pub trait FramebufferRefresh {
    fn full_refresh(
        waveform_mode: waveform_mode,
        temperature: display_temp,
        dither_mode: dither_mode,
        quant_bit: i32,
        wait_completion: bool
    ) -> u32; fn partial_refresh(
        region: &mxcfb_rect,
        mode: PartialRefreshMode,
        waveform_mode: waveform_mode,
        temperature: display_temp,
        dither_mode: dither_mode,
        quant_bit: i32,
        force_full_refresh: bool
    ) -> u32; fn wait_refresh_complete(&self, marker: u32) -> u32; }

Required Methods§

Refreshes the entire screen with the provided parameters. If wait_completion is set to true, doesn’t return before the refresh has been completed. Returns the marker.

Refreshes the given region with the provided parameters. If mode is DryRun or Wait, this function won’t return before the DryRun’s collision_test or refresh has been completed. In Async mode, this function will return immediately and return a marker which can then later be fed to wait_refresh_complete to wait for its completion. In DryRun, it will return the collision_test result.

force_full_refresh allows rare cases where you may want to do a full refresh on a partial region. 99.9% of of the time, you want this set to false.

Some additional points to note:

  1. PxP must process 8x8 pixel blocks, and all pixels in each block are considered for auto-waveform mode selection. If the update region is not 8x8 aligned, additional unwanted pixels will be considered in auto-waveform mode selection.

  2. PxP input must be 32-bit aligned, so any update address not 32-bit aligned must be shifted to meet the 32-bit alignment. The PxP will thus end up processing pixels outside of the update region to satisfy this alignment restriction, which can affect auto-waveform mode selection.

  3. If input fails 32-bit alignment, and the resulting expansion of the processed region would add at least 8 pixels more per line than the original update line width, the EPDC would cause screen artifacts by incorrectly handling the 8+ pixels at the end of each line.

Takes a marker returned by partial_refresh and blocks until that refresh has been reflected on the display. Returns the collusion_test result which is supposed to be related to the collusion information.
