Expand description

Liquid data model.


Type representing a Liquid object, payload of the Value::Object variant


Liquid’s native date only type.

Liquid’s native date + time type.

A reference to a UTF-8 encoded, immutable string.

Type representing a Liquid object, payload of the Value::Object variant

Helper for ObjectView::render

Helper for ObjectView::source

Path to a value in an Object.

Iterate over indexes in a Value’s Path.

A Liquid scalar value

Value comparison semantics for types implementing ValueView.


Abstract the lifetime of a Display.

Queryable state for a Value.

An enum to represent different value types

Abstract the lifetime of a Value.


Accessor for arrays.

Owned object index

Accessor for objects.

Accessor for Values.


Find a ValueView nested in an ObjectView

Convert a value into T.

Convert a T into liquid_core::model::Object.

Convert a T into liquid_core::model::Scalar.

Convert a T into liquid_core::model::Value.

Find a ValueView nested in an ObjectView

Type Definitions

Type representing a Liquid array, payload of the Value::Array variant

A UTF-8 encoded, immutable string.

A reference to a UTF-8 encoded, immutable string.

A Liquid scalar value