[][src]Struct gnuplot::Axes3D

pub struct Axes3D { /* fields omitted */ }

3D axes that is used for drawing 3D plots


impl Axes3D[src]

pub fn surface<'l, T: DataType, X: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(
    &'l mut self,
    mat: X,
    num_rows: usize,
    num_cols: usize,
    dimensions: Option<(f64, f64, f64, f64)>,
    options: &[PlotOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Draws a 3D surface from a rectangular array of data by connecting the individual datapoints with polygons.


  • mat - Row-major 2D array signifying the Z coordinate of the datapoints. The X and Y coordinates of the datapoints are determined automatically, and optionally scaled using the dimensions argument.
  • num_rows - Number of rows in the data array
  • num_cols - Number of columns in the data array
  • dimensions - Optional X and Y coordinates of the first and last data points (with the rest of the coordinates spaced evenly between). By default this will be (0, 0) and (num_rows - 1, num_cols - 1).
  • options - Array of PlotOption controlling the appearance of the surface. Relevant options are:
    • Caption - Specifies the caption for this dataset. Use an empty string to hide it (default).

pub fn points<'l, Tx: DataType, X: IntoIterator<Item = Tx>, Ty: DataType, Y: IntoIterator<Item = Ty>, Tz: DataType, Z: IntoIterator<Item = Tz>>(
    &'l mut self,
    x: X,
    y: Y,
    z: Z,
    options: &[PlotOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Plot a 3D scatter-plot with a point standing in for each data point


  • x - x values
  • y - y values
  • z - z values
  • options - Array of PlotOption<&str> controlling the appearance of the plot element. The relevant options are:
    • Caption - Specifies the caption for this dataset. Use an empty string to hide it (default).
    • PointSymbol - Sets symbol for each point
    • PointSize - Sets the size of each point
    • Color - Sets the color

pub fn lines<'l, Tx: DataType, X: IntoIterator<Item = Tx>, Ty: DataType, Y: IntoIterator<Item = Ty>, Tz: DataType, Z: IntoIterator<Item = Tz>>(
    &'l mut self,
    x: X,
    y: Y,
    z: Z,
    options: &[PlotOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Plot a 3D scatter-plot with lines connecting each data point


  • x - x values
  • y - y values
  • z - z values
  • options - Array of PlotOption<&str> controlling the appearance of the plot element. The relevant options are:
    • Caption - Specifies the caption for this dataset. Use an empty string to hide it (default).
    • PointSymbol - Sets symbol for each point
    • PointSize - Sets the size of each point
    • Color - Sets the color

pub fn lines_points<'l, Tx: DataType, X: IntoIterator<Item = Tx>, Ty: DataType, Y: IntoIterator<Item = Ty>, Tz: DataType, Z: IntoIterator<Item = Tz>>(
    &'l mut self,
    x: X,
    y: Y,
    z: Z,
    options: &[PlotOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

A combination of lines and points methods (drawn in that order).


  • x - x values
  • y - y values
  • z - z values
  • options - Array of PlotOption<&str> controlling the appearance of the plot element

pub fn set_view<'l>(&'l mut self, pitch: f64, yaw: f64) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the 3D view.


  • pitch - Pitch, in degrees. Value of 0 is looking straight down on the XY plane, Z pointing out of the screen.
  • yaw - Yaw, in degrees. Value of 0 is looking at the XZ plane, Y point into the screen.

pub fn set_view_map<'l>(&'l mut self) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the view to be a map. Useful for images and contour plots.

pub fn set_z_label<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    text: &str,
    options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Set the label for the Z axis


  • text - Text of the label. Pass an empty string to hide the label
  • options - Array of LabelOption controlling the appearance of the label. Relevant options are:
    • Offset - Specifies the offset of the label
    • Font - Specifies the font of the label
    • TextColor - Specifies the color of the label
    • Rotate - Specifies the rotation of the label
    • Align - Specifies how to align the label

pub fn set_z_ticks<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    tick_placement: Option<(AutoOption<f64>, u32)>,
    tick_options: &[TickOption<&str>],
    label_options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_ticks but for the Z axis.

pub fn set_z_ticks_custom<'l, T: DataType, TL: IntoIterator<Item = Tick<T>>>(
    &'l mut self,
    ticks: TL,
    tick_options: &[TickOption<&str>],
    label_options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_ticks_custom but for the the Y axis.

pub fn set_z_range<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    min: AutoOption<f64>,
    max: AutoOption<f64>
) -> &'l mut Self

Set the range of values for the Z axis


  • min - Minimum Z value
  • max - Maximum Z value

pub fn set_z_reverse<'l>(&'l mut self, reverse: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets z axis to reverse.

pub fn set_z_log<'l>(&'l mut self, base: Option<f64>) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the Z axis be logarithmic. Note that the range must be non-negative for this to be valid.


