[][src]Trait nalgebra::SimdComplexField

pub trait SimdComplexField: 'static + Field<Output = Self> + SubsetOf<Self> + SupersetOf<f64> + PartialEq<Self> + Send + Copy + Sync + Neg + Any + Debug + NumOps<Self, Self> + NumAssignOps<Self> {
    type SimdRealField: SimdRealField;
    fn from_simd_real(re: Self::SimdRealField) -> Self;
fn simd_real(self) -> Self::SimdRealField;
fn simd_imaginary(self) -> Self::SimdRealField;
fn simd_modulus(self) -> Self::SimdRealField;
fn simd_modulus_squared(self) -> Self::SimdRealField;
fn simd_argument(self) -> Self::SimdRealField;
fn simd_norm1(self) -> Self::SimdRealField;
fn simd_scale(self, factor: Self::SimdRealField) -> Self;
fn simd_unscale(self, factor: Self::SimdRealField) -> Self;
fn simd_floor(self) -> Self;
fn simd_ceil(self) -> Self;
fn simd_round(self) -> Self;
fn simd_trunc(self) -> Self;
fn simd_fract(self) -> Self;
fn simd_mul_add(self, a: Self, b: Self) -> Self;
fn simd_abs(self) -> Self::SimdRealField;
fn simd_hypot(self, other: Self) -> Self::SimdRealField;
fn simd_recip(self) -> Self;
fn simd_conjugate(self) -> Self;
fn simd_sin(self) -> Self;
fn simd_cos(self) -> Self;
fn simd_sin_cos(self) -> (Self, Self);
fn simd_tan(self) -> Self;
fn simd_asin(self) -> Self;
fn simd_acos(self) -> Self;
fn simd_atan(self) -> Self;
fn simd_sinh(self) -> Self;
fn simd_cosh(self) -> Self;
fn simd_tanh(self) -> Self;
fn simd_asinh(self) -> Self;
fn simd_acosh(self) -> Self;
fn simd_atanh(self) -> Self;
fn simd_log(self, base: Self::SimdRealField) -> Self;
fn simd_log2(self) -> Self;
fn simd_log10(self) -> Self;
fn simd_ln(self) -> Self;
fn simd_ln_1p(self) -> Self;
fn simd_sqrt(self) -> Self;
fn simd_exp(self) -> Self;
fn simd_exp2(self) -> Self;
fn simd_exp_m1(self) -> Self;
fn simd_powi(self, n: i32) -> Self;
fn simd_powf(self, n: Self::SimdRealField) -> Self;
fn simd_powc(self, n: Self) -> Self;
fn simd_cbrt(self) -> Self; fn simd_to_polar(self) -> (Self::SimdRealField, Self::SimdRealField) { ... }
fn simd_to_exp(self) -> (Self::SimdRealField, Self) { ... }
fn simd_signum(self) -> Self { ... }
fn simd_sinh_cosh(self) -> (Self, Self) { ... }
fn simd_sinc(self) -> Self { ... }
fn simd_sinhc(self) -> Self { ... }
fn simd_cosc(self) -> Self { ... }
fn simd_coshc(self) -> Self { ... } }

Lane-wise generalisation of ComplexField for SIMD complex fields.

Each lane of an SIMD complex field should contain one complex field.

Associated Types

type SimdRealField: SimdRealField

Type of the coefficients of a complex number.

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Required methods

fn from_simd_real(re: Self::SimdRealField) -> Self

Builds a pure-real complex number from the given value.

fn simd_real(self) -> Self::SimdRealField

The real part of this complex number.

fn simd_imaginary(self) -> Self::SimdRealField

The imaginary part of this complex number.

fn simd_modulus(self) -> Self::SimdRealField

The modulus of this complex number.

fn simd_modulus_squared(self) -> Self::SimdRealField

The squared modulus of this complex number.

fn simd_argument(self) -> Self::SimdRealField

The argument of this complex number.

fn simd_norm1(self) -> Self::SimdRealField

The sum of the absolute value of this complex number's real and imaginary part.

fn simd_scale(self, factor: Self::SimdRealField) -> Self

Multiplies this complex number by factor.

fn simd_unscale(self, factor: Self::SimdRealField) -> Self

Divides this complex number by factor.

fn simd_floor(self) -> Self

fn simd_ceil(self) -> Self

fn simd_round(self) -> Self

fn simd_trunc(self) -> Self

fn simd_fract(self) -> Self

fn simd_mul_add(self, a: Self, b: Self) -> Self

fn simd_abs(self) -> Self::SimdRealField

The absolute value of this complex number: self / self.signum().

