Struct near_vm_logic::VMLogic[][src]

pub struct VMLogic<'a> { /* fields omitted */ }


Convenience function for testing.

Writes the entire content from the register register_id into the memory of the guest starting with ptr.

  • register_id – a register id from where to read the data;
  • ptr – location on guest memory where to copy the data.
  • If the content extends outside the memory allocated to the guest. In Wasmer, it returns MemoryAccessViolation error message;
  • If register_id is pointing to unused register returns InvalidRegisterId error message.
Undefined Behavior

If the content of register extends outside the preallocated memory on the host side, or the pointer points to a wrong location this function will overwrite memory that it is not supposed to overwrite causing an undefined behavior.


base + read_register_base + read_register_byte * num_bytes + write_memory_base + write_memory_byte * num_bytes

Returns the size of the blob stored in the given register.

  • If register is used, then returns the size, which can potentially be zero;
  • If register is not used, returns u64::MAX
  • register_id – a register id from where to read the data;


Copies data from the guest memory into the register. If register is unused will initialize it. If register has larger capacity than needed for data will not re-allocate it. The register will lose the pre-existing data if any.

  • register_id – a register id where to write the data;
  • data_len – length of the data in bytes;
  • data_ptr – pointer in the guest memory where to read the data from.

base + read_memory_base + read_memory_bytes * num_bytes + write_register_base + write_register_bytes * num_bytes

Saves the account id of the current contract that we execute into the register.


If the registers exceed the memory limit returns MemoryAccessViolation.


base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * num_bytes

All contract calls are a result of some transaction that was signed by some account using some access key and submitted into a memory pool (either through the wallet using RPC or by a node itself). This function returns the id of that account. Saves the bytes of the signer account id into the register.

  • If the registers exceed the memory limit returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * num_bytes

Saves the public key fo the access key that was used by the signer into the register. In rare situations smart contract might want to know the exact access key that was used to send the original transaction, e.g. to increase the allowance or manipulate with the public key.

  • If the registers exceed the memory limit returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * num_bytes

All contract calls are a result of a receipt, this receipt might be created by a transaction that does function invocation on the contract or another contract as a result of cross-contract call. Saves the bytes of the predecessor account id into the register.

  • If the registers exceed the memory limit returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * num_bytes

Reads input to the contract call into the register. Input is expected to be in JSON-format. If input is provided saves the bytes (potentially zero) of input into register. If input is not provided writes 0 bytes into the register.


base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * num_bytes

Returns the current block height.



Returns the current block timestamp (number of non-leap-nanoseconds since January 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC).



Returns the current epoch height.



Get the stake of an account, if the account is currently a validator. Otherwise returns 0. writes the value into the u128 variable pointed by stake_ptr.


base + memory_write_base + memory_write_size * 16 + utf8_decoding_base + utf8_decoding_byte * account_id_len + validator_stake_base.

Get the total validator stake of the current epoch. Write the u128 value into stake_ptr. writes the value into the u128 variable pointed by stake_ptr.


base + memory_write_base + memory_write_size * 16 + validator_total_stake_base

Returns the number of bytes used by the contract if it was saved to the trie as of the invocation. This includes:

  • The data written with storage_* functions during current and previous execution;
  • The bytes needed to store the access keys of the given account.
  • The contract code size
  • A small fixed overhead for account metadata.


The current balance of the given account. This includes the attached_deposit that was attached to the transaction.


base + memory_write_base + memory_write_size * 16

The current amount of tokens locked due to staking.


base + memory_write_base + memory_write_size * 16

The balance that was attached to the call that will be immediately deposited before the contract execution starts.


If called as view function returns `ProhibitedInView``.


base + memory_write_base + memory_write_size * 16

The amount of gas attached to the call that can be used to pay for the gas fees.


If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.



The gas that was already burnt during the contract execution (cannot exceed prepaid_gas)


If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.



Writes random seed into the register.


If the size of the registers exceed the set limit MemoryAccessViolation.


base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * num_bytes.

Hashes the given value using sha256 and returns it into register_id.


