pub trait OrderedStatement {
    // Required method
    fn clear_order_by(&mut self) -> &mut Self;

    // Provided methods
    fn order_by<T>(&mut self, col: T, order: Order) -> &mut Self
       where T: IntoColumnRef { ... }
    fn order_by_tbl<T, C>(
        &mut self,
        table: T,
        col: C,
        order: Order
    ) -> &mut Self
       where T: IntoIden,
             C: IntoIden { ... }
    fn order_by_expr(&mut self, expr: SimpleExpr, order: Order) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn order_by_customs<T>(
        &mut self,
        cols: Vec<(T, Order), Global>
    ) -> &mut Self
       where T: ToString { ... }
    fn order_by_columns<T>(
        &mut self,
        cols: Vec<(T, Order), Global>
    ) -> &mut Self
       where T: IntoColumnRef { ... }
    fn order_by_table_columns<T, C>(
        &mut self,
        cols: Vec<(T, C, Order), Global>
    ) -> &mut Self
       where T: IntoIden,
             C: IntoIden { ... }
    fn order_by_with_nulls<T>(
        &mut self,
        col: T,
        order: Order,
        nulls: NullOrdering
    ) -> &mut Self
       where T: IntoColumnRef { ... }
    fn order_by_expr_with_nulls(
        &mut self,
        expr: SimpleExpr,
        order: Order,
        nulls: NullOrdering
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn order_by_customs_with_nulls<T>(
        &mut self,
        cols: Vec<(T, Order, NullOrdering), Global>
    ) -> &mut Self
       where T: ToString { ... }
    fn order_by_columns_with_nulls<T>(
        &mut self,
        cols: Vec<(T, Order, NullOrdering), Global>
    ) -> &mut Self
       where T: IntoColumnRef { ... }

Required Methods§

fn clear_order_by(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Clear order expressions

Provided Methods§

fn order_by<T>(&mut self, col: T, order: Order) -> &mut Selfwhere T: IntoColumnRef,

Order by column.


Order by ASC and DESC

use sea_query::{*, tests_cfg::*};

let query = Query::select()
    .order_by(Glyph::Image, Order::Desc)
    .order_by((Glyph::Table, Glyph::Aspect), Order::Asc)

    r#"SELECT `aspect` FROM `glyph` WHERE IFNULL(`aspect`, 0) > 2 ORDER BY `image` DESC, `glyph`.`aspect` ASC"#

Order by custom field ordering

use sea_query::{tests_cfg::*, *};

let query = Query::select()
        Order::Field(Values(vec![4.into(), 5.into(), 1.into(), 3.into()])),

        r#"SELECT `aspect`"#,
        r#"FROM `glyph`"#,
        r#"ORDER BY CASE"#,
        r#"WHEN `id`=4 THEN 0"#,
        r#"WHEN `id`=5 THEN 1"#,
        r#"WHEN `id`=1 THEN 2"#,
        r#"WHEN `id`=3 THEN 3"#,
        r#"ELSE 4 END"#,
    .join(" ")

        r#"SELECT "aspect""#,
        r#"FROM "glyph""#,
        r#"ORDER BY CASE"#,
        r#"WHEN "id"=4 THEN 0"#,
        r#"WHEN "id"=5 THEN 1"#,
        r#"WHEN "id"=1 THEN 2"#,
        r#"WHEN "id"=3 THEN 3"#,
        r#"ELSE 4 END"#,
    .join(" ")

        r#"SELECT "aspect""#,
        r#"FROM "glyph""#,
        r#"ORDER BY CASE"#,
        r#"WHEN "id"=4 THEN 0"#,
        r#"WHEN "id"=5 THEN 1"#,
        r#"WHEN "id"=1 THEN 2"#,
        r#"WHEN "id"=3 THEN 3"#,
        r#"ELSE 4 END"#,
    .join(" ")

fn order_by_tbl<T, C>(&mut self, table: T, col: C, order: Order) -> &mut Selfwhere T: IntoIden, C: IntoIden,

👎Deprecated since 0.9.0: Please use the [OrderedStatement::order_by] with a tuple as [ColumnRef]

fn order_by_expr(&mut self, expr: SimpleExpr, order: Order) -> &mut Self

Order by SimpleExpr.

fn order_by_customs<T>(&mut self, cols: Vec<(T, Order), Global>) -> &mut Selfwhere T: ToString,

Order by custom string.

fn order_by_columns<T>(&mut self, cols: Vec<(T, Order), Global>) -> &mut Selfwhere T: IntoColumnRef,

Order by vector of columns.

fn order_by_table_columns<T, C>( &mut self, cols: Vec<(T, C, Order), Global> ) -> &mut Selfwhere T: IntoIden, C: IntoIden,

👎Deprecated since 0.9.0: Please use the [OrderedStatement::order_by_columns] with a tuple as [ColumnRef]

fn order_by_with_nulls<T>( &mut self, col: T, order: Order, nulls: NullOrdering ) -> &mut Selfwhere T: IntoColumnRef,

Order by column with nulls order option.

use sea_query::{*, tests_cfg::*};

let query = Query::select()
    .order_by_with_nulls(Glyph::Image, Order::Desc, NullOrdering::Last)
    .order_by_with_nulls((Glyph::Table, Glyph::Aspect), Order::Asc, NullOrdering::First)

    r#"SELECT "aspect" FROM "glyph" ORDER BY "image" DESC NULLS LAST, "glyph"."aspect" ASC NULLS FIRST"#
    r#"SELECT `aspect` FROM `glyph` ORDER BY `image` IS NULL ASC, `image` DESC, `glyph`.`aspect` IS NULL DESC, `glyph`.`aspect` ASC"#

fn order_by_expr_with_nulls( &mut self, expr: SimpleExpr, order: Order, nulls: NullOrdering ) -> &mut Self

Order by SimpleExpr with nulls order option.

fn order_by_customs_with_nulls<T>( &mut self, cols: Vec<(T, Order, NullOrdering), Global> ) -> &mut Selfwhere T: ToString,

Order by custom string with nulls order option.

fn order_by_columns_with_nulls<T>( &mut self, cols: Vec<(T, Order, NullOrdering), Global> ) -> &mut Selfwhere T: IntoColumnRef,

Order by vector of columns with nulls order option.
