Crate go_engine

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This crate is part of the Goscript project. Please refer to for more information.

It’s a wapper of all the parts of the Goscript project. It also implements the standard library, the standard library part is still under development, only a few parts are implemented.


use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use go_engine::{Config, ErrorList, SourceReader, run};

fn run_file(path: &str, trace: bool) -> Result<(), ErrorList> {
   let mut cfg = Config::default();
   cfg.trace_parser = trace;
   cfg.trace_checker = trace;
   let sr = SourceReader::local_fs(PathBuf::from("../std/"), PathBuf::from("./"));
   let result = run(cfg, &sr, Path::new(path), None);
   if let Err(el) = &result {
       eprint!("{}", el);


The project is entended to be enbedded, so it has a lot of feature flags to turn on/off different parts.

  • read_fs: Read source code from local file system
  • read_zip: Read source code from zip file
  • async: Channel and goroutine support
  • go_std: Enable the Go standard library
  • btree_map: Make it use BTreeMap instead of HashMap
  • codegen: Enable codegen
  • instruction_pos: Add instruction position to bytecode for debugging
  • serde_borsh: Serde support for bytecode using Borsh
  • wasm: Enable wasm support



  • ImportKey identifies an imported package by import path and source directory (directory containing the file containing the import). In practice, the directory may always be the same, or may not matter. Given an (import path, directory), an importer must always return the same package (but given two different import paths, an importer may still return the same package by mapping them to the same package paths).

