>> for &'a mut BitArray<O, V> where
    O: BitOrder,
    V: BitView

type Error = TryFromBitSliceError

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impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<Box<[T]>> for Box<[T; N]>[src]

type Error = Box<[T]>

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