Crate lambda_extension

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This module includes utilities to create Lambda Runtime Extensions.

Create a type that conforms to the Extension trait. This type can then be passed to the the lambda_extension::run function, which launches and runs the Lambda runtime extension.


pub use tower;


Include several request builders to interact with the Extension API.


An Extension that runs event, log and telemetry processors
Simple error that encapsulates human readable descriptions
A no-op generic processor
Init report metrics
Event received when there is a new Lambda invocation.
Wrapper with information about the next event that the Lambda Runtime is going to process
Payload received from the Lambda Logs API See:
Payload received from the Telemetry API
Log buffering configuration. Allows Lambda to buffer logs before deliverying them to a subscriber.
Platform report metrics
Service factory to generate no-op generic processors
Report metrics
Runtime done metrics
A MakeService that produces services by cloning an inner service.
Event received when a Lambda function shuts down.
Tracing Context
Request tracing information


Phase in which initialization occurs
Type of Initialization
Record in a LambdaLog entry
Record in a LambdaTelemetry entry
Event that the extension receives in either the INVOKE or SHUTDOWN phase
Status of invocation/initialization
Type of tracing


An asynchronous function from a Request to a Response.


Execute the given events processor
Returns a new ServiceFn with the given closure.

Type Definitions

Error type that extensions may result in