Crate irox_threading

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Multithreading and Asynchronous programming tools and utilities


  • A CompletableTask is a one-time-use shuttle struct to enable tasks/threads to provide the result of an compute operation. Once the task is completed, any additional attempts to complete the task results in an error.
  • An Executor that doesn’t spawn new threads, just runs on the current thread.
  • A thread-safe, shared exchange buffer. Allows multiple producers to push elements in, up to a blocking max capacity. Allows multiple consumers to take elements out, blocking if none available.
  • Local, Current thread version of CompletableTask that uses a Rc instead of an Arc for inner storage.
  • A task that can be run on the current thread.
  • A handle to the submitted task, to retrieve the result of the operation
  • Local thread Waker struct
  • An executor implementation backed by a single thread.
  • A handle to the return result of the submitted task.


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