Type Definition liquid_core::model::KStringCow

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pub type KStringCow<'s> = KStringCowBase<'s, Box<str, Global>>;
Expand description

A reference to a UTF-8 encoded, immutable string.

Trait Implementations

Borrow the index

Get a Debug representation

A Display for a BoxedValue rendered for the user.

A Display for a Value as source code.

Report the data type (generally for error reporting).

Query the value’s state

Interpret as a string.

Convert to an owned type.

Extracts the scalar value if it is a scalar.

Tests whether this value is a scalar

Extracts the array value if it is an array.

Tests whether this value is an array

Extracts the object value if it is a object.

Tests whether this value is an object

Extracts the state if it is one

Tests whether this value is state

Tests whether this value is nil Read more