[][src]Trait kurbo::ParamCurveDeriv

pub trait ParamCurveDeriv {
type DerivResult: ParamCurve;
    fn deriv(&self) -> Self::DerivResult;

    fn gauss_arclen(&self, coeffs: &[(f64, f64)]) -> f64 { ... }

A differentiable parametrized curve.

Associated Types

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Required methods

fn deriv(&self) -> Self::DerivResult

The derivative of the curve.

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Provided methods

fn gauss_arclen(&self, coeffs: &[(f64, f64)]) -> f64

Estimate arclength using Gaussian quadrature.

The coefficients are assumed to cover the range (-1..1), which is traditional.

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impl ParamCurveDeriv for ConstVec2[src]

type DerivResult = ConstVec2

fn gauss_arclen(&self, coeffs: &[(f64, f64)]) -> f64[src]

impl ParamCurveDeriv for CubicBez[src]

type DerivResult = QuadBez

fn gauss_arclen(&self, coeffs: &[(f64, f64)]) -> f64[src]

impl ParamCurveDeriv for Line[src]

type DerivResult = ConstVec2

fn gauss_arclen(&self, coeffs: &[(f64, f64)]) -> f64[src]

impl ParamCurveDeriv for QuadBez[src]

type DerivResult = Line

fn gauss_arclen(&self, coeffs: &[(f64, f64)]) -> f64[src]

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