Module libafl::observers::concolic

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  • A metadata holding a buffer of a concolic trace.
  • A standard ConcolicObserver observer, observing constraints written into a memory buffer.
  • Locations are code locations encountered during concolic tracing, that are constructed from pointers, but not always in a meaningful way. Therefore, a location is an opaque value that can only be compared against itself.


  • SymExpr represents a message in the serialization format. The messages in the format are a perfect mirror of the methods that are called on the runtime during execution.


  • The name of the environment variable that signals the runtime to perform expression pruning.
  • The environment name used to identify the hitmap for the concolic runtime.
  • The name of the environment variable that signals the runtime to concretize floating point operations.
  • The name of the environment variable that contains the byte offsets to be symbolized.

Type Aliases

  • A SymExprRef identifies a SymExpr in a trace. Reading a SymExpr from a trace will always also yield its SymExprRef, which can be used later in the trace to identify the SymExpr. It is also never zero, which allows for efficient use of Option<SymExprRef>.