Struct multipart::client::Multipart [] [src]

pub struct Multipart<S> { /* fields omitted */ }

The entry point of the client-side multipart API.

Though they perform I/O, the .write_*() methods do not return io::Result<_> in order to facilitate method chaining. Upon the first error, all subsequent API calls will be no-ops until .send() is called, at which point the error will be reported.


impl Multipart<()>

Create a new Multipart to wrap a request.

Returns Error

If req.open_stream() returns an error.

impl<S: HttpStream> Multipart<S>

Write a text field to this multipart request. name and val can be either owned String or &str.


If something went wrong with the HTTP stream.

Open a file pointed to by path and write its contents to the multipart request, supplying its filename and guessing its Content-Type from its extension.

If you want to set these values manually, or use another type that implements Read, use .write_stream().

name can be either String or &str, and path can be PathBuf or &Path.


If there was a problem opening the file (was a directory or didn't exist), or if something went wrong with the HTTP stream.

Write a byte stream to the multipart request as a file field, supplying filename if given, and content_type if given or "application/octet-stream" if not.

name can be either String or &str, and read can take the Read by-value or with an &mut borrow.


The given Read must be able to read to EOF (end of file/no more data), meaning Read::read() returns Ok(0). If it never returns EOF it will be read to infinity and the request will never be completed.

When using SizedRequest this also can cause out-of-control memory usage as the multipart data has to be written to an in-memory buffer so its size can be calculated.

Use Read::take() if you wish to send data from a Read that will never return EOF otherwise.


If the reader returned an error, or if something went wrong with the HTTP stream.

Finalize the request and return the response from the server, or the last error if set.

impl<R: HttpRequest> Multipart<SizedRequest<R>> where
    <R::Stream as HttpStream>::Error: From<R::Error>, 

Create a new Multipart using the SizedRequest wrapper around req.