Struct nimiq_rpc::Client

source ·
pub struct Client { /* private fields */ }



impl Client


pub fn new(url: Url) -> Client


pub fn new_with_credentials( url: Url, username: String, password: String ) -> Client


pub async fn accounts(&self) -> Result<Vec<Account>, Error>

Returns a list of addresses owned by client.

  • none

Vector of accounts owned by the client.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.accounts();

pub async fn block_number(&self) -> Result<u32, Error>

Returns the height of most recent block.

  • none

The current block height the client is on.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.block_number().await;

pub async fn consensus(&self) -> Result<String, Error>

Returns information on the current consensus state.

  • none

String describing the consensus state. "established" is the value for a good state, other values indicate bad state.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.consensus().await;

pub async fn create_account(&self) -> Result<Wallet, Error>

Creates a new account and stores its private key in the client store.

  • none

Information on the wallet that was created using the command.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.create_account().await;

pub async fn create_raw_transaction( &self, raw_transaction: &OutgoingTransaction ) -> Result<String, Error>

Creates and signs a transaction without sending it. The transaction can then be send via sendRawTransaction without accidentally replaying it.

  • raw_transaction: &primitives::OutgoingTransaction

The Hex-encoded transaction.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let tx = nimiq_rpc::primitives::OutgoingTransaction {
   from: "NQ32 R6DB VFM5 M931 7X4E 0N5Q LJ56 9QCR 4T42".to_string(),
   to: "NQ74 61S8 2FD3 RVPG HU09 1Y57 77E6 BL38 TQH3".to_string(),
   value: 100, //Lunas
   fee: 0
let result = client.create_raw_transaction(&tx).await;

pub async fn get_account(&self, id: &str) -> Result<Account, Error>

Returns details for the account of given address.

  • String: Address to check for balance.

Details about the account. Returns the default empty basic account for non-existing accounts.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_account("ad25610feb43d75307763d3f010822a757027429").await;

pub async fn get_accounts_tree_chunk( &self, block_hash: &str, start_prefix: &str ) -> Result<AccountsTreeChunk, Error>

Returns an Accounts tree chunk.

  • String: Block hash on which the accounts tree chunk is going to be retrieved.
  • String: Start prefix for the accounts tree chunk to retrieve.

An Accounts tree chunk containing the tail prefix and the length of the chunk.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
let client = Client::new("".to_string());
let result = client.get_accounts_tree_chunk("14c91f6d6f3a0b62271e546bb09461231ab7e4d1ddc2c3e1b93de52d48a1da87", "").await;

pub async fn get_balance(&self, id: &str) -> Result<u64, Error>

Returns the balance of the account of given address.

  • String: Address to check for balance.

Details about the account. The current balance at the specified address (in smallest unit).

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_balance("ad25610feb43d75307763d3f010822a757027429").await;

pub async fn get_block_by_hash( &self, block_hash: &str, full_transactions: bool ) -> Result<Block, Error>

Returns information about a block by hash.

  • String: Hash of the block to gather information on.
  • Boolean: If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.

A block object or null when no block was found.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_block_by_hash("14c91f6d6f3a0b62271e546bb09461231ab7e4d1ddc2c3e1b93de52d48a1da87", false).await;

pub async fn get_block_by_number( &self, block_number: u32, full_transactions: bool ) -> Result<Block, Error>

Returns information about a block by block number.

  • Int: The height of the block to gather information on.
  • Boolean: If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.

A block object or null when no block was found.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_block_by_number(1234, false).await;

pub async fn get_block_template(&self) -> Result<FullBlock, Error>

Returns a template to build the next block for mining. This will consider pool instructions when connected to a pool.

  • none

A block template object.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_block_template().await;

pub async fn get_block_transaction_count_by_hash( &self, block_hash: &str ) -> Result<u16, Error>

Returns the number of transactions in a block from a block matching the given block hash.

  • String: Hash of the block.

