Struct graphlib::Graph[][src]

pub struct Graph<T> { /* fields omitted */ }
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Graph data-structure


Creates a new graph.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

assert_eq!(graph.vertex_count(), 1);

Creates a new graph with the given capacity.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::with_capacity(5);

Returns the current capacity of the graph.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::with_capacity(5);

assert!(graph.capacity() >= 5);

Reserves capacity for at least additional more elements to be inserted in the given graph. After calling reserve, capacity will be greater than or equal to self.vertex_count() + additional.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::with_capacity(3);

assert_eq!(graph.capacity(), 3);


assert!(graph.capacity() >= 13);

Shrinks the capacity of the graph as much as possible.

It will drop down as close as possible to the length but the allocator may still inform the vector that there is space for a few more elements.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::with_capacity(5);

assert!(graph.capacity() >= 5);

assert!(graph.capacity() < 5);

Adds a new vertex to the graph and returns the id of the added vertex.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let id = graph.add_vertex(1);

assert_eq!(graph.fetch(&id).unwrap(), &1);

Attempts to place a new edge in the graph.

use graphlib::{Graph, GraphErr, VertexId};

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

// Id of vertex that is not place in the graph
let id = VertexId::random();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(2);

// Adding an edge is idempotent
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2);
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2);
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2);

// Fails on adding an edge between an
// existing vertex and a non-existing one.
assert_eq!(graph.add_edge(&v1, &id), Err(GraphErr::NoSuchVertex));

Attempts to place a new edge in the graph, checking if the specified edge will create a cycle in the graph. If it does, this operation will fail.

Note that this operation has a bigger performance hit than Graph::add_edge().

use graphlib::{Graph, GraphErr, VertexId};

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

// Id of vertex that is not place in the graph
let id = VertexId::random();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(2);

// Adding an edge is idempotent
graph.add_edge_check_cycle(&v1, &v2);
graph.add_edge_check_cycle(&v1, &v2);
graph.add_edge_check_cycle(&v1, &v2);

// Fails on adding an edge which creates
// a cycle in the graph.
assert_eq!(graph.add_edge_check_cycle(&v2, &v1), Err(GraphErr::CycleError));

Attempts to place a new edge in the graph.

use graphlib::{Graph, GraphErr, VertexId};

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

// Id of vertex that is not place in the graph
let id = VertexId::random();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(2);

// Adding an edge is idempotent
graph.add_edge_with_weight(&v1, &v2, 0.3);

// Fails on adding an edge between an
// existing vertex and a non-existing one.
assert_eq!(graph.weight(&v1, &v2), Some(0.3));

Returns the weight of the specified edge if it is listed.

use graphlib::{Graph, GraphErr, VertexId};

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

// Id of vertex that is not place in the graph
let id = VertexId::random();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(3);

// Adding an edge is idempotent
graph.add_edge_with_weight(&v1, &v2, 0.54543);

assert_eq!(graph.weight(&v1, &v2), Some(0.54543));
assert_eq!(graph.weight(&v1, &v3), None);

Sets the weight of the edge to the new value if the edge exists in the graph. Note that the given weight must be a number between (and including) -1.0 and 1.0.

use graphlib::{Graph, GraphErr, VertexId};

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

// Id of vertex that is not place in the graph
let id = VertexId::random();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge_with_weight(&v1, &v2, 0.54543);
assert_eq!(graph.weight(&v1, &v2), Some(0.54543));

// Set new weight
graph.set_weight(&v1, &v2, 0.123).unwrap();
assert_eq!(graph.weight(&v1, &v2), Some(0.123));

Checks whether or not exists an edge between the vertices with the given ids.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();

assert!(graph.has_edge(&v1, &v2));
assert!(!graph.has_edge(&v2, &v3));

Returns the total number of edges that are listed in the graph.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v2, &v3).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v4).unwrap();

assert_eq!(graph.edge_count(), 3);

Returns the number of vertices that are placed in the graph.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();


assert_eq!(graph.vertex_count(), 3);

Attempts to fetch a reference to an item placed in the graph using the provided VertexId.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let id = graph.add_vertex(1);

assert_eq!(*graph.fetch(&id).unwrap(), 1);