This is equivalent to self.modulus().

fn simd_hypot(self, other: Self) -> Self::SimdRealField

Computes (self.conjugate() * self + other.conjugate() * other).sqrt()

fn simd_recip(self) -> Self

fn simd_conjugate(self) -> Self

fn simd_sin(self) -> Self

fn simd_cos(self) -> Self

fn simd_sin_cos(self) -> (Self, Self)

fn simd_tan(self) -> Self

fn simd_asin(self) -> Self

fn simd_acos(self) -> Self

fn simd_atan(self) -> Self

fn simd_sinh(self) -> Self

fn simd_cosh(self) -> Self

fn simd_tanh(self) -> Self

fn simd_asinh(self) -> Self

fn simd_acosh(self) -> Self

fn simd_atanh(self) -> Self

fn simd_log(self, base: Self::SimdRealField) -> Self

fn simd_log2(self) -> Self

fn simd_log10(self) -> Self

fn simd_ln(self) -> Self

fn simd_ln_1p(self) -> Self

fn simd_sqrt(self) -> Self

fn simd_exp(self) -> Self

fn simd_exp2(self) -> Self

fn simd_exp_m1(self) -> Self

fn simd_powi(self, n: i32) -> Self

fn simd_powf(self, n: Self::SimdRealField) -> Self

fn simd_powc(self, n: Self) -> Self

fn simd_cbrt(self) -> Self

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Provided methods

fn simd_to_polar(self) -> (Self::SimdRealField, Self::SimdRealField)

The polar form of this complex number: (modulus, arg)

fn simd_to_exp(self) -> (Self::SimdRealField, Self)

The exponential form of this complex number: (modulus, e^{i arg})

fn simd_signum(self) -> Self

The exponential part of this complex number: self / self.modulus()

fn simd_sinh_cosh(self) -> (Self, Self)

fn simd_sinc(self) -> Self

Cardinal sine

fn simd_sinhc(self) -> Self

fn simd_cosc(self) -> Self

Cardinal cos

fn simd_coshc(self) -> Self

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl SimdComplexField for AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>

impl SimdComplexField for AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>

impl SimdComplexField for AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>

impl SimdComplexField for AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>

impl SimdComplexField for AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>

impl SimdComplexField for AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>

impl SimdComplexField for AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>

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impl SimdComplexField for Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>

pub fn simd_exp(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes e^(self), where e is the base of the natural logarithm.

pub fn simd_ln(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of natural logarithm of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0], continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ arg(ln(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_sqrt(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the square root of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ arg(sqrt(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_powf(
    exp: <Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>> as SimdComplexField>::SimdRealField
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>

Raises self to a floating point power.

pub fn simd_log(self, base: AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Returns the logarithm of self with respect to an arbitrary base.

pub fn simd_powc(
    exp: Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>

Raises self to a complex power.

pub fn simd_sin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the sine of self.

pub fn simd_cos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(asin(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse cosine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies 0 ≤ Re(acos(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_atan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i], continuous from the left.
  • [i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(atan(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_sinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic sine of self.

pub fn simd_cosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i), continuous from the left.
  • (i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(asinh(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic cosine of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 1), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ Im(acosh(z)) ≤ π and 0 ≤ Re(acosh(z)) < ∞.

pub fn simd_atanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1], continuous from above.
  • [1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(atanh(z)) ≤ π/2.

impl SimdComplexField for Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>

pub fn simd_exp(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes e^(self), where e is the base of the natural logarithm.

pub fn simd_ln(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of natural logarithm of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0], continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ arg(ln(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_sqrt(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the square root of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ arg(sqrt(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_powf(
    exp: <Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>> as SimdComplexField>::SimdRealField
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>

Raises self to a floating point power.

pub fn simd_log(self, base: AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Returns the logarithm of self with respect to an arbitrary base.

pub fn simd_powc(
    exp: Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>

Raises self to a complex power.

pub fn simd_sin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the sine of self.

pub fn simd_cos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(asin(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse cosine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies 0 ≤ Re(acos(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_atan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i], continuous from the left.
  • [i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(atan(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_sinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic sine of self.

pub fn simd_cosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i), continuous from the left.
  • (i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(asinh(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic cosine of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 1), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ Im(acosh(z)) ≤ π and 0 ≤ Re(acosh(z)) < ∞.

pub fn simd_atanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1], continuous from above.
  • [1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(atanh(z)) ≤ π/2.

impl SimdComplexField for Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>

pub fn simd_exp(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes e^(self), where e is the base of the natural logarithm.

pub fn simd_ln(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of natural logarithm of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0], continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ arg(ln(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_sqrt(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the square root of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ arg(sqrt(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_powf(
    exp: <Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>> as SimdComplexField>::SimdRealField
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>

Raises self to a floating point power.

pub fn simd_log(self, base: AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Returns the logarithm of self with respect to an arbitrary base.

pub fn simd_powc(
    exp: Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>

Raises self to a complex power.

pub fn simd_sin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the sine of self.

pub fn simd_cos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(asin(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse cosine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies 0 ≤ Re(acos(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_atan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i], continuous from the left.
  • [i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(atan(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_sinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic sine of self.

pub fn simd_cosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i), continuous from the left.
  • (i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(asinh(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic cosine of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 1), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ Im(acosh(z)) ≤ π and 0 ≤ Re(acosh(z)) < ∞.

pub fn simd_atanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1], continuous from above.
  • [1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(atanh(z)) ≤ π/2.

impl SimdComplexField for Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>

pub fn simd_exp(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes e^(self), where e is the base of the natural logarithm.

