[][src]Enum ichen_openprotocol::Message

pub enum Message<'a> {
    Alive {
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    ControllerAction {
        controller_id: ID,
        action_id: ActionID,
        timestamp: DateTime<FixedOffset>,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    RequestControllersList {
        controller_id: Option<ID>,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    ControllersList {
        data: IndexMap<ID, Controller<'a>>,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    ControllerStatus {
        controller_id: ID,
        display_name: Option<Box<TextName<'a>>>,
        is_disconnected: Option<bool>,
        op_mode: Option<OpMode>,
        job_mode: Option<JobMode>,
        alarm: Option<Box<KeyValuePair<TextID<'a>, bool>>>,
        audit: Option<Box<KeyValuePair<TextID<'a>, R32>>>,
        variable: Option<Box<KeyValuePair<TextID<'a>, R32>>>,
        operator_id: Option<Option<ID>>,
        operator_name: Option<Option<Box<TextName<'a>>>>,
        job_card_id: Option<Option<Box<TextName<'a>>>>,
        mold_id: Option<Option<Box<TextName<'a>>>>,
        state: StateValues<'a>,
        controller: Option<Box<Controller<'a>>>,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    CycleData {
        controller_id: ID,
        data: IndexMap<TextID<'a>, R32>,
        timestamp: DateTime<FixedOffset>,
        state: StateValues<'a>,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    RequestJobCardsList {
        controller_id: ID,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    JobCardsList {
        controller_id: ID,
        data: IndexMap<TextName<'a>, JobCard<'a>>,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    Join {
        org_id: Option<TextID<'a>>,
        version: TextID<'a>,
        password: &'a str,
        language: Language,
        filter: Filters,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    JoinResponse {
        result: u32,
        level: Option<u32>,
        message: Option<Box<Cow<'a, str>>>,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    RequestMoldData {
        controller_id: ID,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    MoldData {
        controller_id: ID,
        data: IndexMap<TextID<'a>, R32>,
        timestamp: DateTime<FixedOffset>,
        state: StateValues<'a>,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    ReadMoldData {
        controller_id: ID,
        field: Option<TextID<'a>>,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    MoldDataValue {
        controller_id: ID,
        field: TextID<'a>,
        value: R32,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    LoginOperator {
        controller_id: ID,
        password: &'a str,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,
    OperatorInfo {
        controller_id: ID,
        operator_id: Option<ID>,
        name: TextName<'a>,
        password: TextName<'a>,
        level: u8,
        options: MessageOptions<'a>,

All Open Protocol message types.

See this document for details.



The ALIVE message, sent periodically as the keep-alive mechanism.

Fields of Alive

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The CNTRLER_ACTION message, sent by the server whenever the current action of a controller changes.

Fields of ControllerAction

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

action_id: ActionID

Unique action code.

See this document for details.

timestamp: DateTime<FixedOffset>

Time-stamp of the event.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The REQ_CNTRLER_LIST message, sent to the server to request a list of controllers (i.e. machines) within the user's organization.


The Server should reply with a ControllersList message.

Fields of RequestControllersList

controller_id: Option<ID>

Unique ID of the controller to request.

If omitted, all controllers of the user's organization will be returned.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The RESP_CNTRLER_LIST message, sent by the server in response to a RequestControllersList message.

Fields of ControllersList

data: IndexMap<ID, Controller<'a>>

List of controllers requested by a previous RequestControllersList message.

Each controller data structure contains the last-known values of the controller's state.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The UPD_CNTRLER message, sent by the server whenever the status of a connected controller changes.

Only the changed fields will be set, with other fields/properties being set to None as they are not relevant.

Fields of ControllerStatus

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

display_name: Option<Box<TextName<'a>>>

Human-friendly name for display (or None if not relevant).

is_disconnected: Option<bool>

If true, the controller has disconnected from the iChen® Server.

op_mode: Option<OpMode>

Current operation mode of the controller (or None if not relevant).

job_mode: Option<JobMode>

Current job mode of the controller (or None if not relevant).

alarm: Option<Box<KeyValuePair<TextID<'a>, bool>>>

State of an alarm (if any) on the controller (or None if not relevant).

