Trait html5ever::tree_builder::interface::TreeSink [] [src]

pub trait TreeSink {
    type Output;
    type Handle: Clone;
    fn finish(self) -> Self::Output;
    fn parse_error(&mut self, msg: Cow<'static, str>);
    fn get_document(&mut self) -> Self::Handle;
    fn get_template_contents(&mut self, target: Self::Handle) -> Self::Handle;
    fn same_node(&self, x: Self::Handle, y: Self::Handle) -> bool;
    fn elem_name(&self, target: Self::Handle) -> QualName;
    fn set_quirks_mode(&mut self, mode: QuirksMode);
    fn create_element(&mut self,
                      name: QualName,
                      attrs: Vec<Attribute>)
                      -> Self::Handle; fn create_comment(&mut self, text: StrTendril) -> Self::Handle; fn append(&mut self, parent: Self::Handle, child: NodeOrText<Self::Handle>); fn append_before_sibling(&mut self,
                             sibling: Self::Handle,
                             new_node: NodeOrText<Self::Handle>)
                             -> Result<(), NodeOrText<Self::Handle>>; fn append_doctype_to_document(&mut self,
                                  name: StrTendril,
                                  public_id: StrTendril,
                                  system_id: StrTendril); fn add_attrs_if_missing(&mut self,
                            target: Self::Handle,
                            attrs: Vec<Attribute>); fn remove_from_parent(&mut self, target: Self::Handle); fn reparent_children(&mut self,
                         node: Self::Handle,
                         new_parent: Self::Handle); fn mark_script_already_started(&mut self, node: Self::Handle); fn set_current_line(&mut self, line_number: u64); fn is_mathml_annotation_xml_integration_point(&self,
                                                  handle: Self::Handle)
                                                  -> bool { ... } }

Types which can process tree modifications from the tree builder.

Associated Types

The overall result of parsing.

This should default to Self, but default associated types are not stable yet. (

Handle is a reference to a DOM node. The tree builder requires that a Handle implements Clone to get another reference to the same node.

Required Methods

Consume this sink and return the overall result of parsing.

This should default to fn finish(self) -> Self::Output { self }, but default associated types are not stable yet. (

Signal a parse error.

Get a handle to the Document node.

Get a handle to a template's template contents. The tree builder promises this will never be called with something else than a template element.

Do two handles refer to the same node?

What is the name of this element?

Should never be called on a non-element node; feel free to panic!.

Set the document's quirks mode.

Create an element.

When creating a template element (name == qualname!(html, "template")), an associated document fragment called the "template contents" should also be created. Later calls to self.get_template_contents() with that given element return it.

Create a comment node.

Append a node as the last child of the given node. If this would produce adjacent sibling text nodes, it should concatenate the text instead.

The child node will not already have a parent.

Append a node as the sibling immediately before the given node. If that node has no parent, do nothing and return Err(new_node).

The tree builder promises that sibling is not a text node. However its old previous sibling, which would become the new node's previous sibling, could be a text node. If the new node is also a text node, the two should be merged, as in the behavior of append.

NB: new_node may have an old parent, from which it should be removed.

Append a DOCTYPE element to the Document node.

Add each attribute to the given element, if no attribute with that name already exists. The tree builder promises this will never be called with something else than an element.

Detach the given node from its parent.

Remove all the children from node and append them to new_parent.

Mark a HTML <script> element as "already started".

Provided Methods
