Trait ndarray_linalg::matrix::Matrix [] [src]

pub trait Matrix: Sized {
    type Scalar;
    type Vector;
    type Permutator;
    fn size(&self) -> (usize, usize);
    fn layout(&self) -> Result<Layout, StrideError>;
    fn opnorm_1(&self) -> Self::Scalar;
    fn opnorm_i(&self) -> Self::Scalar;
    fn opnorm_f(&self) -> Self::Scalar;
    fn svd(self) -> Result<(Self, Self::Vector, Self), LinalgError>;
    fn qr(self) -> Result<(Self, Self), LinalgError>;
    fn lu(self) -> Result<(Self::Permutator, Self, Self), LinalgError>;
    fn permutate(&mut self, p: &Self::Permutator);

    fn permutated(self, p: &Self::Permutator) -> Self { ... }

Methods for general matrices

Associated Types

Required Methods

number of (rows, columns)

Layout (C/Fortran) of matrix

Operator norm for L-1 norm

Operator norm for L-inf norm

Frobenius norm

singular-value decomposition (SVD)

QR decomposition

LU decomposition

permutate matrix (inplace)

Provided Methods

permutate matrix (outplace)