See this document for valid alarm codes.

audit: Option<Box<KeyValuePair<TextID<'a>, R32>>>

Change of a setting (if any) on the controller for audit trail purpose (or None if not relevant).

variable: Option<Box<KeyValuePair<TextID<'a>, R32>>>

Change of a variable (if any) on the controller (or None if not relevant).

operator_id: Option<Option<ID>>

Unique ID of the current logged-on user, Some(None) if a user has logged out (or None if not relevant).

operator_name: Option<Option<Box<TextName<'a>>>>

Name of the current logged-on user, Some(None) if the current user has no name (or None if not relevant).

job_card_id: Option<Option<Box<TextName<'a>>>>

Unique ID of the current job card loaded, Some(None) if no job card is currently loaded (or None if not relevant).

mold_id: Option<Option<Box<TextName<'a>>>>

Unique ID of the current mold data set loaded, Some(None) if no mold data set is currently loaded (or None if not relevant).

state: StateValues<'a>

Snapshot of the current known states of the controller.

controller: Option<Box<Controller<'a>>>

A Controller data structure containing the last-known state of the controller.

This field is only sent once by the server as soon as a new controller has connected to the network. All subsequent messages have this field set to None.

If this field is not None, then all other info fields should be None or have values equal to the matching fields in controller.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The CYCLE_DATA message, sent by the server at the end of each machine cycle.

Fields of CycleData

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

data: IndexMap<TextID<'a>, R32>

A data dictionary containing a set of cycle data.

See this document for examples.

timestamp: DateTime<FixedOffset>

Time-stamp of the event.

state: StateValues<'a>

Snapshot of the current known states of the controller.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The REQ_JOBCARDS_LIST message, sent by the server when a connected controller requests a list of job cards.

Action Required

The user should send a JobCardsList message to the Server as a reply.

Fields of RequestJobCardsList

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The RESP_JOBSLIST message, sent to the server in response to a RequestJobCardsList message.

Fields of JobCardsList

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

data: IndexMap<TextName<'a>, JobCard<'a>>

A data dictionary containing a set of JobCard data structures.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The JOIN message, sent to log onto the server.


The Server should reply with a JoinResponse message.

Fields of Join

org_id: Option<TextID<'a>>

Organization ID (if any).

version: TextID<'a>

The maximum protocol version supported, in the format x.x.x.x.

The current protocol version implemented is in the constant PROTOCOL_VERSION.

password: &'a str

Password to log onto the server.

language: Language

Language encoding.

filter: Filters

A collection of Filter values containing what type(s) of messages to receive.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The RESP_JOIN message, sent by the Server in response to a Join message.

Fields of JoinResponse

result: u32

Result code, >= 100 indicates success.

level: Option<u32>

The allowed access level for this client.

message: Option<Box<Cow<'a, str>>>

A message (mostly likely an error message in case of failure), if any.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The REQ_MOLD message, sent to the server to request the set of mold settings data of a controller.


The Server should reply with a MoldData message.

Fields of RequestMoldData

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The RESP_MOLD message, sent by the server in response to a RequestMoldData message or a ReadMoldData message with field set to None (meaning read all).

Fields of MoldData

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

data: IndexMap<TextID<'a>, R32>

A data dictionary containing a set of mold settings.

timestamp: DateTime<FixedOffset>

Time-stamp of the event.

state: StateValues<'a>

Snapshot of the current known states of the controller.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The READ_MOLD_DATA message, sent to the server to read the current value of a particular mold setting.

The server keeps a cache of the states of all mold settings for each controller. The value returned is based on the server cache. No command is sent to controller to poll the latest value.


The Server should reply with a MoldData message if field is None, or a MoldDataValue message.

Fields of ReadMoldData

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

field: Option<TextID<'a>>

Name of the mold setting to read, None for all.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The RESP_MOLD_DATA_VALUE message, sent by the server in response to a ReadMoldData message.

Fields of MoldDataValue

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

field: TextID<'a>

Name of the mold setting to read.

value: R32

Current cached value of the mold setting.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The REQ_PWD_LEVEL message, sent by server when a connected controller attempts to authenticate and authorize a user password.

Action Required

The user should send an OperatorInfo message to the Server as a reply.

Fields of LoginOperator

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

password: &'a str

User password.

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


The RESP_PWD_LEVEL message, sent to the server in response to a LoginOperator message.

Fields of OperatorInfo

controller_id: ID

Unique ID of the controller.

operator_id: Option<ID>

Unique ID of the authenticated user.

name: TextName<'a>

Name of the user.

password: TextName<'a>

User password.

level: u8

Allowed access level for the user.

Valid values are from 0 to MAX_OPERATOR_LEVEL (usually 10).

options: MessageOptions<'a>

Message configuration options.


impl<'a> Message<'a>[src]

pub const PROTOCOL_VERSION: &'static str[src]

Current protocol version: 4.0.

pub const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: Language[src]

Default language to use: EN (English).

pub const MAX_OPERATOR_LEVEL: u8[src]

Maximum operator level: 10.

pub fn parse_from_json_str(json: &'a str) -> Result<'a, Self>[src]

Parse a JSON string into a Message.


