Trait linfa::metrics::ToConfusionMatrix[][src]

pub trait ToConfusionMatrix<A, T> {
    fn confusion_matrix(&self, ground_truth: T) -> Result<ConfusionMatrix<A>>;

Classification for multi-label evaluation

Contains a routine to calculate the confusion matrix, all other scores are derived form it.

Required methods

fn confusion_matrix(&self, ground_truth: T) -> Result<ConfusionMatrix<A>>[src]

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<L: Label, S: Data<Elem = L>, T: AsTargets<Elem = L> + Labels<Elem = L>, R: Records> ToConfusionMatrix<L, &'_ DatasetBase<R, T>> for ArrayBase<S, Ix1>[src]

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impl<L: Label, R, R2, T, T2> ToConfusionMatrix<L, &'_ DatasetBase<R, T>> for DatasetBase<R2, T2> where
    R: Records,
    R2: Records,
    T: AsTargets<Elem = L>,
    T2: AsTargets<Elem = L> + Labels<Elem = L>, 

impl<L: Label, S, T> ToConfusionMatrix<L, &'_ ArrayBase<S, Dim<[usize; 1]>>> for T where
    S: Data<Elem = L>,
    T: AsTargets<Elem = L> + Labels<Elem = L>, 

impl<L: Label, S, T> ToConfusionMatrix<L, ArrayBase<S, Dim<[usize; 1]>>> for T where
    S: Data<Elem = L>,
    T: AsTargets<Elem = L> + Labels<Elem = L>, 

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