Trait glitter::context::program_context::ContextProgramExt [] [src]

pub trait ContextProgramExt: BaseContext {
    unsafe fn create_program(&self) -> Result<Program()> { ... }
    fn attach_shader(&self, program: &mut Program, shader: &Shader) { ... }
    fn link_program(&self, program: &mut Program) -> Result<()GLError> { ... }
    fn get_program_info_log(&self, program: &Program) -> Option<String> { ... }
    fn get_attrib_location<'a>(&self, program: &Program, name: &'a str) -> Result<ProgramAttribUnknownProgramAttrib<'a>> { ... }
    fn get_uniform_location<'a>(&self, program: &Program, name: &'a str) -> Result<ProgramUniformUnknownProgramUniform<'a>> { ... }
    fn set_uniform<T>(&self, _gl_program: &ProgramBinding, uniform: ProgramUniform, val: T) where T: UniformData { ... }

An extension trait that includes program-related OpenGL methods.

Provided Methods

unsafe fn create_program(&self) -> Result<Program()>

Create a new program object that has no shaders attached, or return an error if a shader object could not be created.


Most OpenGL function calls assume a program object will have already had shaders attached and linked using gl.attach_shader and gl.link_program, respectively. Violating this invariant is considered undefined behavior in glitter.

See also

glCreateProgram OpenGL docs

gl.build_program: A safe wrapper for creating a program object.

fn attach_shader(&self, program: &mut Program, shader: &Shader)

Attach a shader to a program object.


This function will panic if the provided shader is already attached to the program object.

See also

glAttachShader OpenGL docs

Link the program object, so that it can be used for rendering. Returns an error if the program could not be linked.


If the GL_LINK_STATUS after linking the program was not GL_TRUE, then an error object containing the program's info log will be returned. Refer to the glLinkProgram OpenGL docs for the possible causes of failure.


This function will panic if an OpenGL error is generated and debug assertions are enabled.

See also

glLinkProgram OpenGL docs

fn get_program_info_log(&self, program: &Program) -> Option<String>

Return the information log for the program object, if any is avaiable.


If the info log returned by the OpenGL driver contained an invalid UTF-8 sequence, None will be returned.

See also

glGetProgramInfoLog OpenGL docs

fn get_attrib_location<'a>(&self, program: &Program, name: &'a str) -> Result<ProgramAttribUnknownProgramAttrib<'a>>

Retrieve a program attribute's index by name, or return an error if the attribute was not found in the program.


This function will panic if an OpenGL error was generated and debug assertions are enabled.

See also

glGetAttribLocation OpenGL docs

fn get_uniform_location<'a>(&self, program: &Program, name: &'a str) -> Result<ProgramUniformUnknownProgramUniform<'a>>

Retrieve a program uniform's index by name, or return an error if the unfirom was not found within the program.


This function will panic if an OpenGL error was generated and debug assertions are enabled.

See also

glGetUniformLocation OpenGL docs

fn set_uniform<T>(&self, _gl_program: &ProgramBinding, uniform: ProgramUniform, val: T) where T: UniformData

Set the value of a uniform variable within the provided program object binding.

  • _gl_program: The program binding to change.
  • uniform: The location of the uniform varaible. This value can be retrieved using gl.get_uniform_location method.
  • val: The value to set the uniform varaible to. See the UniformData docs for more details about the types of uniform data.


This function will panic if an OpenGL error is generated and debug assertions are enabled.

See also

glUniform OpenGL docs
