[][src]Trait graph_rs_sdk::oauth::IntoEnumIterator

pub trait IntoEnumIterator {
    type Iterator;
    pub fn iter() -> Self::Iterator;

This trait designates that an Enum can be iterated over. It can be auto generated using strum_macros on your behalf.


// You need to bring the type into scope to use it!!!
use strum::IntoEnumIterator;

enum Color {
        Green { range:usize },

// Iterating over any enum requires 2 type parameters
// A 3rd is used in this example to allow passing a predicate
fn generic_iterator<E, I, F>(pred: F)
                     where E: IntoEnumIterator<Iterator=I>,
                           I: Iterator<Item=E>,
                           F: Fn(E) {
    for e in E::iter() {

fn main() {
    generic_iterator::<Color,_, _>(|color| println!("{:?}", color));

Associated Types

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Required methods

pub fn iter() -> Self::Iterator[src]

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impl IntoEnumIterator for GrantRequest[src]

type Iterator = GrantRequestIter

impl IntoEnumIterator for GrantType[src]

type Iterator = GrantTypeIter

impl IntoEnumIterator for OAuthCredential[src]

type Iterator = OAuthCredentialIter

impl IntoEnumIterator for Algorithm[src]

type Iterator = AlgorithmIter

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