If value_len + value_ptr points outside the memory or the registers use more memory than the limit with MemoryAccessViolation.


base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * num_bytes + sha256_base + sha256_byte * num_bytes

Hashes the given value using keccak256 and returns it into register_id.


If value_len + value_ptr points outside the memory or the registers use more memory than the limit with MemoryAccessViolation.


base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * num_bytes + keccak256_base + keccak256_byte * num_bytes

Hashes the given value using keccak512 and returns it into register_id.


If value_len + value_ptr points outside the memory or the registers use more memory than the limit with MemoryAccessViolation.


base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * num_bytes + keccak512_base + keccak512_byte * num_bytes

Hashes the given value using RIPEMD-160 and returns it into register_id.


If value_len + value_ptr points outside the memory or the registers use more memory than the limit with MemoryAccessViolation.


Where message_blocks is (value_len + 9).div_ceil(64).

base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * num_bytes + ripemd160_base + ripemd160_block * message_blocks

Recovers an ECDSA signer address and returns it into register_id.

Takes in an additional flag to check for malleability of the signature which is generally only ideal for transactions.

Returns a bool indicating success or failure as a u64.

Malleability Flags

0 - No extra checks. 1 - Rejecting upper range.

  • If hash_ptr, r_ptr, or s_ptr point outside the memory or the registers use more memory than the limit, then returns MemoryAccessViolation.

base + write_register_base + write_register_byte * 64 + ecrecover_base

Called by gas metering injected into Wasm. Counts both towards burnt_gas and used_gas.

  • If passed gas amount somehow overflows internal gas counters returns IntegerOverflow;
  • If we exceed usage limit imposed on burnt gas returns GasLimitExceeded;
  • If we exceed the prepaid_gas then returns GasExceeded.

Creates a promise that will execute a method on account with given arguments and attaches the given amount and gas. amount_ptr point to slices of bytes representing u128.

  • If account_id_len + account_id_ptr or method_name_len + method_name_ptr or arguments_len + arguments_ptr or amount_ptr + 16 points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

Index of the new promise that uniquely identifies it within the current execution of the method.


Since promise_create is a convenience wrapper around promise_batch_create and promise_batch_action_function_call. This also means it charges base cost twice.

Attaches the callback that is executed after promise pointed by promise_idx is complete.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex;
  • If account_id_len + account_id_ptr or method_name_len + method_name_ptr or arguments_len + arguments_ptr or amount_ptr + 16 points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

Index of the new promise that uniquely identifies it within the current execution of the method.


Since promise_create is a convenience wrapper around promise_batch_then and promise_batch_action_function_call. This also means it charges base cost twice.

Creates a new promise which completes when time all promises passed as arguments complete. Cannot be used with registers. promise_idx_ptr points to an array of u64 elements, with promise_idx_count denoting the number of elements. The array contains indices of promises that need to be waited on jointly.

  • If promise_ids_ptr + 8 * promise_idx_count extend outside the guest memory returns MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If any of the promises in the array do not correspond to existing promises returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.
  • If the total number of receipt dependencies exceeds max_number_input_data_dependencies limit returns NumInputDataDependenciesExceeded.
  • If the total number of promises exceeds max_promises_per_function_call_action limit returns NumPromisesExceeded.

Index of the new promise that uniquely identifies it within the current execution of the method.


base + promise_and_base + promise_and_per_promise * num_promises + cost of reading promise ids from memory.

Creates a new promise towards given account_id without any actions attached to it.

  • If account_id_len + account_id_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.
  • If the total number of promises exceeds max_promises_per_function_call_action limit returns NumPromisesExceeded.

Index of the new promise that uniquely identifies it within the current execution of the method.


burnt_gas := base + cost of reading and decoding the account id + dispatch cost of the receipt. used_gas := burnt_gas + exec cost of the receipt.

Creates a new promise towards given account_id without any actions attached, that is executed after promise pointed by promise_idx is complete.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex;
  • If account_id_len + account_id_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.
  • If the total number of promises exceeds max_promises_per_function_call_action limit returns NumPromisesExceeded.

