pub trait LateFormat {
    // Required method
    fn late_format(&self, arguments: HashMap<String, String>) -> String;
Expand description

The LateFormat trait allows substituting string parameters of arbitrary name that is computed at runtime.

LateFormat is implemented for the String and &str types by default.

The substitution syntax accepts curly braces forms:

{param_name}     # parameter to replace
{"escaped"}      # escaped sequence

Syntax description:

  • Whitespace is allowed around the parameter name or escaped form, such as { "foo" } versus {"foo"}.
  • {param_name} expands to either an argument given in the map (whose key string is param_name) or the string None if not present. The parameter name may contain any of the following characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 . - _ $
  • {"escaped"} expands to the string escaped. It is often used for escaping the curly braces.


use late_format::LateFormat;
use maplit::hashmap;
let user_string: String = "some user string: {id}".into();
assert_eq!("some user string: x", user_string.late_format(hashmap!{"id".into() => "x".into()}));
// if a string contains curly braces, they must be escaped.
let escaped: String = r#"{"{"}"#.into();

Required Methods§


fn late_format(&self, arguments: HashMap<String, String>) -> String

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl LateFormat for &str


fn late_format(&self, arguments: HashMap<String, String>) -> String


impl LateFormat for String


fn late_format(&self, arguments: HashMap<String, String>) -> String
