[][src]Trait iterpipes::Pipe

pub trait Pipe {
    type InputItem;
    type OutputItem;
    fn next(&mut self, item: Self::InputItem) -> Self::OutputItem;

    fn reset(&mut self) { ... }
fn bypass(self) -> Bypass<Self>
        Self: Sized,
        Self::InputItem: Clone
, { ... }
fn compose(self) -> Composed<Self>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn connect<O: Pipe<InputItem = Self::OutputItem>>(
        other: O
    ) -> Connector<Self, O>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn into_iter(self) -> IterPipe<Self>
        Self::InputItem: Default,
        Self: Sized + Pipe<InputItem = ()>
, { ... }
fn optional(self) -> Optional<Self>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn enumerate(self) -> Enumerate<Self>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn boxed(
    ) -> Box<dyn Pipe<InputItem = Self::InputItem, OutputItem = Self::OutputItem>>
        Self: Sized + 'static
, { ... } }

An iterator-style pipe.

For more general information about pipes, please see the module-level documentation.

Associated Types

type InputItem

The type of input this pipe accepts.

type OutputItem

The type of output this pipe produces.

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Required methods

fn next(&mut self, item: Self::InputItem) -> Self::OutputItem

Calculate the next output item, based on an input item.

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Provided methods

fn reset(&mut self)

Reset the state of the pipe.

If implemented, this method resets the pipe to the state it had before the first output was retrieved. Since all decorator pipes of this crate implement it, it can be be used to reset the state of a whole pipeline without needing to constructing it again.

If your pipe can't be reseted, you may use the unimplemented!() macro. However, you should note this behavior in your documentation!


use iterpipes::*;

/// A pipe that counts up.
struct Counter {
    index: usize,

impl Pipe for Counter {
    type InputItem = ();
    type OutputItem = usize;

    fn next(&mut self, _: ()) -> usize {
        let output = self.index;
        self.index += 1;

    fn reset(&mut self) {
        self.index = 0;

let mut counter = Counter { index: 0};
assert_eq!(0, counter.next(()));
assert_eq!(1, counter.next(()));
assert_eq!(0, counter.next(()));
assert_eq!(1, counter.next(()));

fn bypass(self) -> Bypass<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::InputItem: Clone

Create a bypassed version of the pipe.

The returned pipe clones the input item, calculates the next output item and returns both the copied input item and the output item.


use iterpipes::*;

/// A pipe that rounds a floating point value to the nearest integer.
struct Round;

impl Pipe for Round {
    type InputItem = f32;
    type OutputItem = i32;

    fn next(&mut self, input: f32) -> i32 {
        input.round() as i32

let mut pipe = Round {}.bypass();
assert_eq!((0.5, 1), pipe.next(0.5));
assert_eq!((-2.2, -2), pipe.next(-2.2));

fn compose(self) -> Composed<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Create a composable pipe.

Composable pipes implement the >> operator that concatenates pipes.


use iterpipes::*;

/// A pipe that turns an index into a periodic progress value between 0.0 and 1.0.
struct Progress {
    period_length: usize,

impl Pipe for Progress {
    type InputItem = usize;
    type OutputItem = f32;

    fn next(&mut self, index: usize) -> f32 {
        (index % self.period_length) as f32 / self.period_length as f32

/// A pipe that turns a progress value into a square wave.
struct SquareWave;

impl Pipe for SquareWave {
    type InputItem = f32;
    type OutputItem = f32;

    fn next(&mut self, progress: f32) -> f32 {
        if progress < 0.5 {
        } else {

let mut pipe = PipeIter::new(0..).compose()
    >> Lazy::new(|i: Option<usize>| i.unwrap())
    >> Progress {period_length: 4}.compose()
    >> SquareWave;

for frame in &[-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0] {
    assert_eq!(*frame, pipe.next(()));

A technical note

The Compose struct is a workaround the fact that this crate can not implement the Shr trait (the >> operator) for every type that implements Pipe since Shr isn't a part of this crate. This patttern is known as the newtype pattern.

fn connect<O: Pipe<InputItem = Self::OutputItem>>(
    other: O
) -> Connector<Self, O> where
    Self: Sized

Connect two pipes.

The created pipe takes an input item for self, calculates the intermediate value and then uses it to calculate the output value of the other pipe.

Obviously, the InputItem of self and the OutputItem of the other pipe have to match!


use iterpipes::*;

/// A pipe that turns an index into a periodic progress value between 0.0 and 1.0.
struct Progress {
    period_length: usize,

impl Pipe for Progress {
    type InputItem = usize;
    type OutputItem = f32;

    fn next(&mut self, index: usize) -> f32 {
        (index % self.period_length) as f32 / self.period_length as f32

/// A pipe that turns a progress value into a square wave.
struct SquareWave;

impl Pipe for SquareWave {
    type InputItem = f32;
    type OutputItem = f32;

    fn next(&mut self, progress: f32) -> f32 {
        if progress < 0.5 {
        } else {

let mut pipe = Progress {period_length: 4}.connect(SquareWave);

for (index, frame) in [-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0].iter().enumerate() {
    assert_eq!(*frame, pipe.next(index));

fn into_iter(self) -> IterPipe<Self> where
    Self::InputItem: Default,
    Self: Sized + Pipe<InputItem = ()>, 

Wrap the pipe into an iterator.

