Expand description

Library of GPT disk data types.

GPT disk components

│MBR│Primary│Primary partition│Partition│Secondary partition│Secondary│
│   │header │entry array      │data     │entry array        │header   │
  1. The first block of the disk contains a protective MBR. See MasterBootRecord::protective_mbr.
  2. The second block of the disk contains the primary GPT header. See GptHeader.
  3. Additional blocks after the header contain the partition entry array. See GptPartitionEntry and GptPartitionEntryArray.
  4. At the end of the disk is a secondary GPT header and partition entry array.


The UEFI Specification specifies that data structures are little endian (section 1.8.1 “Data Structure Descriptions”). Unless otherwise noted, all fields in this library are little endian. This is true even when running the code on a big-endian architecture; the U16Le, U32Le, U64Le, and LbaLe types help enforce this. The little-endian convention is also used for Display implementations. This means bytes within each field will appear reversed when compared with a flat hex dump of GPT data.


  • bytemuck: Implements bytemuck’s Pod and Zeroable traits for many of the types in this crate. Also enables some methods that rely on byte access.
  • std: Provides std::error::Error implementations for all of the error types. Off by default.


Construct a GPT header:

use gpt_disk_types::{guid, Crc32, GptHeader, LbaLe, U32Le};

let header = GptHeader {
    header_crc32: Crc32(U32Le::from_u32(0xa4877843)),
    my_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(1),
    alternate_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(8191),
    first_usable_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(34),
    last_usable_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(8158),
    disk_guid: guid!("57a7feb6-8cd5-4922-b7bd-c78b0914e870"),
    partition_entry_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(2),
    number_of_partition_entries: U32Le::from_u32(128),
    partition_entry_array_crc32: Crc32(U32Le::from_u32(0x9206adff)),

Construct a GPT partition entry:

use gpt_disk_types::{guid, GptPartitionEntry, GptPartitionType, LbaLe};

let entry = GptPartitionEntry {
    partition_type_guid: GptPartitionType(guid!(
    unique_partition_guid: guid!("37c75ffd-8932-467a-9c56-8cf1f0456b12"),
    starting_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(2048),
    ending_lba: LbaLe::from_u64(4096),
    attributes: Default::default(),
    name: "hello world!".parse().unwrap(),


pub use crc;
pub use ucs2;


Create a Guid from a string at compile time.


Size of a block in bytes.

Legacy MBR cylinder/head/sector.

32-bit CRC (cyclic redundency check).

Legacy disk geometry used for converting between Lba and Chs.

GPT header that appears near the start and end of a GPT-formatted disk.

GPT header revision.

GPT header signature.

Partition attribute bits.

An entry within the GPT partition array.

Storage for a GPT partition entry array.

Disk layout of a GPT partition entry array.

Size in bytes of entries in the partition entry array.

Human readable partition label encoded as a null-terminated UCS-2 string.

Unique ID representing the type of a partition.

Globally-unique identifier.

Logical block address.

Logical block address stored as a U64Le.

Inclusive range of logical block addresses.

Legacy master boot record.

Legacy MBR partition record.

16-bit unsigned integer stored as a little-endian.

32-bit unsigned integer stored as a little-endian.

64-bit unsigned integer stored as a little-endian.
