go-engine 0.1.5

The wrapper of the Goscript project.

This crate is part of the Goscript project. Please refer to https://goscript.dev for more information.

It's a wapper of all the parts of the Goscript project. It also implements the standard library, the standard library part is still under development, only a few parts are implemented.


use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use go_engine::{Config, ErrorList, SourceReader, run};

fn run_file(path: &str, trace: bool) -> Result<(), ErrorList> {
let mut cfg = Config::default();
cfg.trace_parser = trace;
cfg.trace_checker = trace;
let sr = SourceReader::local_fs(PathBuf::from("../std/"), PathBuf::from("./"));
let result = run(cfg, &sr, Path::new(path), None);
if let Err(el) = &result {
eprint!("{}", el);


The project is entended to be enbedded, so it has a lot of feature flags to turn on/off different parts.

  • read_fs: Read source code from local file system
  • read_zip: Read source code from zip file
  • async: Channel and goroutine support
  • go_std: Enable the Go standard library
  • btree_map: Make it use BTreeMap instead of HashMap
  • codegen: Enable codegen
  • instruction_pos: Add instruction position to bytecode for debugging
  • serde_borsh: Serde support for bytecode using Borsh
  • wasm: Enable wasm support