Struct i2cdev::linux::LinuxI2CDevice [] [src]

pub struct LinuxI2CDevice { /* fields omitted */ }


impl LinuxI2CDevice


Create a new I2CDevice for the specified path

Trait Implementations

impl AsRawFd for LinuxI2CDevice


Extracts the raw file descriptor. Read more

impl I2CDevice for LinuxI2CDevice


Read data from the device to fill the provided slice


Write the provided buffer to the device


This sends a single bit to the device, at the place of the Rd/Wr bit


Read a single byte from a device, without specifying a device register

Some devices are so simple that this interface is enough; for others, it is a shorthand if you want to read the same register as in the previous SMBus command.


Write a single byte to a sdevice, without specifying a device register

This is the opposite operation as smbus_read_byte. As with read_byte, no register is specified.


Read a single byte from a device, from a designated register

The register is specified through the Comm byte.


Write a single byte to a specific register on a device

The register is specified through the Comm byte.


Read 2 bytes form a given register on a device


Write 2 bytes to a given register on a device


Select a register, send 16 bits of data to it, and read 16 bits of data


Read a block of up to 32 bytes from a device

The actual number of bytes available to read is returned in the count byte. This code returns a correctly sized vector containing the count bytes read from the device.


Read a block of up to 32 bytes from a device via i2c_smbus_i2c_read_block_data


Write a block of up to 32 bytes to a device

The opposite of the Block Read command, this writes up to 32 bytes to a device, to a designated register that is specified through the Comm byte. The amount of data is specified in the Count byte.


Select a register, send 1 to 31 bytes of data to it, and reads 1 to 31 bytes of data from it.