Expand description

Library for reading and writing GPT disk data structures through a block IO interface.

This crate adds a convenient interface for reading and writing the GPT types defined in the gpt_disk_types crate to a Disk. The Disk is represented by the BlockIo trait, which allows this library to be no_std. The disk can be backed by:


  • std: Enables the StdBlockIo type, as well as std::error::Error implementations for all of the error types. Off by default.


Construct a GPT disk in-memory backed by a Vec:

use gpt_disk_io::{BlockIo, Disk, DiskError, MutSliceBlockIo};
use gpt_disk_types::{
    guid, BlockSize, Crc32, GptHeader, GptPartitionEntry,
    GptPartitionEntryArray, GptPartitionType, LbaLe, U32Le,

// Space for a 4MiB disk.
let mut disk_storage = vec![0; 4 * 1024 * 1024];

// Standard 512-byte block size.
let bs = BlockSize::BS_512;

// `MutSliceBlockIo` implements the `BlockIo` trait which is used by
// the `Disk` type for reading and writing.
let block_io = MutSliceBlockIo::new(&mut disk_storage, bs);

let mut disk = Disk::new(block_io)?;

// Manually construct the header and partition entries.
let primary_header = GptHeader {
    header_crc32: Crc32(U32Le::from_u32(0xa4877843)),
    my_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(1),
    alternate_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(8191),
    first_usable_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(34),
    last_usable_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(8158),
    disk_guid: guid!("57a7feb6-8cd5-4922-b7bd-c78b0914e870"),
    partition_entry_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(2),
    number_of_partition_entries: U32Le::from_u32(128),
    partition_entry_array_crc32: Crc32(U32Le::from_u32(0x9206adff)),
let secondary_header = GptHeader {
    header_crc32: Crc32(U32Le::from_u32(0xdbeb4c13)),
    my_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(8191),
    alternate_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(1),
    partition_entry_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(8159),
let partition_entry = GptPartitionEntry {
    partition_type_guid: GptPartitionType(guid!(
    unique_partition_guid: guid!("37c75ffd-8932-467a-9c56-8cf1f0456b12"),
    starting_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(2048),
    ending_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(4096),
    attributes: Default::default(),
    name: "hello world!".parse().unwrap(),

// Create a buffer the length of one block. A `Vec` is used here,
// but any mutable byte slice with the right length will do.
let mut block_buf = vec![0u8; bs.to_usize().unwrap()];

// Write out the protective MBR and GPT headers. Note that without
// the protective MBR, some tools won't recognize the disk as GPT.
disk.write_protective_mbr(&mut block_buf)?;
disk.write_primary_gpt_header(&primary_header, &mut block_buf)?;
disk.write_secondary_gpt_header(&secondary_header, &mut block_buf)?;

// Construct the partition entry array.
let layout = primary_header.get_partition_entry_array_layout().unwrap();
let mut bytes =
    vec![0; layout.num_bytes_rounded_to_block_as_usize(bs).unwrap()];
let mut entry_array =
    GptPartitionEntryArray::new(layout, bs, &mut bytes).unwrap();
*entry_array.get_partition_entry_mut(0).unwrap() = partition_entry;

// Write the primary partition entry array.

// Write the secondary partition entry array.

// Ensure all writes are flushed. This is not needed with the slice
// backend, but is good practice for "real" IO. (The disk will also
// flush when dropped, but any errors at that point are ignored.)



Read and write GPT disk data.

Wrapper type that implements the BlockIo trait for mutable byte slices.

Wrapper type that implements the BlockIo trait for immutable byte slices.

Wrapper type that implements the BlockIo trait for a file-like type that implements Read, Write, and Seek.


Error type used by Disk methods.


Trait for reading from and writing to a block device.