Crate lsmlite_rs

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Helsing’s Rust bindings for sqlite3’s lsm1 extension.

lsmlite-rs exposes sqlite3’s lsm1 extension in stand-alone fashion (without the whole sqlite3 stack). This extension is an excellent implementation of Log-structured Merge Trees and is in principle similar in spirit to RocksDB and WiredTiger (the storage engine of MongoDB). Unlike RocksDB, for example, lsm1 structures data on stable storage as a collection of read-only B-trees (called “segments” in lsm1’s terminology) that increase in size as the database grows. Thus, lsm1 follows the fundamental design principles of bLSM rather than those of a traditional LSM-Tree - in which data is stored in immutable sorted arrays. This comes with the advantage of offering excellent I/O for reads out-of-the-box; while also being efficient at writing data.

Other appealing characteristics of lsm1 are:

  1. Permissive license.
  2. Industrial-grade (robust) implementation.
  3. Single-file implementation: src/lsm1/lsm.c.
  4. Single-file database with single-writer/multiple-reader MVCC-based transactional concurrency model.
  5. Data durability in the face of application or system failure.
  6. Compression and/or encryption can be added.
  7. Read-only support. Writes to a database opened in read-only mode are rejected.
  8. Optimizations for write-once read-many (WORM) workloads. A database becomes essentially a single densely-packed B-tree. Improving the space required by the database on disk, as well as providing optimal I/O for reads.

Main design decisions realized in the current version of these bindings

  1. The main memory level of the LSM is currently limited in size to 32 MiB in total.
  2. To avoid main memory overheads, no part of the database file is currently memory-mapped.
  3. Access to a database file from a different process is currently deactivated. This speeds up operations on the database from different threads - as no shared-memory and POSIX locks are used.
  4. Robustness in the presence of a system crash is currently configured to provide a good trade-off between performance and safety. A system crash may not corrupt the database, but recently committed transactions may be lost following recovery. This is lsm1’s default durability setting.
  5. Background threads (in the relevant operational modes) are actively scheduled after writes to the database are performed. To keep memory usage as well as data safety under control, writes to the database may incur in higher latencies while the corresponding background thread works towards flushing data from main memory to disk (thus reducing main memory consumption) and/or check-pointing volatile data (the data that could be lost during a failure).

Future work

Relevant work in our roadmap currently includes:

  1. More configurability of the engine. Most parameters are currently set within the bindings and are not exposed to (experienced) users for example. Some of those will be exposed as features of the crate.
  2. High-performance mode. Currently, resources are used in a very conservative manner e.g., main memory usage and scheduling of background threads. Read/write performance can be significantly improved by allowing more main memory to be used, as well as scheduling background threads much more aggressively. Also, it is actually possible to have two background threads (additional to the main writing thread) working together, one would take on database file operations like flushing from main memory and merging segments, while the other checkpoints the database file.
  3. WebAssembly/JS support (lsmlite-js).
  4. Python bindings (lsmlite-py) using PyO3. We are aware of existing python bindings for lsm1 like python-lsm-db, so this has low priority at the moment.
  5. Encryption at rest.

lsm1 versions

  • lsmlite-rs version 0.1.0 is based on lsm1 contained in sqlite3-3.41.2 released on 22nd of March 2023. Amalgamated lsm1 file can be found under src/lsm1/lsm1-ae2e7fc.c along a short explanation about how this file was produced and how can it be locally updated from the official SQLite3’s source code.

Getting started

The following is a short example on how to declare and open a database, then insert data and traverse the whole database extracting all keys and values currently contained therein. Additional examples on particular topics (e.g., transactions, or compression) can be found under the examples directory.

use lsmlite_rs::*;

// Make sure that `/tmp/my_db.lsm` does not exist yet.
let db_conf = DbConf::new("/tmp/", "my_db".to_string());

// Let's declare an empty handle.
let mut db: LsmDb = Default::default();
// Let's initialize the handle with our configuration.
let rc = db.initialize(db_conf);
// Let's connect to the database. It is at this point that the file is produced.
let rc = db.connect();

// Insert data into the database, so that something gets traversed.
// Let's persist numbers 1 to 100 with 1 KB zeroed payload.
let value = vec![0; 1024];
let max_n: usize = 100;
for n in 1..=max_n {
    let key_serial = n.to_be_bytes();
    let rc = db.persist(&key_serial, &value).unwrap();

// Let's open the cursor once we have written data (snapshot isolation).
let mut cursor = db.cursor_open().unwrap();
// Let's move the cursor to the very first record on the database.
let rc = cursor.first();

// Now let's traverse the database extracting the data we just added.
let mut num_records = 0;
while cursor.valid().is_ok() {
    num_records += 1;
    // Extract the key.
    let current_key = Cursor::get_key(&cursor).unwrap();
    // Parse it to an integer.
    assert!(current_key.len() == 8);
    let key = usize::from_be_bytes(current_key.try_into().unwrap());
    // Extract the value.
    let current_value = Cursor::get_value(&cursor).unwrap();
    // Everything should match.
    assert!(key == num_records);
    assert!(current_value.len() == 1024);
    // Move onto the next record.;
// We did find what we wanted.
assert_eq!(num_records, max_n);

// EOF

How to contribute

We would be happy to hear your thoughts, feedback and pull requests are welcome.


This documentation contains examples that show how to create a database, as well as how read from it and write to it. Primary operations (reads and writes) over a database file are done via a lightweight set of methods described by traits Disk and Cursor. These traits are implemented by LsmDb and LsmCursor. For database configuration and creation, the relevant information can be found under DbConf and LsmDb.


  • This struct contains the configuration of a database.
  • This is the main cursor structure.
  • This represents the main-memory handle to a database file, most operations on the database are performed through the corresponding handle, like writing to it, or opening cursors, or handling explicit transactions.
  • These are the metrics exposed by the engine. This metrics are Prometheus histograms, see


  • These are the current supported compression libraries. A comparison of the performance of different compression libraries (compression ratio and throughput can be found here: Support for more compression libraries like, Snappy, may be added in the future.
  • These are the different seek operations of a cursor.
  • These are the different kind of errors that we can encounter.
  • Whether a database handle operates in read-only mode or not. By default, reads and writes are allowed in a database.
  • These are the different kinds of execution modes that the engine can work on. The default mode is LsmNoBackgroundThreads - in which no background thread is scheduled to perform any task. All file operations are performed by the thread that is currently writing by the database.


  • Primary set of methods of database cursors.
  • Primary set of methods of a database.