Attempts to fetch a mutable reference to an item placed in the graph using the provided VertexId.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let id = graph.add_vertex(1);

assert_eq!(*graph.fetch(&id).unwrap(), 1);

// Fetch a mutable reference
let v = graph.fetch_mut(&id).unwrap();

// Mutate vertex value
*v = 2;

assert_eq!(*graph.fetch(&id).unwrap(), 2);

Removes a vertex that matches the given VertexId.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(3);

// The remove operation is idempotent

assert_eq!(graph.vertex_count(), 2);

Removes the specified edge from the graph.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v2, &v3).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v4).unwrap();

assert_eq!(graph.edge_count(), 3);

// The remove edge operation is idempotent
graph.remove_edge(&v2, &v3);
graph.remove_edge(&v2, &v3);
graph.remove_edge(&v2, &v3);

assert_eq!(graph.edge_count(), 2);

Iterates through the graph and only keeps vertices that match the given condition.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();


graph.retain(|v| *v != 2);

assert_eq!(graph.vertex_count(), 2);

Performs a fold over the vertices that are situated in the graph in Depth-First Order.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();


let result = graph.fold(0, |v, acc| v + acc);

assert_eq!(result, 6);

Performs a map over all of the vertices of the graph, applying the given transformation function to each one.

Returns a new graph with the same edges but with transformed vertices.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let id1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let id2 = graph.add_vertex(2);

graph.add_edge(&id1, &id2);

// Map each vertex
let mapped: Graph<usize> =|v| v + 2);

assert!(graph.has_edge(&id1, &id2));
assert!(mapped.has_edge(&id1, &id2));
assert_eq!(graph.fetch(&id1).unwrap(), &1);
assert_eq!(graph.fetch(&id2).unwrap(), &2);
assert_eq!(mapped.fetch(&id1).unwrap(), &3);
assert_eq!(mapped.fetch(&id2).unwrap(), &4);

Returns true if the graph has cycles.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v2, &v3).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v4).unwrap();


graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1);


Returns the number of root vertices in the graph.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();

assert_eq!(graph.roots_count(), 1);

Returns the total count of neighboring vertices of the vertex with the given id.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();

assert_eq!(graph.neighbors_count(&v1), 3);

Returns the total count of inbound neighboring vertices of the vertex with the given id.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();

assert_eq!(graph.in_neighbors_count(&v1), 1);

Returns the total count of outbound neighboring vertices of the vertex with the given id.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);
let v5 = graph.add_vertex(4);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v2, &v5).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v2, &v3).unwrap();

assert_eq!(graph.out_neighbors_count(&v1), 2);
assert_eq!(graph.out_neighbors_count(&v2), 2);

Returns an iterator over the inbound neighbors of the vertex with the given id.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let mut neighbors = vec![];

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();

// Iterate over neighbors
for v in graph.in_neighbors(&v1) {

assert_eq!(neighbors.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(neighbors[0], &v3);

Returns an iterator over the outbound neighbors of the vertex with the given id.

#[macro_use] extern crate graphlib;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();

assert!(set![&v2, &v4] == graph.out_neighbors(&v1).collect());

Returns an iterator over the inbound and outbound neighbors of the vertex with the given id.

#[macro_use] extern crate graphlib;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();

assert!(set![&v2, &v4, &v3] == graph.neighbors(&v1).collect());

Returns an iterator over all edges that are situated in the graph.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let mut edges = vec![];

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();

// Iterate over edges
for v in graph.edges() {

assert_eq!(edges.len(), 3);

Returns an iterator over the root vertices of the graph.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let mut roots = vec![];

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();

// Iterate over roots
for v in graph.roots() {

assert_eq!(roots.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(roots[0], &v3);

Returns an iterator over the tips of the graph. These are all the vertices that have an inbound edge but no outbound edge.

