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Concolic Tracing Serialization Format

Design Goals

  • The serialization format for concolic tracing was developed with the goal of being space and time efficient.
  • Additionally, it should be easy to maintain and extend.
  • It does not have to be compatible with other programming languages.
  • It should be resilient to crashes. Since we are fuzzing, we are expecting the traced program to crash at some point.

The format as implemented fulfils these design goals. Specifically:

  • it requires only constant memory space for serialization, which allows for tracing complex and/or long-running programs.
  • the trace itself requires little space. A typical binary operation (such as an add) typically takes just 3 bytes.
  • it easy to encode. There is no translation between the interface of the runtime itself and the trace it generates.
  • it is similarly easy to decode and can be easily translated into an in-memory AST without overhead, because expressions are decoded from leaf to root instead of root to leaf.
  • At its core, it is just SymExprs, which can be added to, modified and removed from with ease. The definitions are automatically shared between the runtime and the consuming program, since both depend on the same LibAFL.


The serialization format applies multiple techniques to achieve its goals.

  • It uses bincode for efficient binary serialization. Crucially, bincode uses variable length integer encoding, allowing it encode small integers use fewer bytes.
  • References to previous expressions are stored relative to the current expressions id. The vast majority of expressions refer to other expressions that were defined close to their use. Therefore, encoding relative references keeps references small. Therefore, they make optimal use of bincodes variable length integer encoding.
  • Ids of expressions (SymExprRefs) are implicitly derived by their position in the message stream. Effectively, a counter is used to identify expressions.
  • The current length of the trace in bytes in serialized in a fixed format at the beginning of the trace. This length is updated regularly when the trace is in a consistent state. This allows the reader to avoid reading malformed data if the traced process crashed.


The expression SymExpr::BoolAnd { a: SymExpr::True, b: SymExpr::False } would be encoded as:

  1. 1 byte to identify SymExpr::True (a)
  2. 1 byte to identify SymExpr::False (b)
  3. 1 byte to identify SymExpr::BoolAnd
  4. 1 byte to reference a
  5. 1 byte to reference b

… making for a total of 5 bytes.



  • The kind of error that can be produced during a serialization or deserialization.


  • The default environment variable name to use for the shared memory used by the concolic tracing
  • The default shared memory size used by the concolic tracing.

Type Aliases