Index of the new promise that uniquely identifies it within the current execution of the method.


base + cost of reading and decoding the account id + dispatch&execution cost of the receipt + dispatch&execution base cost for each data dependency

Appends CreateAccount action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and returns CannotAppendActionToJointPromise.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

burnt_gas := base + dispatch action fee used_gas := burnt_gas + exec action fee

Appends DeployContract action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and returns CannotAppendActionToJointPromise.
  • If code_len + code_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.
  • If the contract code length exceeds max_contract_size returns ContractSizeExceeded.

burnt_gas := base + dispatch action base fee + dispatch action per byte fee * num bytes + cost of reading vector from memory used_gas := burnt_gas + exec action base fee + exec action per byte fee * num bytes

Appends FunctionCall action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and returns CannotAppendActionToJointPromise.
  • If method_name_len + method_name_ptr or arguments_len + arguments_ptr or amount_ptr + 16 points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

burnt_gas := base + dispatch action base fee + dispatch action per byte fee * num bytes + cost of reading vector from memory + cost of reading u128, method_name and arguments from the memory used_gas := burnt_gas + exec action base fee + exec action per byte fee * num bytes

Appends Transfer action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and returns CannotAppendActionToJointPromise.
  • If amount_ptr + 16 points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

burnt_gas := base + dispatch action base fee + dispatch action per byte fee * num bytes + cost of reading u128 from memory used_gas := burnt_gas + exec action base fee + exec action per byte fee * num bytes

Appends Stake action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and returns CannotAppendActionToJointPromise.
  • If the given public key is not a valid (e.g. wrong length) returns InvalidPublicKey.
  • If amount_ptr + 16 or public_key_len + public_key_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

burnt_gas := base + dispatch action base fee + dispatch action per byte fee * num bytes + cost of reading public key from memory used_gas := burnt_gas + exec action base fee + exec action per byte fee * num bytes

Appends AddKey action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. The access key will have FullAccess permission.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and returns CannotAppendActionToJointPromise.
  • If the given public key is not a valid (e.g. wrong length) returns InvalidPublicKey.
  • If public_key_len + public_key_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

burnt_gas := base + dispatch action base fee + dispatch action per byte fee * num bytes + cost of reading public key from memory used_gas := burnt_gas + exec action base fee + exec action per byte fee * num bytes

Appends AddKey action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. The access key will have FunctionCall permission.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and returns CannotAppendActionToJointPromise.
  • If the given public key is not a valid (e.g. wrong length) returns InvalidPublicKey.
  • If public_key_len + public_key_ptr, allowance_ptr + 16, receiver_id_len + receiver_id_ptr or method_names_len + method_names_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

burnt_gas := base + dispatch action base fee + dispatch action per byte fee * num bytes + cost of reading vector from memory + cost of reading u128, method_names and public key from the memory + cost of reading and parsing account name used_gas := burnt_gas + exec action base fee + exec action per byte fee * num bytes

Appends DeleteKey action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and returns CannotAppendActionToJointPromise.
  • If the given public key is not a valid (e.g. wrong length) returns InvalidPublicKey.
  • If public_key_len + public_key_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

burnt_gas := base + dispatch action base fee + dispatch action per byte fee * num bytes + cost of reading public key from memory used_gas := burnt_gas + exec action base fee + exec action per byte fee * num bytes

Appends DeleteAccount action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and returns CannotAppendActionToJointPromise.
  • If beneficiary_id_len + beneficiary_id_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

burnt_gas := base + dispatch action base fee + dispatch action per byte fee * num bytes + cost of reading and parsing account id from memory used_gas := burnt_gas + exec action base fee + exec action per byte fee * num bytes + fees for transferring funds to the beneficiary

If the current function is invoked by a callback we can access the execution results of the promises that caused the callback. This function returns the number of complete and incomplete callbacks.

Note, we are only going to have incomplete callbacks once we have promise_or combinator.

