pub enum AdminRequest {
Show 25 variants AddAdminInterfaces(Vec<AdminInterfaceConfig, Global>), RegisterDna(Box<RegisterDnaPayload, Global>), CreateCloneCell(Box<CreateCloneCellPayload, Global>), InstallApp(Box<InstallAppPayload, Global>), InstallAppBundle(Box<InstallAppBundlePayload, Global>), UninstallApp { installed_app_id: String, }, ListDnas, GenerateAgentPubKey, ListCellIds, ListEnabledApps, ListActiveApps, ListApps { status_filter: Option<AppStatusFilter>, }, EnableApp { installed_app_id: String, }, ActivateApp { installed_app_id: String, }, DisableApp { installed_app_id: String, }, DeactivateApp { installed_app_id: String, }, StartApp { installed_app_id: String, }, AttachAppInterface { port: Option<u16>, }, ListAppInterfaces, DumpState { cell_id: Box<CellId, Global>, }, DumpFullState { cell_id: Box<CellId, Global>, dht_ops_cursor: Option<u64>, }, DumpNetworkMetrics { dna_hash: Option<HoloHash<Dna>>, }, AddAgentInfo { agent_infos: Vec<AgentInfoSigned, Global>, }, RequestAgentInfo { cell_id: Option<CellId>, }, AddElements { cell_id: CellId, truncate: bool, validate: bool, elements: Vec<Element, Global>, },
Expand description

Represents the available conductor functions to call over an Admin interface and will result in a corresponding AdminResponse message being sent back over the interface connection. Enum variants follow a general convention of verb_noun as opposed to the noun_verb of AdminResponse.

Expects a serialized object with any contents of the enum on a key data and the enum variant on a key type, e.g. { type: 'enable_app', data: { installed_app_id: 'test_app' } }


AddAdminInterfaces(Vec<AdminInterfaceConfig, Global>)

Set up and register one or more new Admin interfaces as specified by a list of configurations. See AdminInterfaceConfig for details on the configuration.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::AdminInterfacesAdded or an AdminResponse::Error

RegisterDna(Box<RegisterDnaPayload, Global>)

Register a DNA for later use in InstallApp Stores the given DNA into the holochain dnas database and returns the hash of the DNA Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::DnaRegistered or an AdminResponse::Error

CreateCloneCell(Box<CreateCloneCellPayload, Global>)

“Clone” a DNA (in the biological sense), thus creating a new Cell.

Using the provided, already-registered DNA, create a new DNA with a unique UID and the specified properties, create a new Cell from this cloned DNA, and add the Cell to the specified App.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::DnaCloned or an AdminResponse::Error

InstallApp(Box<InstallAppPayload, Global>)

Install an app from a list of Dna paths. Triggers genesis to be run on all Cells and to be stored. An App is intended for use by one and only one Agent and for that reason it takes an AgentPubKey and installs all the Dnas with that AgentPubKey forming new Cells. See InstallAppPayload for full details on the configuration.

Note that the new App will not be enabled automatically after installation and can be enabled by calling AdminRequest::EnableApp.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::AppInstalled or an AdminResponse::Error

InstallAppBundle(Box<InstallAppBundlePayload, Global>)

Install an app using an AppBundle.

Triggers genesis to be run on all Cells and to be stored. An App is intended for use by one and only one Agent and for that reason it takes an AgentPubKey and installs all the Dnas with that AgentPubKey forming new Cells. See InstallAppBundlePayload for full details on the configuration.

Note that the new App will not be enabled automatically after installation and can be enabled by calling AdminRequest::EnableApp.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::AppInstalled or an AdminResponse::Error



installed_app_id: String

The InstalledAppId to uninstall

Uninstalls the App specified by argument installed_app_id from the conductor, meaning that the app will be removed from the list of installed apps, and any Cells which were referenced only by this app will be disabled and removed, clearing up any persisted data. Cells which are still referenced by other installed apps will not be removed.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::AppUninstalled or an AdminResponse::Error


List the hashes of all installed Dnas. Takes no arguments.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::DnasListed or an AdminResponse::Error


Generate a new AgentPubKey. Takes no arguments.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::AgentPubKeyGenerated or an AdminResponse::Error


List all the cell ids in the conductor. Takes no arguments.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::CellIdsListed or an AdminResponse::Error


List the ids of all the enabled Apps in the conductor. Takes no arguments.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::ActiveAppsListed or an AdminResponse::Error


👎 Deprecated:

alias for ListEnabledApps

DEPRECATED. Alias for ListEnabledApps.



status_filter: Option<AppStatusFilter>

List the ids of the Apps that are installed in the conductor, returning their information. If status_filter is Some(_), it will return only the Apps with the specified status

