[][src]Trait grin_core::ser::Readable

pub trait Readable where
    Self: Sized
{ fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<Self, Error>; }

Trait that every type that can be deserialized from binary must implement. Reads directly to a Reader, a utility type thinly wrapping an underlying Read implementation.

Required methods

fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<Self, Error>

Reads the data necessary to this Readable from the provided reader

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl Readable for Commitment

impl Readable for BlindingFactor

impl Readable for Identifier

impl Readable for RangeProof

impl Readable for Signature

impl Readable for u8

impl Readable for u16

impl Readable for u32

impl Readable for i32

impl Readable for u64

impl Readable for i64

impl<T> Readable for Vec<T> where
    T: Readable

impl<A: Readable, B: Readable> Readable for (A, B)

impl<A: Readable, B: Readable, C: Readable> Readable for (A, B, C)

impl<A: Readable, B: Readable, C: Readable, D: Readable> Readable for (A, B, C, D)

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impl Readable for KernelFeatures

impl Readable for OutputFeatures

impl Readable for Block

Implementation of Readable for a block, defines how to read a full block from a binary stream.

impl Readable for BlockHeader

Deserialization of a block header

impl Readable for HeaderEntry

impl Readable for BlockSums

impl Readable for CompactBlock

Implementation of Readable for a compact block, defines how to read a compact block from a binary stream.

impl Readable for CompactBlockBody

impl Readable for Hash

impl Readable for ShortId

impl Readable for MerkleProof

impl Readable for Input

Implementation of Readable for a transaction Input, defines how to read an Input from a binary stream.

impl Readable for Output

Implementation of Readable for a transaction Output, defines how to read an Output from a binary stream.

impl Readable for OutputIdentifier

impl Readable for Transaction

Implementation of Readable for a transaction, defines how to read a full transaction from a binary stream.

impl Readable for TransactionBody

Implementation of Readable for a body, defines how to read a body from a binary stream.

impl Readable for TxKernel

impl Readable for TxKernelEntry

impl Readable for Difficulty

impl Readable for Proof

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