For example, this can be used to iterate over a pipeline in a for loop. The input item needs to have a default value, since the iterator has to create it on it's own, and the output item must be an Optional value.


use iterpipes::*;

/// An pipe/iterator over a slice.
struct SlicePipe<'a, T> {
    data: &'a [T],
    index: usize,

impl<'a, T> Pipe for SlicePipe<'a, T> {
    type InputItem = ();
    type OutputItem = Option<&'a T>;

    fn next(&mut self, _: ()) -> Option<&'a T> {
        let value = self.data.get(self.index);
        if value.is_some() {
            self.index += 1;

const DATA: &[u32] = &[3, 2, 1];
for (index, value) in (SlicePipe {data: DATA, index: 0}).into_iter().enumerate() {
    assert_eq!(DATA[index], *value);

fn optional(self) -> Optional<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Optionalize the pipe.

The decorated pipe's input and output items are the optional versions of the original input and output items. If an input item is fed into the decorated pipe, it returns some output value, but if None is fed into the decorated pipe, None is returned.


use iterpipes::*;

/// A pipe that multiplies an input item by a factor.
struct Multiply<T>
    T: std::ops::Mul<T> + Copy
    factor: T,

impl<T> Pipe for Multiply<T>
    T: std::ops::Mul<T> + Copy
    type InputItem = T;
    type OutputItem = T::Output;

    fn next(&mut self, item: T) -> T::Output {
        item * self.factor

let mut pipe = Multiply::<u32> { factor: 2 }.optional();

assert_eq!(Some(4), pipe.next(Some(2)));
assert_eq!(None, pipe.next(None));

fn enumerate(self) -> Enumerate<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Enumerate the output items of a pipe.

The decorated pipe will return a tuple of an index and the output item. The index starts from 0 and is counted up for every output item.


use iterpipes::*;

/// A pipe that always returns a clone of the same value.
struct DefaultPipe<T: Clone> {
    value: T,

impl<T: Clone> Pipe for DefaultPipe<T> {
    type InputItem = ();
    type OutputItem = T;

    fn next(&mut self, _: ()) -> T {

let mut pipe = DefaultPipe { value: 42u8 }.enumerate();
assert_eq!((0, 42), pipe.next(()));
assert_eq!((1, 42), pipe.next(()));
assert_eq!((2, 42), pipe.next(()));

fn boxed(
) -> Box<dyn Pipe<InputItem = Self::InputItem, OutputItem = Self::OutputItem>> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Create a boxed trait object of the pipe.

This might be useful to move pipes across API bounds since it hides the internal composition of the pipe.


use iterpipes::*;

fn create_pipe() -> Box<dyn Pipe<InputItem = usize, OutputItem = usize>> {
    Lazy::new(|i| i * 2).boxed()

let mut pipe = create_pipe();

for i in 0..4 {
    assert_eq!(i*2, pipe.next(i));
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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl Pipe for ()[src]

type InputItem = ()

type OutputItem = ()

impl<P0, P1> Pipe for (P0, P1) where
    P0: Pipe,
    P1: Pipe

type InputItem = (P0::InputItem, P1::InputItem)

type OutputItem = (P0::OutputItem, P1::OutputItem)

impl<'a, P: Pipe + ?Sized> Pipe for &'a mut P[src]

type InputItem = P::InputItem

type OutputItem = P::OutputItem

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impl<I, O, F> Pipe for Lazy<I, O, F> where
    F: Fn(I) -> O, 

type InputItem = I

type OutputItem = O

impl<I, O, F> Pipe for LazyMut<I, O, F> where
    F: FnMut(I) -> O, 

type InputItem = I

type OutputItem = O

impl<I: Iterator> Pipe for PipeIter<I>[src]

type InputItem = ()

type OutputItem = Option<I::Item>

impl<P> Pipe for Bypass<P> where
    P: Pipe,
    P::InputItem: Clone

type InputItem = P::InputItem

type OutputItem = (P::InputItem, P::OutputItem)

impl<P> Pipe for Composed<P> where
    P: Pipe

type InputItem = P::InputItem

type OutputItem = P::OutputItem

impl<P> Pipe for Optional<P> where
    P: Pipe

type InputItem = Option<P::InputItem>

type OutputItem = Option<P::OutputItem>

impl<P0, P1> Pipe for Connector<P0, P1> where
    P0: Pipe,
    P1: Pipe<InputItem = P0::OutputItem>, 

type InputItem = P0::InputItem

type OutputItem = P1::OutputItem

impl<P: Pipe> Pipe for Enumerate<P>[src]

type InputItem = P::InputItem

type OutputItem = (usize, P::OutputItem)

impl<T> Pipe for Counter<T> where
    T: AddAssign<T> + Copy

type InputItem = ()

type OutputItem = T

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