pub trait GenericImage: GenericImageView {
    type InnerImage: GenericImage<Pixel = Self::Pixel>;

    // Required methods
    fn get_pixel_mut(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32) -> &mut Self::Pixel;
    fn put_pixel(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32, pixel: Self::Pixel);
    fn blend_pixel(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32, pixel: Self::Pixel);
    fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::InnerImage;

    // Provided methods
    unsafe fn unsafe_put_pixel(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32, pixel: Self::Pixel) { ... }
    fn copy_from<O>(
        &mut self,
        other: &O,
        x: u32,
        y: u32
    ) -> Result<(), ImageError>
       where O: GenericImageView<Pixel = Self::Pixel> { ... }
    fn copy_within(&mut self, source: Rect, x: u32, y: u32) -> bool { ... }
    fn sub_image(
        &mut self,
        x: u32,
        y: u32,
        width: u32,
        height: u32
    ) -> SubImage<&mut Self::InnerImage> { ... }
Expand description

A trait for manipulating images.

Required Associated Types§


type InnerImage: GenericImage<Pixel = Self::Pixel>

Underlying image type. This is mainly used by SubImages in order to always have a reference to the original image. This allows for less indirections and it eases the use of nested SubImages.

Required Methods§


fn get_pixel_mut(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32) -> &mut Self::Pixel

Gets a reference to the mutable pixel at location (x, y). Indexed from top left.


Panics if (x, y) is out of bounds.


fn put_pixel(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32, pixel: Self::Pixel)

Put a pixel at location (x, y). Indexed from top left.


Panics if (x, y) is out of bounds.


fn blend_pixel(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32, pixel: Self::Pixel)

Put a pixel at location (x, y), taking into account alpha channels

DEPRECATED: This method will be removed. Blend the pixel directly instead.


fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::InnerImage

Returns a mutable reference to the underlying image.

Provided Methods§


unsafe fn unsafe_put_pixel(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32, pixel: Self::Pixel)

Puts a pixel at location (x, y). Indexed from top left.

This function can be implemented in a way that ignores bounds checking.


The coordinates must be in_bounds of the image.


fn copy_from<O>(&mut self, other: &O, x: u32, y: u32) -> Result<(), ImageError>
where O: GenericImageView<Pixel = Self::Pixel>,

Copies all of the pixels from another image into this image.

The other image is copied with the top-left corner of the other image placed at (x, y).

In order to copy only a piece of the other image, use GenericImageView::view.

You can use FlatSamples to source pixels from an arbitrary regular raster of channel values, for example from a foreign interface or a fixed image.


Returns an error if the image is too large to be copied at the given position


fn copy_within(&mut self, source: Rect, x: u32, y: u32) -> bool

Copies all of the pixels from one part of this image to another part of this image.

The destination rectangle of the copy is specified with the top-left corner placed at (x, y).


true if the copy was successful, false if the image could not be copied due to size constraints.


fn sub_image( &mut self, x: u32, y: u32, width: u32, height: u32 ) -> SubImage<&mut Self::InnerImage>

Returns a mutable subimage that is a view into this image. If you want an immutable subimage instead, use GenericImageView::view The coordinates set the position of the top left corner of the SubImage.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl GenericImage for DynamicImage


impl<Buffer, P> GenericImage for ViewMut<Buffer, P>
where P: Pixel, Buffer: AsMut<[<P as Pixel>::Subpixel]> + AsRef<[<P as Pixel>::Subpixel]>,


type InnerImage = ViewMut<Buffer, P>


impl<I> GenericImage for SubImage<I>
where I: DerefMut, <I as Deref>::Target: GenericImage + Sized,


type InnerImage = <I as Deref>::Target


impl<P, Container> GenericImage for ImageBuffer<P, Container>
where P: Pixel + 'static, Container: Deref<Target = [<P as Pixel>::Subpixel]> + DerefMut, <P as Pixel>::Subpixel: 'static,


type InnerImage = ImageBuffer<P, Container>