  • If there is only one callback returns 1;
  • If there are multiple callbacks (e.g. created through promise_and) returns their number;
  • If the function was called not through the callback returns 0.


If the current function is invoked by a callback we can access the execution results of the promises that caused the callback. This function returns the result in blob format and places it into the register.

  • If promise result is complete and successful copies its blob into the register;
  • If promise result is complete and failed or incomplete keeps register unused;
  • If promise result is not complete returns 0;
  • If promise result is complete and successful returns 1;
  • If promise result is complete and failed returns 2.
  • If result_id does not correspond to an existing result returns InvalidPromiseResultIndex;
  • If copying the blob exhausts the memory limit it returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

base + cost of writing data into a register

When promise promise_idx finishes executing its result is considered to be the result of the current function.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise returns InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If called as view function returns ProhibitedInView.

base + promise_return

Sets the blob of data as the return value of the contract.

  • If value_len + value_ptr exceeds the memory container or points to an unused register it returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • if the length of the returned data exceeds max_length_returned_data returns ReturnedValueLengthExceeded.

base + cost of reading return value from memory or register + dispatch&exec cost per byte of the data sent * num data receivers

Terminates the execution of the program with panic GuestPanic.



Guest panics with the UTF-8 encoded string. If len == u64::MAX then treats the string as null-terminated with character '\0'.

  • If string extends outside the memory of the guest with MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If string is not UTF-8 returns BadUtf8.
  • If string is longer than max_log_len returns TotalLogLengthExceeded.

base + cost of reading and decoding a utf8 string

Logs the UTF-8 encoded string. If len == u64::MAX then treats the string as null-terminated with character '\0'.

  • If string extends outside the memory of the guest with MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If string is not UTF-8 returns BadUtf8.
  • If number of bytes read + total_log_length exceeds the max_total_log_length returns TotalLogLengthExceeded.
  • If the total number of logs will exceed the max_number_logs returns NumberOfLogsExceeded.

base + log_base + log_byte + num_bytes + utf8 decoding cost

Logs the UTF-16 encoded string. If len == u64::MAX then treats the string as null-terminated with two-byte sequence of 0x00 0x00.

  • If string extends outside the memory of the guest with MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If string is not UTF-16 returns BadUtf16.
  • If number of bytes read + total_log_length exceeds the max_total_log_length returns TotalLogLengthExceeded.
  • If the total number of logs will exceed the max_number_logs returns NumberOfLogsExceeded.

base + log_base + log_byte * num_bytes + utf16 decoding cost

Special import kept for compatibility with AssemblyScript contracts. Not called by smart contracts directly, but instead called by the code generated by AssemblyScript.

  • If string extends outside the memory of the guest with MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If string is not UTF-8 returns BadUtf8.
  • If number of bytes read + total_log_length exceeds the max_total_log_length returns TotalLogLengthExceeded.
  • If the total number of logs will exceed the max_number_logs returns NumberOfLogsExceeded.

base + log_base + log_byte * num_bytes + utf16 decoding cost

Writes key-value into storage.

  • If key is not in use it inserts the key-value pair and does not modify the register. Returns 0;
  • If key is in use it inserts the key-value and copies the old value into the register_id. Returns 1.
  • If key_len + key_ptr or value_len + value_ptr exceeds the memory container or points to an unused register it returns MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If returning the preempted value into the registers exceed the memory container it returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If the length of the key exceeds max_length_storage_key returns KeyLengthExceeded.
  • If the length of the value exceeds max_length_storage_value returns ValueLengthExceeded.
  • If called as view function returns `ProhibitedInView``.

base + storage_write_base + storage_write_key_byte * num_key_bytes + storage_write_value_byte * num_value_bytes + get_vec_from_memory_or_register_cost x 2.

If a value was evicted it costs additional storage_write_value_evicted_byte * num_evicted_bytes + internal_write_register_cost.

Reads the value stored under the given key.

