Crate kparse

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Addons for a nom parser.

  • A error code trait.
  • A richer error type ParserError.
  • Traits to integrate external errors.
  • A tracking system for the parser.
  • A simple framework to test parser functions.
  • SpanLines and SpanBytes to get the context around a span.


pub use crate::error::ParserError;


Provides some extra parser combinators.
Error type, nom::error::Error replacement.
Prelude, import the traits.
Additions to LocatedSpan, str and [u8]
Test framework for parsers.
Everything related to tracking in a parser.


Provides access to the tracker functions for various input types.


Parser error code.
This is used internally to work with Result instead of an error type.
Change the error code.
Convert an external error into a ParserError and add an error code and a span.