Number of transactions in the block found, or null, when no block was found.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_block_transaction_count_by_hash("dfe7d166f2c86bd10fa4b1f29cd06c13228f893167ce9826137c85758645572f").await;

pub async fn get_block_transaction_count_by_number( &self, block_number: u32 ) -> Result<u16, Error>

Returns the number of transactions in a block matching the given block number.

  • Int: Height of the block.

Number of transactions in the block found, or null, when no block was found.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_block_transaction_count_by_number(76415).await;

pub async fn get_transaction_by_block_hash_and_index( &self, block_hash: &str, index: u16 ) -> Result<Transaction, Error>

Returns information about a transaction by block hash and transaction index position.

  • String: Hash of the block containing the transaction
  • Int: Index of the transaction in the block

A transaction object or null when no transaction was found.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_transaction_by_block_hash_and_index("dfe7d166f2c86bd10fa4b1f29cd06c13228f893167ce9826137c85758645572f", 20).await;

pub async fn get_transaction_by_block_number_and_index( &self, block_number: u32, index: u16 ) -> Result<Transaction, Error>

Returns information about a transaction by block number and transaction index position.

  • Int: Height of the block containing the transaction
  • Int: Index of the transaction in the block

A transaction object or null when no transaction was found.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_transaction_by_block_number_and_index(76415, 20).await;

pub async fn get_transaction_by_hash( &self, transaction_hash: &str ) -> Result<TransactionDetails, Error>

Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.

  • String: Hash of a transaction

A transaction object or null when no transaction was found.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_transaction_by_hash("465a63b73aa0b9b54b777be9a585ea00b367a17898ad520e1f22cb2c986ff554").await;

pub async fn get_transaction_by_hash_2( &self, transaction_hash: &str ) -> Result<TransactionDetails2, Error>

Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.

  • String: Hash of a transaction

A transaction object or null when no transaction was found.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_transaction_by_hash_2("465a63b73aa0b9b54b777be9a585ea00b367a17898ad520e1f22cb2c986ff554").await;

pub async fn get_transaction_receipt( &self, transaction_hash: &str ) -> Result<TransactionReceipt, Error>

Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash. Note That the receipt is not available for pending transactions.

  • String: Hash of a transaction

A transaction receipt object, or null when no receipt was found

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_transaction_receipt("465a63b73aa0b9b54b777be9a585ea00b367a17898ad520e1f22cb2c986ff554").await;

pub async fn get_transactions_by_address( &self, address: &str, amount: u16 ) -> Result<Vec<TransactionDetails>, Error>

Returns the latest transactions successfully performed by or for an address. Note That this information might change when blocks are rewinded on the local state due to forks.

  • String: Address of which transactions should be gathered.
  • Int: Number of transactions that shall be returned.

Vector of transactions linked to the requested address. Note The array will not contain more than the requested amount of transactions, but might contain less, even when more transactions happened. Any interpretation of the length of this array might result in worng assumptions.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_transactions_by_address("NQ69 9A4A MB83 HXDQ 4J46 BH5R 4JFF QMA9 C3GN", 10).await;

pub async fn get_work(&self) -> Result<GetWork, Error>

Returns instructions to mine the next block. This will consider pool instructions when connected to a pool.

  • none

Mining work instructions

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_work().await;

pub async fn hashrate(&self) -> Result<f64, Error>

Returns the number of hashes per second that the node is mining with.

  • none

Number of hashes per second.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.hashrate().await;

pub async fn log(&self, tag: &str, level: &str) -> Result<bool, Error>

Sets the log level of the node.

  • String: Tag: If '*' the log level is set globally, otherwise the log level is applied only on this tag.
  • String: Minimum log level to display. (Valid options: trace, verbose, debug, info, warn, error, assert)


use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.log("*", "log").await;

pub async fn mempool_content(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error>


pub async fn miner_address(&self) -> Result<String, Error>


pub async fn miner_threads(&self) -> Result<u8, Error>


pub async fn miner_threads_with_update( &self, threads: u16 ) -> Result<u16, Error>


pub async fn min_fee_per_byte(&self) -> Result<u32, Error>


pub async fn min_fee_per_byte_with_update(&self, fee: u32) -> Result<u32, Error>


pub async fn mining(&self) -> Result<bool, Error>

Returns true if client is actively mining new blocks.