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::AppsListed or an AdminResponse::Error



installed_app_id: String

The InstalledAppId to enable

Changes the App specified by argument installed_app_id from a disabled state to an enabled state in the conductor, meaning that Zome calls can now be made and the App will be loaded on a reboot of the conductor. It is likely to want to call this after calling AdminRequest::InstallApp, since a freshly installed App is not activated automatically.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::AppEnabled or an AdminResponse::Error



installed_app_id: String
👎 Deprecated:

alias for EnableApp

The InstalledAppId to enable

👎 Deprecated:

alias for EnableApp

DEPRECATED. Alias for EnableApp.



installed_app_id: String

The InstalledAppId to disable

Changes the App specified by argument installed_app_id from an enabled state to a disabled state in the conductor, meaning that Zome calls can no longer be made, and the App will not be loaded on a reboot of the conductor.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::AppDisabled or an AdminResponse::Error



installed_app_id: String
👎 Deprecated:

alias for DisableApp

The InstalledAppId to disable

👎 Deprecated:

alias for DisableApp

DEPRECATED. Alias for DisableApp.



installed_app_id: String

The InstalledAppId to (re)start



port: Option<u16>

Optional port, use None to let the OS choose a free port

Open up a new websocket interface at the networking port (optionally) specified by argument port (or using any free port if argument port is None) over which you can then use the [AppRequest] API. Any active App will be callable via this interface. The successful AdminResponse::AppInterfaceAttached message will contain the port chosen by the conductor if None was passed.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::AppInterfaceAttached or an AdminResponse::Error


List all the app interfaces currently attached with [AttachAppInterface].



cell_id: Box<CellId, Global>

The CellId for which to dump state

Dump the state of the Cell specified by argument cell_id, including its chain, as a string containing JSON.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::StateDumped or an AdminResponse::Error



cell_id: Box<CellId, Global>

The CellId for which to dump state

dht_ops_cursor: Option<u64>

The last seen DhtOp RowId, returned in [FullIntegrationDump] Only DhtOps with RowId greater than the cursor will be returned

Dump the full state of the Cell specified by argument cell_id, including its chain and DHT shard, as a string containing JSON.

Warning: this API call is subject to change, and will not be available to hApps. This is meant to be used by introspection tooling.

Note that the response to this call can be very big, as it’s requesting for the full database of the Cell.

Also note that while DHT Ops about private entries will be returned (like StoreElement), the entry in itself will be missing, as it’s not actually stored publicly in the DHT shard.

Will be responded to with an AdminResponse::FullStateDumped or an AdminResponse::Error



dna_hash: Option<HoloHash<Dna>>

If set, limit the metrics dumped to a single dna hash space.

Dump the network metrics tracked by kitsune.



agent_infos: Vec<AgentInfoSigned, Global>

Vec of signed agent info to add to peer store

Add a list AgentInfoSigned to this conductor’s peer store. This is another way of finding peers on a dht.

This can be useful for testing.

It is also helpful if you know other agents on the network and they can send you their agent info.



cell_id: Option<CellId>

Optionally choose a specific agent info

Request the AgentInfoSigned stored in this conductor’s peer store.

You can:

  • Get all agent info by leaving cell id to None.
  • Get a specific agent info by setting the cell id.

This is how you can send your agent info to another agent. It is also useful for testing across networks.



cell_id: CellId

The cell that the elements are being inserted into.

truncate: bool

If this is true then all elements in the source chain will be removed before the new elements are inserted. WARNING this cannot be undone. Use with care!

If this is false then the elements will be appended to the end of the source chain.

validate: bool

If this is true then the elements will be validated before insertion. This is much slower but is useful for verify the chain is valid.

If this is false then elements will be inserted as is. This could lead to an invalid chain.

elements: Vec<Element, Global>

The elements to inserted into the source chain.

Insert Elements into the source chain of the CellId.

All elements must be authored and signed by the same agent. The DnaFile (but not necessarily the cell) must already be installed. on this conductor.

Care is needed when using this command as it can result in an invalid chain. Additionally, if conflicting source chain elements are inserted, on different nodes then the chain will be forked.

If an invalid or forked chain is inserted, and then pushed to the DHT, then this can’t be undone.

Note that the cell does not need to exist to run this command. It is possible to insert elements into a source chain before the cell is created. This can be used to restore from backup.

If the cell is installed it is best to call AdminRequest::DisableApp before running this command as otherwise the chain head may move. If truncate is true the chain head is not checked and any new elements will be lost.

Trait Implementations

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

TODO: once 1.33.0 is the minimum supported compiler version, remove Any::type_id_compat and use StdAny::type_id instead. Read more

The archived version of the pointer metadata for this type.

Converts some archived metadata to the pointer metadata for itself.

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Attaches the provided Context to this type, returning a WithContext wrapper. Read more

Attaches the current Context to this type, returning a WithContext wrapper. Read more

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The alignment of pointer.

The type for initializers.

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

The type for metadata in pointers and references to Self.

Should always be Self

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more