[][src]Trait lair::Scalar

pub trait Scalar: 'static + Clone + Copy + Neg<Output = Self> + Sum<Self> + Product<Self> + Debug + Display + LowerExp + UpperExp + FromPrimitive + NumCast + NumAssign + for<'de> Deserialize<'de> + Serialize where
    <Self::Real as Scalar>::Real == Self::Real,
    <Self::Real as Scalar>::Complex == Self::Complex,
    <Self::Complex as Scalar>::Real == Self::Real,
    <Self::Complex as Scalar>::Complex == Self::Complex
{ type Real: Scalar + Float + NumOps<Self::Real, Self::Real>; type Complex: Scalar + NumOps<Self::Real, Self::Complex> + NumOps<Self::Complex, Self::Complex>; fn real<T>(re: T) -> Self::Real
        T: ToPrimitive
fn complex<T>(re: T, im: T) -> Self::Complex
        T: ToPrimitive
fn from_real(re: Self::Real) -> Self;
fn add_real(self, re: Self::Real) -> Self;
fn sub_real(self, re: Self::Real) -> Self;
fn mul_real(self, re: Self::Real) -> Self;
fn div_real(self, re: Self::Real) -> Self;
fn add_complex(self, im: Self::Complex) -> Self::Complex;
fn sub_complex(self, im: Self::Complex) -> Self::Complex;
fn mul_complex(self, im: Self::Complex) -> Self::Complex;
fn div_complex(self, im: Self::Complex) -> Self::Complex;
fn pow(self, n: Self) -> Self;
fn powi(self, n: i32) -> Self;
fn powf(self, n: Self::Real) -> Self;
fn powc(self, n: Self::Complex) -> Self::Complex;
fn re(&self) -> Self::Real;
fn im(&self) -> Self::Real;
fn as_c(&self) -> Self::Complex;
fn conj(&self) -> Self;
fn abs(self) -> Self::Real;
fn square(self) -> Self::Real;
fn sqrt(self) -> Self;
fn exp(self) -> Self;
fn ln(self) -> Self;
fn sin(self) -> Self;
fn cos(self) -> Self;
fn tan(self) -> Self;
fn asin(self) -> Self;
fn acos(self) -> Self;
fn atan(self) -> Self;
fn sinh(self) -> Self;
fn cosh(self) -> Self;
fn tanh(self) -> Self;
fn asinh(self) -> Self;
fn acosh(self) -> Self;
fn atanh(self) -> Self;
fn rand(rng: &mut impl Rng) -> Self; }

A trait for real and complex numbers.

Associated Types

type Real: Scalar + Float + NumOps<Self::Real, Self::Real>

type Complex: Scalar + NumOps<Self::Real, Self::Complex> + NumOps<Self::Complex, Self::Complex>

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Required methods

fn real<T>(re: T) -> Self::Real where
    T: ToPrimitive

Create a new real number

fn complex<T>(re: T, im: T) -> Self::Complex where
    T: ToPrimitive

Create a new complex number

fn from_real(re: Self::Real) -> Self

fn add_real(self, re: Self::Real) -> Self

fn sub_real(self, re: Self::Real) -> Self

fn mul_real(self, re: Self::Real) -> Self

fn div_real(self, re: Self::Real) -> Self

fn add_complex(self, im: Self::Complex) -> Self::Complex

fn sub_complex(self, im: Self::Complex) -> Self::Complex

fn mul_complex(self, im: Self::Complex) -> Self::Complex

fn div_complex(self, im: Self::Complex) -> Self::Complex

fn pow(self, n: Self) -> Self

fn powi(self, n: i32) -> Self

fn powf(self, n: Self::Real) -> Self

fn powc(self, n: Self::Complex) -> Self::Complex

fn re(&self) -> Self::Real

Real part

fn im(&self) -> Self::Real

Imaginary part

fn as_c(&self) -> Self::Complex

As a complex number

fn conj(&self) -> Self

Complex conjugate

fn abs(self) -> Self::Real

Absolute value

fn square(self) -> Self::Real

Sqaure of absolute value

fn sqrt(self) -> Self

fn exp(self) -> Self

fn ln(self) -> Self

fn sin(self) -> Self

fn cos(self) -> Self

fn tan(self) -> Self

fn asin(self) -> Self

fn acos(self) -> Self

fn atan(self) -> Self

fn sinh(self) -> Self

fn cosh(self) -> Self

fn tanh(self) -> Self

fn asinh(self) -> Self

fn acosh(self) -> Self

fn atanh(self) -> Self

fn rand(rng: &mut impl Rng) -> Self

Generate an random number from rand::distributions::Standard

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl Scalar for Complex<f64>[src]

type Real = f64

type Complex = Complex<f64>

impl Scalar for f32[src]

type Real = f32

type Complex = Complex<f32>

impl Scalar for f64[src]

type Real = f64

type Complex = Complex<f64>

impl Scalar for Complex<f32>[src]

type Real = f32

type Complex = Complex<f32>

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