  • base - If Some, then specifies base of the logarithm, if None makes the axis not be logarithmic

pub fn set_z_grid<'l>(&'l mut self, show: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Shows the grid on the Z axis.


  • show - Whether to show the grid.

pub fn set_z_time<'l>(&'l mut self, is_time: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the Z axis be time. Note that the range must be non-negative for this to be valid.

If true, the axis is interpreted as seconds from the Unix epoch. Use the Format TickOption to specify the formatting of the ticks (see strftime format spec for valid values).


  • is_time - Whether this axis is time or not.

pub fn show_contours<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    base: bool,
    surface: bool,
    style: ContourStyle,
    label: AutoOption<&str>,
    levels: AutoOption<u32>
) -> &'l mut Self

Show contours (lines of equal Z value) at automatically determined levels.


  • base - Show contours on the base of the plot (XY plane)
  • surface - Show the contours on the surface itself
  • style - Style of the contours
  • label - Auto sets the label automatically and enables the legend, Fix() allows you specify a format string (using C style formatting), otherwise an empty string disables the legend and labels.
  • levels - Auto picks some default number of levels, otherwise you can pass a set nominal number instead. The number is nominal as contours are placed at nice values of Z, and thus there may be fewer of them than this number.

pub fn show_contours_custom<'l, T: DataType, TC: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(
    &'l mut self,
    base: bool,
    surface: bool,
    style: ContourStyle,
    label: AutoOption<&str>,
    levels: TC
) -> &'l mut Self

Show contours (lines of equal Z value) at specific levels.


  • base - Show contours on the base of the plot (XY plane)
  • surface - Show the contours on the surface itself
  • style - Style of the contours
  • label - Auto sets the label automatically and enables the legend, Fix() allows you specify a format string (using C style formatting), otherwise an empty string disables the legend and labels.
  • levels - A set of levels.

Trait Implementations

impl AxesCommon for Axes3D[src]

fn set_pos_grid<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    nrow: u32,
    ncol: u32,
    pos: u32
) -> &'l mut Self

Set the position of the axes on the figure using grid coordinates. # Arguments * nrow - Number of rows in the grid. Must be greater than 0. * ncol - Number of columns in the grid. Must be greater than 0. * pos - Which grid cell to place this axes in, counting from top-left corner, going left and then down, starting at 0. Read more

fn set_pos<'l>(&'l mut self, x: f64, y: f64) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Set the position of the axes on the figure using screen coordinates. The coordinates refer to the bottom-left corner of the axes # Arguments * x - X position. Ranges from 0 to 1 * y - Y position. Ranges from 0 to 1 Read more

fn set_size<'l>(&'l mut self, w: f64, h: f64) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Set the size of the axes # Arguments * w - Width. Ranges from 0 to 1 * h - Height. Ranges from 0 to 1 Read more

fn set_aspect_ratio<'l>(&'l mut self, ratio: AutoOption<f64>) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Set the aspect ratio of the axes # Arguments * ratio - The aspect ratio. Set to Auto to return the ratio to default Read more

fn set_x_label<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    text: &str,
    options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Set the label for the X axis # Arguments * text - Text of the label. Pass an empty string to hide the label * options - Array of LabelOption controlling the appearance of the label. Relevant options are: * Offset - Specifies the offset of the label * Font - Specifies the font of the label * TextColor - Specifies the color of the label * Rotate - Specifies the rotation of the label * Align - Specifies how to align the label Read more

fn set_y_label<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    text: &str,
    options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_label, but for the Y axis

fn set_cb_label<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    text: &str,
    options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_label, but for the color bar

fn set_title<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    text: &str,
    options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Set the title for the axes # Arguments * text - Text of the title. Pass an empty string to hide the title * options - Array of LabelOption<&str> controlling the appearance of the title. Relevant options are: * Offset - Specifies the offset of the label * Font - Specifies the font of the label * TextColor - Specifies the color of the label * Rotate - Specifies the rotation of the label * Align - Specifies how to align the label Read more

fn label<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    text: &str,
    x: Coordinate,
    y: Coordinate,
    options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Adds a label to the plot, with an optional marker. # Arguments * text - Text of the label * x - X coordinate of the label * y - Y coordinate of the label * options - Array of LabelOption<&str> controlling the appearance of the label. Relevant options are: * Offset - Specifies the offset of the label * Font - Specifies the font of the label * TextColor - Specifies the color of the label * Rotate - Specifies the rotation of the label * Align - Specifies how to align the label * MarkerSymbol - Specifies the symbol for the marker. Omit to hide the marker * MarkerSize - Specifies the size for the marker * MarkerColor - Specifies the color for the marker Read more

fn set_x_ticks<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    tick_placement: Option<(AutoOption<f64>, u32)>,
    tick_options: &[TickOption<&str>],
    label_options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Sets the properties of the ticks on the X axis. Read more

fn set_y_ticks<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    tick_placement: Option<(AutoOption<f64>, u32)>,
    tick_options: &[TickOption<&str>],
    label_options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_ticks but for the Y axis.

