[][src]Crate msdfgen_lib

Bundled msdfgen library

This crate provides bundled msdfgen library for using with msdfgen crate.


You can simply add this as dependency to your manifest:

msdfgen = "^0.1"

# Use bundled library to avoid unresolved links
msdfgen-lib = "^0.1"

Next you should say compiler that you want to use that crate:

// Either in traditional manner
extern crate msdfgen_lib;

// Or in Rust2018 manner
use msdfgen_lib as _;


You can apply some customizations to library using those features:

  • shared Force bundle shared (or dynamic) library instead of static (default)
  • libcxx Link with libc++ instead of libstdc++ (default)
  • stdcxx-static Link with static C++ stdlib instead of shared (default)