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#![warn(missing_docs)] //#![deny(warnings)] //! Enriches the `lambda_runtime` crate with [http](https://github.com/hyperium/http) //! types targeting ALB and API Gateway proxy events. //! //! Though ALB and API Gateway proxy events are separate Lambda triggers, they both share //! similar shapes that contextually map to an http request handler. From a application perspective //! the differences shouldn't matter. This crate //! abstracts over both using standard [http](https://github.com/hyperium/http) types allowing //! you to focus more on your application while giving you to the flexibility to //! transparently use whichever http trigger suits your application's needs best. //! //! # Examples //! //! ```rust,no_run //! use lambda_http::{lambda, IntoResponse, Request, RequestExt}; //! use lambda_runtime::{Context, error::HandlerError}; //! //! fn main() { //! lambda!(hello) //! } //! //! fn hello( //! request: Request, //! _ctx: Context //! ) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, HandlerError> { //! Ok(format!( //! "hello {}", //! request //! .query_string_parameters() //! .get("name") //! .unwrap_or_else(|| "stranger") //! )) //! } //! ``` //! //! You can also provide a closure directly to the `lambda!` macro //! //! ```rust,no_run //! use lambda_http::{lambda, Request, RequestExt}; //! //! fn main() { //! lambda!( //! |request: Request, context| Ok( //! format!( //! "hello {}", //! request.query_string_parameters() //! .get("name") //! .unwrap_or_else(|| "stranger") //! ) //! ) //! ) //! } //! ``` // only externed because maplit doesn't seem to play well with 2018 edition imports #[cfg(test)] #[macro_use] extern crate maplit; pub use http::{self, Response}; use lambda_runtime::{self as lambda, error::HandlerError, Context}; use tokio::runtime::Runtime as TokioRuntime; mod body; mod ext; pub mod request; mod response; mod strmap; pub use crate::{body::Body, ext::RequestExt, response::IntoResponse, strmap::StrMap}; use crate::{request::LambdaRequest, response::LambdaResponse}; /// Type alias for `http::Request`s with a fixed `lambda_http::Body` body pub type Request = http::Request<Body>; /// Functions serving as ALB and API Gateway handlers must conform to this type. pub trait Handler<R> { /// Run the handler. fn run(&mut self, event: Request, ctx: Context) -> Result<R, HandlerError>; } impl<F, R> Handler<R> for F where F: FnMut(Request, Context) -> Result<R, HandlerError>, { fn run(&mut self, event: Request, ctx: Context) -> Result<R, HandlerError> { (*self)(event, ctx) } } /// Creates a new `lambda_runtime::Runtime` and begins polling for ALB and API Gateway events /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `f` A type that conforms to the `Handler` interface. /// /// # Panics /// The function panics if the Lambda environment variables are not set. pub fn start<R>(f: impl Handler<R>, runtime: Option<TokioRuntime>) where R: IntoResponse, { // handler requires a mutable ref let mut func = f; lambda::start( |req: LambdaRequest<'_>, ctx: Context| { let is_alb = req.request_context.is_alb(); func.run(req.into(), ctx) .map(|resp| LambdaResponse::from_response(is_alb, resp.into_response())) }, runtime, ) } /// A macro for starting new handler's poll for API Gateway and ALB events #[macro_export] macro_rules! lambda { ($handler:expr) => { $crate::start($handler, None) }; ($handler:expr, $runtime:expr) => { $crate::start($handler, Some($runtime)) }; ($handler:ident) => { $crate::start($handler, None) }; ($handler:ident, $runtime:expr) => { $crate::start($handler, Some($runtime)) }; }