Crate hypergraph

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Hypergraph is data structure library to generate directed hypergraphs.

A hypergraph is a generalization of a graph in which a hyperedge can join any number of vertices.


This library enables you to:

  • represent non-simple hypergraphs with two or more hyperedges - with different weights - containing the exact same set of vertices
  • represent self-loops - i.e., hyperedges containing vertices directed to themselves one or more times
  • represent unaries - i.e., hyperedges containing a unique vertex

Additional features:

  • Safe Rust implementation
  • Proper error handling
  • Stable indexes assigned for each hyperedge and each vertex


Please notice that the hyperedges and the vertices must implement the HyperedgeTrait and the VertexTrait respectively.

use hypergraph::{HyperedgeIndex, Hypergraph, VertexIndex};
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result};

// Create a new struct to represent a person.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Person<'a> {
    name: &'a str,

impl<'a> Person<'a> {
    pub fn new(name: &'a str) -> Self {
        Self { name }

impl<'a> Display for Person<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self)

// Create a new struct to represent a relation.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Relation<'a> {
    cost: usize,
    name: &'a str,

impl<'a> Relation<'a> {
    pub fn new(name: &'a str, cost: usize) -> Self {
        Self { cost, name }

impl<'a> Display for Relation<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self)

impl<'a> Into<usize> for Relation<'a> {
    fn into(self) -> usize {

fn main() -> std::result::Result<(),  Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut graph = Hypergraph::<Person, Relation>::new();

    // Create some folks.
    let ava_person = Person::new("Ava");
    let bianca_person = Person::new("Bianca");
    let charles_person = Person::new("Charles");
    let daena_person = Person::new("Daena");
    let ewan_person = Person::new("Ewan");
    let faarooq_person = Person::new("Faarooq");
    let ghanda_person = Person::new("Ghanda");

    // Add those to the graph as vertices.
    let ava = graph.add_vertex(ava_person)?;
    let bianca = graph.add_vertex(bianca_person)?;
    let charles = graph.add_vertex(charles_person)?;
    let daena = graph.add_vertex(daena_person)?;
    let ewan = graph.add_vertex(ewan_person)?;
    let faarooq = graph.add_vertex(faarooq_person)?;
    let ghanda = graph.add_vertex(ghanda_person)?;
    // Each vertex gets a unique index by insertion order.
    assert_eq!(ava, VertexIndex(0));
    assert_eq!(ghanda, VertexIndex(6));

    // Get the weight of a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_vertex_weight(VertexIndex(0)), Ok(&ava_person));
    // The hypergraph has seven vertices.
    assert_eq!(graph.count_vertices(), 7);

    // Create some relations.
    let cat_video = Relation::new("share a viral video with a cat", 1);
    let dog_video = Relation::new("share a viral video with a dog", 1);
    let beaver_video = Relation::new("share a viral video with a beaver", 1);
    let playing_online = Relation::new("play online", 1);
    let passing_ball = Relation::new("pass the ball", 1);

    // Add those to the graph as hyperedges.
    let first_relation = graph.add_hyperedge(vec![faarooq, ava, ghanda], cat_video)?;
    let second_relation = graph.add_hyperedge(vec![faarooq, ava, ghanda], dog_video)?;
    let third_relation = graph.add_hyperedge(vec![ewan, ava, bianca], beaver_video)?;
    let fourth_relation = graph.add_hyperedge(vec![daena], playing_online)?;
    let fifth_relation = graph.add_hyperedge(vec![ewan, charles, bianca, bianca, ewan], passing_ball)?;

    // Each hyperedge gets a unique index by insertion order.
    assert_eq!(first_relation, HyperedgeIndex(0));
    assert_eq!(fifth_relation, HyperedgeIndex(4));

    // Get the weight of a hyperedge.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_hyperedge_weight(HyperedgeIndex(0)), Ok(&cat_video));

    // Get the vertices of a hyperedge.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_hyperedge_vertices(HyperedgeIndex(0)), Ok(vec![faarooq, ava, ghanda]));

    // The hypergraph has 5 hyperedges.
    assert_eq!(graph.count_hyperedges(), 5);

    // Get the hyperedges of a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_vertex_hyperedges(VertexIndex(0)), Ok(vec![first_relation, second_relation, third_relation]));
    assert_eq!(graph.get_full_vertex_hyperedges(VertexIndex(0)), Ok(vec![vec![faarooq, ava, ghanda], vec![faarooq, ava, ghanda], vec![ewan, ava, bianca]]));
    // Get the intersection of some hyperedges.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_hyperedges_intersections(vec![second_relation, third_relation]), Ok(vec![ava]));

    // Find a hyperedge containing a connection between two vertices.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_hyperedges_connecting(bianca, bianca), Ok(vec![fifth_relation]));

    // Get the adjacent vertices from a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_adjacent_vertices_from(VertexIndex(0)), Ok(vec![bianca, ghanda]));

    // Get the adjacent vertices to a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_adjacent_vertices_to(VertexIndex(0)), Ok(vec![ewan, faarooq]));

    // Find the shortest paths between some vertices.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_dijkstra_connections(faarooq, bianca), Ok(vec![(faarooq, None), (ava, Some(first_relation)), (bianca, Some(third_relation))]));

    // Update the weight of a vertex.
    graph.update_vertex_weight(ava, Person::new("Avā"))?;
    // Update the weight of a hyperedge.
    graph.update_hyperedge_weight(third_relation, Relation::new("share a viral video with a capybara", 1))?;

    // Update the vertices of a hyperedge.
    graph.update_hyperedge_vertices(third_relation, vec![ewan, ava, daena])?;

    // Remove a hyperedge.

    // Remove a vertex.

    // Reverse a hyperedge.

    // Get the in-degree of a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_vertex_degree_in(ava), Ok(1));

    // Get the out-degree of a vertex.
    assert_eq!(graph.get_vertex_degree_out(ghanda), Ok(0));

    // Contract a hyperedge's vertices.
    graph.contract_hyperedge_vertices(fifth_relation, vec![bianca, charles], bianca)?;

    // Join some hyperedges.
    graph.join_hyperedges(&[fifth_relation, third_relation]);

    // Clear the hyperedges.

    // Clear the whole hypergraph.





  • Shared Trait for the hyperedges. Must be implemented to use the library.
  • Shared Trait for the vertices. Must be implemented to use the library.