  • If key is used copies the content of the value into the register_id, even if the content is zero bytes. Returns 1;
  • If key is not present then does not modify the register. Returns 0;
  • If key_len + key_ptr exceeds the memory container or points to an unused register it returns MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If returning the preempted value into the registers exceed the memory container it returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If the length of the key exceeds max_length_storage_key returns KeyLengthExceeded.

base + storage_read_base + storage_read_key_byte * num_key_bytes + storage_read_value_byte + num_value_bytes cost to read key from register + cost to write value into register.

Removes the value stored under the given key.

  • If key is used, removes the key-value from the trie and copies the content of the value into the register_id, even if the content is zero bytes. Returns 1;
  • If key is not present then does not modify the register. Returns 0.
  • If key_len + key_ptr exceeds the memory container or points to an unused register it returns MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If the registers exceed the memory limit returns MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If returning the preempted value into the registers exceed the memory container it returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If the length of the key exceeds max_length_storage_key returns KeyLengthExceeded.
  • If called as view function returns `ProhibitedInView``.

base + storage_remove_base + storage_remove_key_byte * num_key_bytes + storage_remove_ret_value_byte * num_value_bytes + cost to read the key + cost to write the value.

Checks if there is a key-value pair.

  • If key is used returns 1, even if the value is zero bytes;
  • Otherwise returns 0.
  • If key_len + key_ptr exceeds the memory container it returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If the length of the key exceeds max_length_storage_key returns KeyLengthExceeded.

base + storage_has_key_base + storage_has_key_byte * num_bytes + cost of reading key

DEPRECATED Creates an iterator object inside the host. Returns the identifier that uniquely differentiates the given iterator from other iterators that can be simultaneously created.

  • It iterates over the keys that have the provided prefix. The order of iteration is defined by the lexicographic order of the bytes in the keys;
  • If there are no keys, it creates an empty iterator, see below on empty iterators.
  • If prefix_len + prefix_ptr exceeds the memory container it returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If the length of the prefix exceeds max_length_storage_key returns KeyLengthExceeded.

base + storage_iter_create_prefix_base + storage_iter_create_key_byte * num_prefix_bytes cost of reading the prefix.

DEPRECATED Iterates over all key-values such that keys are between start and end, where start is inclusive and end is exclusive. Unless lexicographically start < end, it creates an empty iterator. Note, this definition allows for start or end keys to not actually exist on the given trie.

  • If start_len + start_ptr or end_len + end_ptr exceeds the memory container or points to an unused register it returns MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If the length of the start exceeds max_length_storage_key returns KeyLengthExceeded.
  • If the length of the end exceeds max_length_storage_key returns KeyLengthExceeded.

base + storage_iter_create_range_base + storage_iter_create_from_byte * num_from_bytes + storage_iter_create_to_byte * num_to_bytes + reading from prefix + reading to prefix.

DEPRECATED Advances iterator and saves the next key and value in the register.

  • If iterator is not empty (after calling next it points to a key-value), copies the key into key_register_id and value into value_register_id and returns 1;
  • If iterator is empty returns 0; This allows us to iterate over the keys that have zero bytes stored in values.
  • If key_register_id == value_register_id returns MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If the registers exceed the memory limit returns MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If iterator_id does not correspond to an existing iterator returns InvalidIteratorId;
  • If between the creation of the iterator and calling storage_iter_next the range over which it iterates was modified returns IteratorWasInvalidated. Specifically, if storage_write or storage_remove was invoked on the key key such that:
    • in case of storage_iter_prefix. key has the given prefix and:
      • Iterator was not called next yet.
      • next was already called on the iterator and it is currently pointing at the key curr such that curr <= key.
    • in case of storage_iter_range. start<=key<end and:
      • Iterator was not called next yet.
      • next was already called on the iterator and it is currently pointing at the key curr such that curr<=key<end.

`base + storage_iter_next_base + storage_iter_next_key_byte * num_key_bytes + storage_iter_next_value_byte * num_value_bytes

  • writing key to register + writing value to register`.

Computes the outcome of execution.

clones the outcome of execution.

Gets pointer to the fast gas counter.

Properly handles gas limit exceeded error.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Should always be Self

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.