pub trait HolochainP2pEventSender: GhostChannelSender<HolochainP2pEvent> {
Show 17 methods fn put_agent_info_signed(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        peer_data: Vec<AgentInfoSigned>
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<()> { ... }
fn query_agent_info_signed(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        agents: Option<HashSet<Arc<KitsuneAgent>>>,
        kitsune_space: Arc<KitsuneSpace>
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<Vec<AgentInfoSigned>> { ... }
fn query_gossip_agents(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        agents: Option<Vec<AgentPubKey>>,
        kitsune_space: Arc<KitsuneSpace>,
        since_ms: u64,
        until_ms: u64,
        arc_set: Arc<DhtArcSet>
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<Vec<AgentInfoSigned>> { ... }
fn query_agent_info_signed_near_basis(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        kitsune_space: Arc<KitsuneSpace>,
        basis_loc: u32,
        limit: u32
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<Vec<AgentInfoSigned>> { ... }
fn query_peer_density(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        kitsune_space: Arc<KitsuneSpace>,
        dht_arc: DhtArc
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<PeerViewBeta> { ... }
fn call_remote(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        to_agent: AgentPubKey,
        from_agent: AgentPubKey,
        zome_name: ZomeName,
        fn_name: FunctionName,
        cap_secret: Option<CapSecret>,
        payload: ExternIO
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<SerializedBytes> { ... }
fn publish(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        request_validation_receipt: bool,
        countersigning_session: bool,
        ops: Vec<DhtOp>
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<()> { ... }
fn get_validation_package(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        to_agent: AgentPubKey,
        header_hash: HeaderHash
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<ValidationPackageResponse> { ... }
fn get(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        to_agent: AgentPubKey,
        dht_hash: AnyDhtHash,
        options: GetOptions
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<WireOps> { ... }
fn get_meta(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        to_agent: AgentPubKey,
        dht_hash: AnyDhtHash,
        options: GetMetaOptions
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<MetadataSet> { ... }
fn get_links(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        to_agent: AgentPubKey,
        link_key: WireLinkKey,
        options: GetLinksOptions
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<WireLinkOps> { ... }
fn get_agent_activity(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        to_agent: AgentPubKey,
        agent: AgentPubKey,
        query: ChainQueryFilter,
        options: GetActivityOptions
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<AgentActivityResponse<HeaderHash>> { ... }
fn validation_receipt_received(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        to_agent: AgentPubKey,
        receipt: SerializedBytes
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<()> { ... }
fn query_op_hashes(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        arc_set: DhtArcSet,
        window: TimeWindow,
        max_ops: usize,
        include_limbo: bool
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<Option<(Vec<DhtOpHash>, TimeWindowInclusive)>> { ... }
fn fetch_op_data(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        op_hashes: Vec<DhtOpHash>
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<Vec<(DhtOpHash, DhtOp)>> { ... }
fn sign_network_data(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        to_agent: AgentPubKey,
        data: Vec<u8>
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<Signature> { ... }
fn countersigning_authority_response(
        dna_hash: DnaHash,
        to_agent: AgentPubKey,
        signed_headers: Vec<SignedHeader>
    ) -> HolochainP2pEventFuture<()> { ... }
Expand description

The HolochainP2pEvent stream allows handling events generated from the HolochainP2p actor.

Provided methods

We need to store signed agent info.

We need to get previously stored agent info.

We need to get agents that fit into an arc set for gossip.

query agent info in order of closeness to a basis location.

Query the peer density of a space for a given [DhtArc].

A remote node is attempting to make a remote call on us.

A remote node is publishing data in a range we claim to be holding.

A remote node is requesting a validation package.

A remote node is requesting entry data from us.

A remote node is requesting metadata from us.

A remote node is requesting link data from us.

A remote node is requesting agent activity from us.

A remote node has sent us a validation receipt.

The p2p module wishes to query our DhtOpHash store. Gets all ops from a set of agents within a time window and max number of ops. Returns the actual time window of returned ops as well.

The p2p module needs access to the content for a given set of DhtOpHashes.

P2p operations require cryptographic signatures and validation.

Response from an authority to agents that are part of a session.
