Crate graphalgs

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graphalgs is a graph algorithms library based on the Rust petgraph crate.


use graphalgs::shortest_path::floyd_warshall;
use graphalgs::metrics::{ weighted_radius, weighted_diameter };
use petgraph::Graph;

let inf = f32::INFINITY;

// Create a graph with `f32` edge weights.
let graph = Graph::<(), f32>::from_edges(&[
    (0, 1, 2.0), (1, 2, 10.0), (1, 3, -5.0),
    (3, 2, 2.0), (2, 3, 20.0),

// Calculate the distance matrix using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
    floyd_warshall(&graph, |edge| *edge.weight()),
    Ok(vec![vec![0.0, 2.0, -1.0, -3.0],
            vec![inf, 0.0, -3.0, -5.0],
            vec![inf, inf,  0.0, 20.0],
            vec![inf, inf,  2.0,  0.0]])

// Calculate the radius and diameter of this graph,
// taking into account the weights of the edges.
assert_eq!(weighted_radius(&graph, |edge| *edge.weight()), Some(2.0));
assert_eq!(weighted_diameter(&graph, |edge| *edge.weight()), Some(inf));


pub extern crate nalgebra;
pub extern crate petgraph;


Graph adjacency matrices based on the nalgebra crate.
Algorithms related to graph connectivity.
Algorithms for finding elementary circuits.
Graph generators.
Basic graph characteristics based on the concept of distance between vertices.
Minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithms.
Shortest path algorithms.
Special algorithms that are difficult to categorize.
Algorithms that simplify work with such type of graphs as a tournament.
Some useful traits missing in petgraph.