Struct libxml::tree::Node [] [src]

pub struct Node {
    pub node_ptr: *mut c_void,

An xml node


libxml's xmlNodePtr


impl Node

Create a new node, bound to a given document.

Create a new text node, bound to a given document

Create a mock node, used for a placeholder argument

For some reason libc::c_void isn't hashable and cannot be made hashable

Returns the next sibling if it exists

Returns the previous sibling if it exists

Returns the first child if it exists

Returns the last child if it exists

Returns all child nodes of the given node as a vector

Returns all child elements of the given node as a vector

Returns the parent if it exists

Get the node type

Add a previous sibling

Add a next sibling

Returns true iff it is a text node

Returns the name of the node (empty string if name pointer is NULL)

Returns the content of the node (empty string if content pointer is NULL)

Sets the text content of this Node

Returns the value of property name

Returns the value of property name in namespace ns

Return an attribute as a Node struct of type AttributeNode

Sets the value of property name to value

Sets a namespaced attribute

Removes the property of given name

Alias for get_property

Alias for get_property_ns

Alias for get_property_node

Alias for set_property

Alias for set_property_ns

Alias for remove_property

Get a copy of the attributes of this node

Alias for get_properties

Gets the active namespace associated of this node

Gets a list of namespaces associated with this node

Get a list of namespaces declared with this node

Sets a Namespace for the node

Looks up the prefix of a namespace from its URI, basedo around a given Node

Looks up the uri of a namespace from its prefix, basedo around a given Node

Get a set of class names from this node's attributes

Creates a new Node as child to the self Node

Creates a new Node as child to the self Node

Adds a new text child, to this Node

Append text to this Node

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for Node

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Hash for Node

Generates a hash value from the node_ptr value.

Feeds a slice of this type into the given [Hasher]. Read more

impl PartialEq for Node

Two nodes are considered equal, if they point to the same xmlNode.

This method tests for !=.

impl Eq for Node

impl Drop for Node

Free node if it isn't bound in some document