Struct ignore::types::TypesBuilder [] [src]

pub struct TypesBuilder { /* fields omitted */ }

TypesBuilder builds a type matcher from a set of file type definitions and a set of file type selections.


impl TypesBuilder

Create a new builder for a file type matcher.

The builder contains no type definitions to start with. A set of default type definitions can be added with add_defaults, and additional type definitions can be added with select and negate.

Build the current set of file type definitions and selections into a file type matcher.

Return the set of current file type definitions.

Definitions and globs are sorted.

Select the file type given by name.

If name is all, then all file types currently defined are selected.

Ignore the file type given by name.

If name is all, then all file types currently defined are negated.

Clear any file type definitions for the type name given.

Add a new file type definition. name can be arbitrary and pat should be a glob recognizing file paths belonging to the name type.

If name is all or otherwise contains any character that is not a Unicode letter or number, then an error is returned.

Add a new file type definition specified in string form. There are two valid formats: 1. {name}:{glob}. This defines a 'root' definition that associates the given name with the given glob. 2. `{name}:include:{comma-separated list of already defined names}. This defines an 'include' definition that associates the given name with the definitions of the given existing types. Names may not include any characters that are not Unicode letters or numbers.

Add a set of default file type definitions.