  • none

Returns true if the client is mining, otherwise false.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.mining().await;

pub async fn peer_count(&self) -> Result<i8, Error>

Returns number of peers currently connected to the client.

  • none

Integer of the number of connected peers.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.peer_count().await;

pub async fn peer_list(&self) -> Result<Vec<PeerList>, Error>


pub async fn peer_state(&self, peer_address: &str) -> Result<PeerState, Error>


pub async fn peer_state_with_update( &self, peer_address: &str, set: &str ) -> Result<PeerState, Error>


pub async fn pool_confirmed_balance(&self) -> Result<u64, Error>


pub async fn pool_connection_state(&self) -> Result<u8, Error>


pub async fn send_raw_transaction( &self, transaction_hash: &str ) -> Result<String, Error>

Sends a signed message call transaction or a contract creation, if the data field contains code.

  • String: The hex encoded signed transaction

The Hex-encoded transaction hash.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let tx = nimiq_rpc::primitives::OutgoingTransaction {
   from: "NQ32 R6DB VFM5 M931 7X4E 0N5Q LJ56 9QCR 4T42".to_string(),
   to: "NQ74 61S8 2FD3 RVPG HU09 1Y57 77E6 BL38 TQH3".to_string(),
   value: 100, //Lunas
   fee: 0
let result = client.create_raw_transaction(&tx).await;
let hash = client.send_raw_transaction(&result.unwrap()).await;

pub async fn send_transaction( &self, transaction: &OutgoingTransaction ) -> Result<String, Error>

Creates new message call transaction or a contract creation, if the data field contains code.

  • OutgoingTransaction: The transaction object

The Hex-encoded transaction hash.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let tx = nimiq_rpc::primitives::OutgoingTransaction {
   from: "NQ32 R6DB VFM5 M931 7X4E 0N5Q LJ56 9QCR 4T42".to_string(),
   to: "NQ74 61S8 2FD3 RVPG HU09 1Y57 77E6 BL38 TQH3".to_string(),
   value: 100, //Lunas
   fee: 0
let result = client.send_transaction(&tx).await;

pub async fn submit_block(&self, full_block: &str) -> Result<(), Error>

Submits a block to the node. When the block is valid, the node will forward it to other nodes in the network.

  • String: Hex-encoded full block (including header, interlink and body). When submitting work from getWork, remember to include the suffix.


use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.submit_block("0da1....234").await;

pub async fn syncing(&self) -> Result<Syncing, Error>

Returns an object with data about the sync status or false.

  • none

An object with sync status data or false, when not syncing

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.syncing().await;

pub async fn get_constant(&self, constant: &str) -> Result<u64, Error>

Returns a constant

  • String: Name of the constant to be obtained.

An integer with the value of the constant.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.get_constant("BaseMiniConsensusAgent.MEMPOOL_DELAY_MIN").await;

pub async fn set_constant( &self, constant: &str, value: u64 ) -> Result<u64, Error>

Sets a constant with the value provided and returns the new value on success

  • String: Name of the constant to be set.
  • Int: The value to be set to the constant.

An integer with the new value of the constant.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.set_constant("BaseMiniConsensusAgent.MEMPOOL_DELAY_MIN", 6).await;

pub async fn reset_constant(&self, constant: &str) -> Result<u64, Error>

Resets a constant and returns the new value on success

  • String: Name of the constant to be reset.

An integer with the new value of the constant.

use nimiq_rpc::Client;
use url::Url;
let client = Client::new(Url::parse("").unwrap());
let result = client.reset_constant("BaseMiniConsensusAgent.MEMPOOL_DELAY_MIN").await;

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl !RefUnwindSafe for Client


impl Send for Client


impl Sync for Client


impl Unpin for Client


impl !UnwindSafe for Client

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided [Span], returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

impl<T> MaybeSend for T
where T: Send,