Crate hypergraph

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Hypergraph is data structure library to generate directed hypergraphs.

A hypergraph is a generalization of a graph in which a hyperedge can join any number of vertices.


This library enables you to:

  • represent non-simple hypergraphs with two or more hyperedges - with different weights - containing the exact same set of vertices
  • represent self-loops - i.e., hyperedges containing vertices directed to themselves one or more times
  • represent unaries - i.e., hyperedges containing a unique vertex

Additional features:

  • Safe Rust implementation
  • Proper error handling
  • Stable indexes assigned for each hyperedge and each vertex


Please notice that the hyperedges and the vertices must implement the HyperedgeTrait and the VertexTrait respectively.

use hypergraph::{HyperedgeIndex, Hypergraph, VertexIndex};
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result};

// Create a new struct to represent a person.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Person<'a> {
    name: &'a str,

impl<'a> Person<'a> {
    pub fn new(name: &'a str) -> Self {
        Self { name }

impl<'a> Display for Person<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self)

// Create a new struct to represent a relation.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Relation<'a> {
    cost: usize,
    name: &'a str,

impl<'a> Relation<'a> {
    pub fn new(name: &'a str, cost: usize) -> Self {
        Self { cost, name }

impl<'a> Display for Relation<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self)

impl<'a> Into<usize> for Relation<'a> {
    fn into(self) -> usize {

fn main() -> std::result::Result<(),  Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut graph = Hypergraph::<Person, Relation>::new();

    // Create some folks.
    let ava_person = Person::new("Ava");
    let bianca_person = Person::new("Bianca");
    let charles_person = Person::new("Charles");
    let daena_person = Person::new("Daena");
    let ewan_person = Person::new("Ewan");
    let faarooq_person = Person::new("Faarooq");
    let ghanda_person = Person::new("Ghanda");

    // Add those to the graph as vertices.
    let ava = graph.add_vertex(ava_person)?;
    let bianca = graph.add_vertex(bianca_person)?;
    let charles = graph.add_vertex(charles_person)?;
    let daena = graph.add_vertex(daena_person)?;
    let ewan = graph.add_vertex(ewan_person)?;
    let faarooq = graph.add_vertex(faarooq_person)?;
    let ghanda = graph.add_vertex(ghanda_person)?;
    // Each vertex gets a unique index by insertion order.
    assert_eq!(ava, VertexIndex(0));
    assert_eq!(ghanda, VertexIndex(6));

    // Get the weight of a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_vertex_weight(VertexIndex(0)), Ok(&ava_person));
    // The hypergraph has seven vertices.
    assert_eq!(graph.count_vertices(), 7);

    // Create some relations.
    let cat_video = Relation::new("share a viral video with a cat", 1);
    let dog_video = Relation::new("share a viral video with a dog", 1);
    let beaver_video = Relation::new("share a viral video with a beaver", 1);
    let playing_online = Relation::new("play online", 1);
    let passing_ball = Relation::new("pass the ball", 1);

    // Add those to the graph as hyperedges.
    let first_relation = graph.add_hyperedge(vec![faarooq, ava, ghanda], cat_video)?;
    let second_relation = graph.add_hyperedge(vec![faarooq, ava, ghanda], dog_video)?;
    let third_relation = graph.add_hyperedge(vec![ewan, ava, bianca], beaver_video)?;
    let fourth_relation = graph.add_hyperedge(vec![daena], playing_online)?;
    let fifth_relation = graph.add_hyperedge(vec![ewan, charles, bianca, bianca, ewan], passing_ball)?;

    // Each hyperedge gets a unique index by insertion order.
    assert_eq!(first_relation, HyperedgeIndex(0));
    assert_eq!(fifth_relation, HyperedgeIndex(4));

    // Get the weight of a hyperedge.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_hyperedge_weight(HyperedgeIndex(0)), Ok(&cat_video));

    // Get the vertices of a hyperedge.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_hyperedge_vertices(HyperedgeIndex(0)), Ok(vec![faarooq, ava, ghanda]));

    // The hypergraph has 5 hyperedges.
    assert_eq!(graph.count_hyperedges(), 5);

    // Get the hyperedges of a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_vertex_hyperedges(VertexIndex(0)), Ok(vec![first_relation, second_relation, third_relation]));
    assert_eq!(graph.get_full_vertex_hyperedges(VertexIndex(0)), Ok(vec![vec![faarooq, ava, ghanda], vec![faarooq, ava, ghanda], vec![ewan, ava, bianca]]));
    // Get the intersection of some hyperedges.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_hyperedges_intersections(vec![second_relation, third_relation]), Ok(vec![ava]));

    // Find a hyperedge containing a connection between two vertices.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_hyperedges_connecting(bianca, bianca), Ok(vec![fifth_relation]));

    // Get the adjacent vertices from a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_adjacent_vertices_from(VertexIndex(0)), Ok(vec![bianca, ghanda]));

    // Get the adjacent vertices to a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_adjacent_vertices_to(VertexIndex(0)), Ok(vec![ewan, faarooq]));

    // Find the shortest paths between some vertices.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_dijkstra_connections(faarooq, bianca), Ok(vec![(faarooq, None), (ava, Some(first_relation)), (bianca, Some(third_relation))]));

    // Update the weight of a vertex.
    graph.update_vertex_weight(ava, Person::new("Avā"))?;
    // Update the weight of a hyperedge.
    graph.update_hyperedge_weight(third_relation, Relation::new("share a viral video with a capybara", 1))?;

    // Update the vertices of a hyperedge.
    graph.update_hyperedge_vertices(third_relation, vec![ewan, ava, daena])?;

    // Remove a hyperedge.

    // Remove a vertex.

    // Reverse a hyperedge.

    // Get the in-degree of a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_vertex_degree_in(ava), Ok(1));

    // Get the out-degree of a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_vertex_degree_out(ghanda), Ok(0));

    // Contract a hyperedge's vertices.
    graph.contract_hyperedge_vertices(fifth_relation, vec![bianca, charles], bianca)?;

    // Join some hyperedges.
    graph.join_hyperedges(vec![fifth_relation, third_relation]);

    // Clear the hyperedges.

    // Clear the whole hypergraph.



Hyperedge stable index representation as usize. Uses the newtype index pattern.
A directed hypergraph composed of generic vertices and hyperedges.
Vertex stable index representation as usize. Uses the newtype index pattern.


Shared Trait for the hyperedges. Must be implemented to use the library.
Shared Trait for the vertices. Must be implemented to use the library.