fn set_cb_ticks<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    tick_placement: Option<(AutoOption<f64>, u32)>,
    tick_options: &[TickOption<&str>],
    label_options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_ticks but for the color bar axis.

fn set_x_ticks_custom<'l, T: DataType, TL: IntoIterator<Item = Tick<T>>>(
    &'l mut self,
    ticks: TL,
    tick_options: &[TickOption<&str>],
    label_options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Sets ticks on the X axis with specified labels at specified positions. Read more

fn set_y_ticks_custom<'l, T: DataType, TL: IntoIterator<Item = Tick<T>>>(
    &'l mut self,
    ticks: TL,
    tick_options: &[TickOption<&str>],
    label_options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_ticks_custom but for the the Y axis.

fn set_cb_ticks_custom<'l, T: DataType, TL: IntoIterator<Item = Tick<T>>>(
    &'l mut self,
    ticks: TL,
    tick_options: &[TickOption<&str>],
    label_options: &[LabelOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_ticks_custom but for the the color bar axis.

fn set_x_range<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    min: AutoOption<f64>,
    max: AutoOption<f64>
) -> &'l mut Self

Set the range of values for the X axis. Read more

fn set_y_range<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    min: AutoOption<f64>,
    max: AutoOption<f64>
) -> &'l mut Self

Set the range of values for the Y axis. Read more

fn set_x_reverse<'l>(&'l mut self, reverse: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets X axis to reverse. # Arguments * reverse - Boolean, true to reverse axis, false will not reverse Read more

fn set_y_reverse<'l>(&'l mut self, reverse: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets Y axis to reverse. # Arguments * reverse - Boolean, true to reverse axis, false will not reverse Read more

fn set_cb_range<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    min: AutoOption<f64>,
    max: AutoOption<f64>
) -> &'l mut Self

Set the range of values for the color bar axis. Read more

fn set_x_log<'l>(&'l mut self, base: Option<f64>) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the X axis be logarithmic. Note that the range must be non-negative for this to be valid. Read more

fn set_y_log<'l>(&'l mut self, base: Option<f64>) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the Y axis be logarithmic. Note that the range must be non-negative for this to be valid. Read more

fn set_cb_log<'l>(&'l mut self, base: Option<f64>) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the color bar axis be logarithmic. Note that the range must be non-negative for this to be valid. Read more

fn set_x_grid<'l>(&'l mut self, show: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Shows the grid on the X axis. Read more

fn set_y_grid<'l>(&'l mut self, show: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Shows the grid on the Y axis. Read more

fn set_cb_grid<'l>(&'l mut self, show: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Shows the grid on the color bar axis. Read more

fn set_grid_options<'l>(
    &'l mut self,
    front: bool,
    options: &[PlotOption<&str>]
) -> &'l mut Self

Set the grid options. Read more

fn set_x_time<'l>(&'l mut self, is_time: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the X axis be time. Read more

fn set_y_time<'l>(&'l mut self, is_time: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the Y axis be time. Note that the range must be non-negative for this to be valid. Read more

fn set_cb_time<'l>(&'l mut self, is_time: bool) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the color bar axis be time. Note that the range must be non-negative for this to be valid. Read more

fn set_margins<'l>(&'l mut self, margins: &[MarginSide]) -> &'l mut Self[src]

Sets the margins of the plot. Read more

fn set_palette(&mut self, palette: PaletteType) -> &mut Self[src]

Sets the palette used for 3D surface and image plots Read more

fn set_custom_palette<T: IntoIterator<Item = (f32, f32, f32, f32)>>(
    &mut self,
    palette_generator: T
) -> &mut Self

Sets a custom palette used for 3D surface and image plots. A custom palette is specified by a sequence of 4-tuples (with at least one element). The first element is the grayscale value that is mapped to the remaining three elements which specify the red, green and blue components of the color. The grayscale values must be non-decreasing. All values must range from 0 to 1. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

impl Send for Axes3D

impl Sync for Axes3D

Blanket Implementations

impl<T, U> Into for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> From for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryFrom for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = !

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryInto for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.