pub trait Env {
    fn txn_ro(&self) -> Result<TxnRo<'_>, Error>;
    fn clone_ro(&self) -> EnvRo;
    fn max_keysize(&self) -> usize;
    fn valid_keysize<K>(&self, key: &K) -> bool
        K: ?Sized + Storable
; unsafe fn open_dbs<'a, K, V, C>(
        options: impl IntoIterator<IntoIter = impl Iterator<Item = &'a DbOptions<K, V, C, Option<CString>>> + ExactSizeIterator>
    ) -> Result<Vec<Db<K, V, C>>, Error>
        K: ?Sized + Storable,
        V: ?Sized + Storable,
        C: Constraint
; fn clear_stale_readers(&self) -> Result<(), Error>; unsafe fn open_db<K, V, C>(
        options: &DbOptions<K, V, C, Option<CString>>
    ) -> Result<Db<K, V, C>, Error>
        K: ?Sized + Storable,
        V: ?Sized + Storable,
        C: Constraint
, { ... } }
Expand description

Read-write or read-only handle for accessing environment that stores key-value databases

Use Env::clone_ro to create a new read-only handle (from either a read-only or a read-write handle) for accessing the same environment. The environment is closed when the last handle is dropped.

Use Env::open_db to retrieve database handles.

To modify data inside a database, a transaction is needed which can be opened with either Env::txn_ro (read-only) or EnvRw::txn_rw (for reading and writing).

Required Methods

Start read-only transaction

Get new read-only handle for environment

Get maximum size of keys and duplicate data

Checks if key or duplicate data has valid size

Open databases in environment

SAFETY: If a database exists already, it must have been created with compatible options.

Clear stale readers

Refer to LMDB’s documentation when to clear stale readers

Provided Methods

Open database in environment

SAFETY: If a database exists already, it must have been created with compatible options.