Return Err(OpenProtocolError) if there is an error during parsing.

pub fn to_json_str(&self) -> Result<String>[src]

Validate all the fields in the Message, then serialize it into a JSON string.


Return Err(OpenProtocolError) if there is an error.


let msg = Message::try_new_join_with_org("MyPassword", Filters::Status + Filters::Cycle, "MyCompany")?;
    r#"{"$type":"Join","orgId":"MyCompany","version":"4.0","password":"MyPassword","language":"EN","filter":"Status, Cycle","sequence":1}"#,

pub fn new_alive() -> Self[src]

Create an ALIVE message.


let msg = Message::new_alive();
if let Message::Alive { options } = msg {
    assert_eq!(1, options.sequence());
    assert_eq!(0, options.priority());
    assert_eq!(None, options.id());
} else {

pub fn new_join(password: &'a str, filter: Filters) -> Self[src]

Create a JOIN message with default language and protocol version.

The default language is DEFAULT_LANGUAGE (usually EN).

The default protocol version is given in PROTOCOL_VERSION.


let msg = Message::new_join("MyPassword", Filters::Status + Filters::Cycle);
if let Message::Join { org_id, version, password, language, filter, options } = msg {
    assert_eq!(None, org_id);
    assert_eq!(Message::PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version);
    assert_eq!("MyPassword", password);
    assert_eq!(Message::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, language);
    assert_eq!(Filters::Status + Filters::Cycle, filter);
    assert_eq!(1, options.sequence());
    assert_eq!(0, options.priority());
    assert_eq!(None, options.id());
} else {

pub fn try_new_join_with_org(
    password: &'a str,
    filter: Filters,
    org: &'a str
) -> Result<Self, String>

Create a JOIN message with non-default organization.


Returns Err(String) if the organization ID is empty or all-whitespace or contains any non-ASCII characters.

Error Examples

match Message::try_new_join_with_org("MyPassword", Filters::Status + Filters::Cycle, "") {
    Err(e) => assert_eq!("invalid value: a non-empty, non-whitespace, all-ASCII string required", e),
    _ => ()


let msg = Message::try_new_join_with_org("MyPassword", Filters::Status + Filters::Cycle, "MyCompany")?;

if let Message::Join { org_id, version, password, language, filter, options } = msg {
    assert_eq!(Some("MyCompany"), org_id.as_ref().map(|x| x.get()));
    assert_eq!(Message::PROTOCOL_VERSION, version.get());
    assert_eq!("MyPassword", password);
    assert_eq!(Message::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, language);
    assert_eq!(Filters::Status + Filters::Cycle, filter);
    assert_eq!(1, options.sequence());
    assert_eq!(0, options.priority());
    assert_eq!(None, options.id());
} else {

pub fn id(&self) -> Option<&str>[src]

Get the optional message ID from the options field.

pub fn sequence(&self) -> u64[src]

Get the message sequence number from the options field.

pub fn priority(&self) -> i32[src]

Get the message priority from the options field.

pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<'a, ()>[src]

Validate the Message data structure.


Returns Err(OpenProtocolError) if some fields in the Message are not valid.


let msg = Message::ControllerStatus {
    controller_id: ID::from_u32(12345),
    display_name: None,
    is_disconnected: None,
    op_mode: None,
    job_mode: None,
    job_card_id: Some(None),
    mold_id: Some(Some(Box::new(TextName::new_from_str("Test-123").unwrap()))),     // Value is "Test-123"
    operator_id: None,
    operator_name: None,
    variable: None,
    audit: None,
    alarm: None,
    controller: None,
    state: StateValues::try_new_with_all(
        Some("Test-FooBar"),    // Notice that this state value should be "Test-123"
    options: Default::default(),

// Validation should error because `state.mold_id` is not the same as the `mold_id` field.

Trait Implementations

impl<'a> Clone for Message<'a>[src]

impl<'a> Debug for Message<'a>[src]

impl<'de: 'a, 'a> Deserialize<'de> for Message<'a>[src]

impl<'a> Serialize for Message<'a>[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<'a> RefUnwindSafe for Message<'a>

impl<'a> Send for Message<'a>

impl<'a> Sync for Message<'a>

impl<'a> Unpin for Message<'a>

impl<'a> UnwindSafe for Message<'a>

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T where
    T: Deserialize<'de>, 

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Typeable for T where
    T: Any