[][src]Trait miniscript::expression::FromTree

pub trait FromTree: Sized {
    pub fn from_tree(top: &Tree<'_>) -> Result<Self, Error>;

A trait for extracting a structure from a Tree representation in token form

Required methods

pub fn from_tree(top: &Tree<'_>) -> Result<Self, Error>[src]

Extract a structure from Tree representation

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<Pk, Ctx> FromTree for Arc<Terminal<Pk, Ctx>> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    Ctx: ScriptContext,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

impl<Pk, Ctx> FromTree for Arc<Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    Ctx: ScriptContext,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

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impl<Pk> FromTree for Descriptor<Pk> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

pub fn from_tree(top: &Tree<'_>) -> Result<Descriptor<Pk>, Error>[src]

Parse an expression tree into a descriptor

impl<Pk> FromTree for miniscript::policy::concrete::Policy<Pk> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString

impl<Pk> FromTree for miniscript::policy::semantic::Policy<Pk> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

impl<Pk> FromTree for Bare<Pk> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

impl<Pk> FromTree for Pkh<Pk> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

impl<Pk> FromTree for Sh<Pk> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

impl<Pk> FromTree for Wpkh<Pk> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

impl<Pk> FromTree for Wsh<Pk> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

impl<Pk, Ctx> FromTree for Terminal<Pk, Ctx> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    Ctx: ScriptContext,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

impl<Pk, Ctx> FromTree for Miniscript<Pk, Ctx> where
    Pk: MiniscriptKey + FromStr,
    Pk::Hash: FromStr,
    Ctx: ScriptContext,
    <Pk as FromStr>::Err: ToString,
    <<Pk as MiniscriptKey>::Hash as FromStr>::Err: ToString

pub fn from_tree(top: &Tree<'_>) -> Result<Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>, Error>[src]

Parse an expression tree into a Miniscript. As a general rule, this should not be called directly; rather go through the descriptor API.

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