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Type-level enum to express how to feed ThreadsafeFunction errors to the inner [JsFunction].


For callbacks that expect a Result-like kind of input, the convention is to have the callback take an error parameter as its first parameter.

This way receiving a Result<Args…> can be modelled as follows:

  • In case of Err(error), feed that error entity as the first parameter of the callback;

  • Otherwise (in case of Ok(_)), feed null instead.

In pseudo-code:

match result_args {
    Ok(args) => {
        let js_null = /* … */;
            // this
            // args…
    Err(err) => callback.call(None, &[JsError::from(err)]),

Note that the Err case can stem from a failed conversion from native values to js values when calling the callback!

That’s why:

This is the default error strategy.

In order to opt-out of it, ThreadsafeFunction has an optional second generic parameter (of “kind” ErrorStrategy::T) that defines whether this behavior (ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled) or a non-Result one (ErrorStrategy::Fatal) is desired.

Type-level enum

Until const_generics can handle custom enums, this pattern must be implemented at the type level.

We thus end up with:

enum ErrorStrategy {

With ErrorStrategy::T being the type-level “enum type”:

<Param: ErrorStrategy::T>


pub use ErrorStrategy as T;


Input errors (including conversion errors) are left for the callee to handle:
Input errors (including conversion errors) are deemed fatal:
