Crate gtfs_structures

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The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is a commonly used model to represent public transit data.

This crates brings serde structures of this model and helpers to read GTFS files.

To get started, see Gtfs.

§What is GTFS

A Gtfs feed is a collection of CSV files (often bundled as a zip file). Each file represents a collection of one type (stops, lines, etc.) that have relationships through unique identifiers.

This crate reads a feed, deserializes the objects into Rust structs and verifies the relationships.

§Design decisions

§Two representations

The RawGtfs representation holds the objects as close as possible to their CSV representation. This allows to check invalid references.

Gtfs re-organizes a bit the data. For instance all the StopTime are included within their corresponding Trip and cannot be accessed directly. If an object references a non existing Id it will be an error.

§Use of Enum

Many values are integers that are actually enumerations of certain values. We always use Rust enums, like LocationType to represent them, and not the integer value.


We try to stick as closely as possible to the reference. Optional fields are std::option, while missing mandatory elements will result in an error. If a default value is defined, we will use it.

There are two references and They are mostly the same, even if google’s specification has some extensions.


We kept some names even if they can be confusing (a Calendar will be referenced by service_id), but we strip the object type (route_short_name is Route::short_name).



  • Module for the error management




  • Objects that have an identifier implement this trait
  • Trait to introspect what is the object’s type (stop, route…)