#[macro_use] extern crate graphlib;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let mut tips = set![];

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();

// Iterate over tips
for v in {

assert_eq!(tips.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(tips, set![&v2, &v4]);

Returns an iterator over all of the vertices that are placed in the graph.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let mut vertices = vec![];

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

// Iterate over vertices
for v in graph.vertices() {

assert_eq!(vertices.len(), 4);

Returns an iterator over the vertices of the graph in Depth-First Order. The iterator will follow vertices with lower weights first.

#[macro_use] extern crate graphlib;
use graphlib::Graph;
use std::collections::HashSet;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();

let mut dfs = graph.dfs();

assert_eq!(, Some(&v3));
assert_eq!(, Some(&v1));
assert!(set![&v2, &v4] == dfs.collect());

Returns an iterator over the vertices of the graph in Breadth-First Order. The iterator will follow vertices with lower weights first.

use graphlib::Graph;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let mut vertices = vec![];

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);
let v5 = graph.add_vertex(4);
let v6 = graph.add_vertex(5);
let v7 = graph.add_vertex(6);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v7).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v2, &v5).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v5, &v6).unwrap();

// Iterate over vertices
for v in graph.bfs() {

assert_eq!(vertices.len(), 7);

Returns an iterator over the vertices of the graph which follows a DFS based topological order (Kahn’s algorithm).

Topological sorting is not possible for graphs which contain a cycle. You may use topo.is_cylic() == false to verify that your graph is a DAG.

If you attempt to use a topological order without confirming that your graph is a DAG, you may encounter a panic!().

The panic!() will be encountered when the iterator detects that there are no more vertices to visit, but all vertices have not been visited.

#[macro_use] extern crate graphlib;
use graphlib::Graph;
use std::collections::HashSet;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(3);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(4);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v2, &v3).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v4).unwrap();

let mut topo = graph.topo();

assert_eq!(, Some(&v1));
assert_eq!(, Some(&v2));
assert!(set![&v3, &v4] == topo.collect());

Returns an iterator over the shortest path from the source vertex to the destination vertex. The iterator will yield None if there is no such path or the provided vertex ids do not belong to any vertices in the graph.

#[macro_use] extern crate graphlib;
use graphlib::Graph;
use std::collections::HashSet;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(3);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(4);
let v5 = graph.add_vertex(5);
let v6 = graph.add_vertex(6);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v2, &v3).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v4).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v5).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v5, &v6).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v6, &v4).unwrap();

let mut dijkstra = graph.dijkstra(&v1, &v4);

assert_eq!(, Some(&v1));
assert_eq!(, Some(&v2));
assert_eq!(, Some(&v3));
assert_eq!(, Some(&v4));
assert_eq!(, None);

Returns an iterator over the values of the vertices placed in the graph.

#[macro_use] extern crate graphlib;
use graphlib::Graph;
use std::collections::HashSet;

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(3);

let mut values = graph.values();

assert!(set![&1, &2, &3] == values.collect());

Creates a file with the dot representation of the graph. This method requires the dot crate feature.

use graphlib::Graph;

use std::fs::File;
let mut f = File::create("").unwrap();

let mut graph: Graph<String> = Graph::new();

 let v1 = graph.add_vertex("test1".to_string());
 let v2 = graph.add_vertex("test2".to_string());
 let v3 = graph.add_vertex("test3".to_string());
 let v4 = graph.add_vertex("test4".to_string());

 let v5 = graph.add_vertex("test5".to_string());
 let v6 = graph.add_vertex("test6".to_string());

 graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
 graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();
 graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();
 graph.add_edge(&v5, &v6).unwrap();

 assert!(graph.to_dot("example1", &mut f).is_ok());

Labels the vertex with the given id. Returns the old label if successful.

This method requires the dot crate feature.

use graphlib::{Graph, VertexId};

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let random_id = VertexId::random();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);

assert!(graph.add_vertex_label(&v1, "V1").is_ok());
assert!(graph.add_vertex_label(&v2, "V2").is_ok());
assert!(graph.add_vertex_label(&v3, "V3").is_ok());
assert!(graph.add_vertex_label(&random_id, "will fail").is_err());

Labels the edge with between the given vertices. Returns the old label if successful.

