Trait headers::Header[][src]

pub trait Header {
    pub fn name() -> &'static HeaderName;
pub fn decode<'i, I>(values: &mut I) -> Result<Self, Error>
        I: Iterator<Item = &'i HeaderValue>
pub fn encode<E>(&self, values: &mut E)
        E: Extend<HeaderValue>
; }

A trait for any object that will represent a header field and value.

This trait represents the construction and identification of headers, and contains trait-object unsafe methods.

Required methods

pub fn name() -> &'static HeaderName[src]

The name of this header.

pub fn decode<'i, I>(values: &mut I) -> Result<Self, Error> where
    I: Iterator<Item = &'i HeaderValue>, 

Decode this type from an iterator of HeaderValues.

pub fn encode<E>(&self, values: &mut E) where
    E: Extend<HeaderValue>, 

Encode this type to a HeaderMap.

This function should be infallible. Any errors converting to a HeaderValue should have been caught when parsing or constructing this value.

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impl Header for AcceptRanges[src]

impl Header for AccessControlAllowCredentials[src]

impl Header for AccessControlAllowHeaders[src]

impl Header for AccessControlAllowMethods[src]

impl Header for AccessControlAllowOrigin[src]

impl Header for AccessControlExposeHeaders[src]

impl Header for AccessControlMaxAge[src]

impl Header for AccessControlRequestHeaders[src]

impl Header for AccessControlRequestMethod[src]

impl Header for Allow[src]

impl Header for CacheControl[src]

impl Header for Connection[src]

impl Header for ContentDisposition[src]

impl Header for ContentEncoding[src]

impl Header for ContentLength[src]

impl Header for ContentLocation[src]

impl Header for ContentRange[src]

impl Header for ContentType[src]

impl Header for Cookie[src]

impl Header for Date[src]

impl Header for ETag[src]

impl Header for Expect[src]

impl Header for Expires[src]

impl Header for Host[src]

impl Header for IfMatch[src]

impl Header for IfModifiedSince[src]

impl Header for IfNoneMatch[src]

impl Header for IfRange[src]

impl Header for IfUnmodifiedSince[src]

impl Header for LastModified[src]

impl Header for Location[src]

impl Header for Origin[src]

impl Header for Pragma[src]

impl Header for Range[src]

impl Header for Referer[src]

impl Header for ReferrerPolicy[src]

impl Header for RetryAfter[src]

impl Header for SecWebsocketAccept[src]

impl Header for SecWebsocketKey[src]

impl Header for SecWebsocketVersion[src]

impl Header for Server[src]

impl Header for SetCookie[src]

impl Header for StrictTransportSecurity[src]

impl Header for Te[src]

impl Header for TransferEncoding[src]

impl Header for Upgrade[src]

impl Header for UserAgent[src]

impl Header for Vary[src]

impl<C: Credentials> Header for Authorization<C>[src]

impl<C: Credentials> Header for ProxyAuthorization<C>[src]

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