Enum mysql::value::Value [] [src]

pub enum Value {

Value enumerates possible values in mysql cells. Also Value used to fill prepared statements.

Note that to receive something different than Value::NULL or Value::Bytes from mysql you should use prepared statements.

If you want to get something more useful from Value you should implement FromValue on it. To get T: FromValue from nullable value you should rely on FromValue implemented on Option<T>.

To convert something to Value you should implement Into<Value> for it.

use mysql::value::from_row;
let mut conn = pool.get_conn().unwrap();

let result = conn.prep_exec("SELECT ? * ?", (20i32, 0.8_f32)).unwrap();
for row in result {
    let c = from_row::<f32>(row.unwrap());
    assert_eq!(c, 16.0_f32);


year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, micro seconds

is negative, days, hours, minutes, seconds, micro seconds


impl Value

Get correct string representation of a mysql value

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for Value

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl PartialOrd for Value

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl PartialEq for Value

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

This method tests for !=.

impl Clone for Value

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<'a, T: ToValue> From<&'a T> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl<T: Into<Value>> From<Option<T>> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<i8> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<u8> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<i16> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<u16> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<i32> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<u32> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<isize> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<i64> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<u64> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<usize> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<f32> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<f64> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<bool> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl<'a> From<&'a [u8]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<Vec<u8>> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl<'a> From<&'a str> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<String> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<NaiveDateTime> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<NaiveDate> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<NaiveTime> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<Timespec> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<Duration> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<Duration> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 0]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 1]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 2]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 3]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 4]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 5]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 6]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 7]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 8]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 9]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 10]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 11]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 12]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 13]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 14]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 15]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 16]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 17]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 18]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 19]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 20]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 21]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 22]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 23]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 24]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 25]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 26]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 27]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 28]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 29]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 30]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 31]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl From<[u8; 32]> for Value

Performs the conversion.

impl FromValue for Value

Will panic if could not convert v to Self.

Will return Err(Error::FromValueError(v)) if could not convert v to Self.

Will return Err(Error::FromValueError(v)) if v is not convertible to Self.