This method requires the dot crate feature.

use graphlib::{Graph, VertexId};

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let random_id = VertexId::random();

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v3, &v1).unwrap();

assert!(graph.add_edge_label(&v1, &v2, "V1->V2").is_ok());
assert!(graph.add_edge_label(&v3, &v1, "V3->V1").is_ok());
assert!(graph.add_edge_label(&v2, &v3, "V2->V3").is_err());
assert!(graph.add_edge_label(&v1, &v3, "V1->V3").is_err());

Retrieves the label of the vertex with the given id.

This method requires the dot crate feature.

Returns None if there is no vertex associated with the given id in the graph.

Retrieves the label of the edge with the given vertices.

This method requires the dot crate feature.

Returns None if there is no edge associated with the given vertices in the graph.

Maps each label that is placed on a vertex to a new label.

This method requires the dot crate feature.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use graphlib::{Graph, VertexId};

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let random_id = VertexId::random();
let mut vertex_id: usize = 1;

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

assert!(graph.add_vertex_label(&v1, &format!("V{}", vertex_id)).is_ok());
vertex_id += 1;

assert!(graph.add_vertex_label(&v2, &format!("V{}", vertex_id)).is_ok());
vertex_id += 1;

assert!(graph.add_vertex_label(&v3, &format!("V{}", vertex_id)).is_ok());

assert_eq!(graph.vertex_label(&v1).unwrap(), "V1");
assert_eq!(graph.vertex_label(&v2).unwrap(), "V2");
assert_eq!(graph.vertex_label(&v3).unwrap(), "V3");

let new_labels: HashMap<VertexId, String> = vec![v1.clone(), v2.clone(), v3.clone(), v4.clone()]
    .map(|id| {
        vertex_id += 1;
        let label = format!("V{}", vertex_id);

        (id.clone(), label)

graph.map_vertex_labels(|id, _old_label| new_labels.get(id).unwrap().clone());

assert_eq!(graph.vertex_label(&v1).unwrap(), "V4");
assert_eq!(graph.vertex_label(&v2).unwrap(), "V5");
assert_eq!(graph.vertex_label(&v3).unwrap(), "V6");
assert_eq!(graph.vertex_label(&v4).unwrap(), "V7");

Maps each label that is placed on an edge to a new label.

This method requires the dot crate feature.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use graphlib::{Graph, VertexId};

let mut graph: Graph<usize> = Graph::new();
let random_id = VertexId::random();
let mut vertex_id: usize = 1;

let v1 = graph.add_vertex(0);
let v2 = graph.add_vertex(1);
let v3 = graph.add_vertex(2);
let v4 = graph.add_vertex(3);

graph.add_edge(&v1, &v2).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v2, &v3).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v1, &v4).unwrap();
graph.add_edge(&v4, &v3).unwrap();

assert!(graph.add_edge_label(&v1, &v2, &"V1->V2").is_ok());
assert!(graph.add_edge_label(&v2, &v3, &"V2->V3").is_ok());
assert!(graph.add_edge_label(&v1, &v4, &"V1->V4").is_ok());
assert!(graph.add_edge_label(&v4, &v3, &"V4->V3").is_ok());
assert!(graph.add_edge_label(&v1, &v3, &"V1->V3").is_err());

assert_eq!(graph.edge_label(&v1, &v2).unwrap(), "V1->V2");
assert_eq!(graph.edge_label(&v2, &v3).unwrap(), "V2->V3");
assert_eq!(graph.edge_label(&v1, &v4).unwrap(), "V1->V4");
assert_eq!(graph.edge_label(&v4, &v3).unwrap(), "V4->V3");

graph.map_edge_labels(|edge, old_label| format!("*{}*", old_label.unwrap()));

assert_eq!(graph.edge_label(&v1, &v2).unwrap(), "*V1->V2*");
assert_eq!(graph.edge_label(&v2, &v3).unwrap(), "*V2->V3*");
assert_eq!(graph.edge_label(&v1, &v4).unwrap(), "*V1->V4*");
assert_eq!(graph.edge_label(&v4, &v3).unwrap(), "*V4->V3*");

Trait Implementations

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (toowned_clone_into)

recently added

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.