pub fn simd_ln(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of natural logarithm of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0], continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ arg(ln(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_sqrt(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the square root of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ arg(sqrt(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_powf(
    exp: <Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>> as SimdComplexField>::SimdRealField
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>

Raises self to a floating point power.

pub fn simd_log(self, base: AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Returns the logarithm of self with respect to an arbitrary base.

pub fn simd_powc(
    exp: Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>

Raises self to a complex power.

pub fn simd_sin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the sine of self.

pub fn simd_cos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(asin(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse cosine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies 0 ≤ Re(acos(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_atan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i], continuous from the left.
  • [i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(atan(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_sinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic sine of self.

pub fn simd_cosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i), continuous from the left.
  • (i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(asinh(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic cosine of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 1), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ Im(acosh(z)) ≤ π and 0 ≤ Re(acosh(z)) < ∞.

pub fn simd_atanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f32; 16]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1], continuous from above.
  • [1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(atanh(z)) ≤ π/2.

impl SimdComplexField for Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>

pub fn simd_exp(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes e^(self), where e is the base of the natural logarithm.

pub fn simd_ln(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of natural logarithm of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0], continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ arg(ln(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_sqrt(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the square root of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ arg(sqrt(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_powf(
    exp: <Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>> as SimdComplexField>::SimdRealField
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>

Raises self to a floating point power.

pub fn simd_log(self, base: AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Returns the logarithm of self with respect to an arbitrary base.

pub fn simd_powc(
    exp: Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>

Raises self to a complex power.

pub fn simd_sin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the sine of self.

pub fn simd_cos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(asin(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse cosine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies 0 ≤ Re(acos(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_atan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i], continuous from the left.
  • [i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(atan(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_sinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic sine of self.

pub fn simd_cosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i), continuous from the left.
  • (i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(asinh(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic cosine of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 1), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ Im(acosh(z)) ≤ π and 0 ≤ Re(acosh(z)) < ∞.

pub fn simd_atanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 2]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1], continuous from above.
  • [1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(atanh(z)) ≤ π/2.

impl SimdComplexField for Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>

pub fn simd_exp(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes e^(self), where e is the base of the natural logarithm.

pub fn simd_ln(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of natural logarithm of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0], continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ arg(ln(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_sqrt(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the square root of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ arg(sqrt(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_powf(
    exp: <Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>> as SimdComplexField>::SimdRealField
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>

Raises self to a floating point power.

pub fn simd_log(self, base: AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Returns the logarithm of self with respect to an arbitrary base.

pub fn simd_powc(
    exp: Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>

Raises self to a complex power.

pub fn simd_sin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the sine of self.

pub fn simd_cos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(asin(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse cosine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies 0 ≤ Re(acos(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_atan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i], continuous from the left.
  • [i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(atan(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_sinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic sine of self.

pub fn simd_cosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i), continuous from the left.
  • (i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(asinh(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic cosine of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 1), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ Im(acosh(z)) ≤ π and 0 ≤ Re(acosh(z)) < ∞.

pub fn simd_atanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 4]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1], continuous from above.
  • [1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(atanh(z)) ≤ π/2.

impl SimdComplexField for Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

type SimdRealField = AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>

pub fn simd_exp(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes e^(self), where e is the base of the natural logarithm.

pub fn simd_ln(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of natural logarithm of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0], continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ arg(ln(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_sqrt(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the square root of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 0), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ arg(sqrt(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_powf(
    exp: <Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>> as SimdComplexField>::SimdRealField
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>

Raises self to a floating point power.

pub fn simd_log(self, base: AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Returns the logarithm of self with respect to an arbitrary base.

pub fn simd_powc(
    exp: Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>
) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>

Raises self to a complex power.

pub fn simd_sin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the sine of self.

pub fn simd_cos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asin(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(asin(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acos(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse cosine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1), continuous from above.
  • (1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies 0 ≤ Re(acos(z)) ≤ π.

pub fn simd_atan(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of the inverse tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i], continuous from the left.
  • [i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Re(atan(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_sinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic sine of self.

pub fn simd_cosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic cosine of self.

pub fn simd_tanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the hyperbolic tangent of self.

pub fn simd_asinh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic sine of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞i, -i), continuous from the left.
  • (i, ∞i), continuous from the right.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(asinh(z)) ≤ π/2.

pub fn simd_acosh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic cosine of self.

This function has one branch cut:

  • (-∞, 1), continuous from above.

The branch satisfies -π ≤ Im(acosh(z)) ≤ π and 0 ≤ Re(acosh(z)) < ∞.

pub fn simd_atanh(self) -> Complex<AutoSimd<[f64; 8]>>[src]

Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic tangent of self.

This function has two branch cuts:

  • (-∞, -1], continuous from above.
  • [1, ∞), continuous from below.

The branch satisfies -π/2 ≤ Im(atanh(z)) ≤ π/2.

impl<T> SimdComplexField for T where
    T: ComplexField

type SimdRealField = <T as ComplexField>::RealField

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